Mr. Kuhn
(941) 474-7702
email: (preferred way to get in touch with me)
Course syllabus: Algebra II Honors 2017-2018
- Students are to show respect for their classmates and teacher at all times.
- You are required to be on time to class with all of your materials. Please do not take up class time finding materials. Textbooks should be in class each day unless the teacher specifies otherwise.
- You are expected to complete make-up work immediately upon return. Arrangements for make-up test should be made with the instructor and should not interrupt with class time. Daily assignments are posted in the back of the classroom and the student is responsible for getting them and completing them in a timely manner. If a handout was given, the student needs to see the instructor to get said handout.
- No Late assignments will be accepted. There is a one day grace period for turning in homework assignments with a penalty of one letter grade. County policy will be observed if the student is absent when an assignment is assigned. He/she will get 2 days for each day absent. Day one is the first day back
- Talking during test/quizzes will result in a grade of a “0”.
Charlotte County attendance policy is in effect. If a student accumulated 10 or more absences in a semester, 30% of the grade will be deducted for the assignment.
When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get the assignment and turn it in/show the teacher in a timely manner (2 days for every day absent-day one is the first day they return). Test make-up times need to be coordinated with the teacher and is expected to be done before or after school.
Students will be assigned a workbook for the class. There will be a class set of textbooks in the classroom. Many of the assignments will come from the textbook so students will need to get a picture of the assignment or access the online textbook to complete assignments.
As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own, even if you should have the permission of that person.
Cheating includes (but is not limited to) giving OR receiving assistance on a test, quiz, or homework assignment for which such assistance is not permitted
Anyone found cheating or plagiarizing will be given an F on the assignment.
Grades are done on a point system and throughout any given 9-week period, there will be roughly 500 points. Total Points divided by total possible points times 100 = % grade. There are 3 categories of grades:
Graded homework/classwork: Usually once per week or once every two weeks the student will be required to turn in an assignment that will be graded for accuracy. These assignments will typically be worth 20 points. IF ABSENT, A STUDENT SHOULD GET THE ASSIGNMENT AND TURN IT IN IN A TIMELY MANNER.
Daily assignments: Assignment will be checked daily to see that the assignment is complete and answers were checked whenever possible. Each day’s assignment will be worth 3 points and is graded for completion, not accuracy. STUDENTS THAT ARE ABSENT FOR A GIVEN ASSIGNMENT ARE REQUIRED TO GET THE ASSIGNMENT AND THEN SHOW IT TO THE TEACHER IN A TIMELY MANNER TO GET CREDIT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.
Test: Test will be given periodically throughout the quarter. During a given quarter there will typically be 3 tests usually worth 100 points.
- Pencil and eraser.If an assignment is not turned in in pencil, 2 points will be deducted. If a student does not use a pencil chronically, the assignment may not be accepted.
- Calculator: A student should have a calculator with graphing capabilities. A TI-83 or TI-84 is preferred.
- Materials for notes and assignments. There are two preferred ways to do this:
- Three-ring binder (THIS SHOULD ONLY CONTAIN MATERIAL FOR THE CLASS): this should be separated into three sections: notes, daily assignments, and graded assignments
- A spiral notebook for notes and a folder for daily assignments and graded assignments. THESE SHOULD ONLY CONTAIN MATERIALS FOR THIS CLASS
- Expressions, equations, and inequalities
- Functions, equations, and graphs
- Linear systems
- Quadratic equations and functions
- Polynomials and polynomial functions
- Radical functions and rational exponents
- Exponential and logarithmic functions
- Rational functions
- Statistics
- Normal curve and standard deviation
- Trig and the unit circle
Students are not to have cellphones or other technology out or in use during class time. A cell phone should not be used for a calculator during class. A cellphone may be used to take a picture of the assignment during the last 2 minutes of class.