Chandler-Gilbert Community CollegeDual Enrollment
Brad Pinter
Email:Phone:480-244-2143 Room: C-103
- Text: Stats-Modeling the World Bock, Velleman, De Veaux; Pearson— Boston,2007.
- TI-84 graphing calculator required.
- Pencils Only
- Students will be accountable for their own actions and learning
- RESPECT: You respect me, I respect you
- No derogatory statements or profanity
- Classroom participation is required
- No iPods or cell phones during class – 1st time warning and then confiscated
- BE ON TIME – be prepared and in your seat when the bell rings
- No food or drink, except water, is allowed in the classroom. Please pick up after yourself.
- Come to class prepared and ready to learn
- Please keep your comments to yourself unless it is an appropriate time
- Sit in your assigned seat
- The bell does not dismiss you, I DO!
In this class there is NO time for disrespectful or immature behavior. It is the last thing that I want to deal with and it will NOT be tolerated. Students who deny others of the right to learn will be subject to the following consequences:
1st: Warning and Student Meeting
2nd: Parent Contact
3rd: Referral to Administration
Any serious issues will result in direct removal and referral to administration.
BHS Safe School Environment:
All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice, and bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability, or sexual orientation.
Tardy Policy:
Being late is disrespectful to your teacher and your class.
1st – warning
2nd – warning
3rd – warning and parent contact
4th– Referral and parent contact
It is vital that you are in class every day. After the 9th absence, a student may be dropped and may lose credit for the course. All students have 1 day for each day they miss to make up homework, tests, or quizzes. It is YOUR responsibility to check the website to find out what you missed and complete it in the time given. Please get notes from a friend before you ask me any questions.
Homework is essential! Daily practice is the key to increasing the understanding of mathematical concepts. Homework is given by chapter and online at (. All homework will be checked on completeness and accuracy. All photos or printouts of work must be shown and organized with student ID in picture to receive credit. Please notify me prior to the due date if you are having difficulties completing the work, otherwise credit will not be given.
Late Work Policy:
Late work will be accepted at a reduced rate until the unitexam is given. After the exam, NO LATE WORK will be accepted unless a prior arrangement has been made with me.
Tests will be given at the end of a unit (often several chapters) and will be graded on accuracy. All tests will be announced. If absent, the student will have one week to complete the exam once he or she has returned, during non-class hours.
Quizzes may or may not be announced. If absent, the test or quiz must be made up within one week from the day you return, during non-class hours. Short pop quizzes (5 points) may be given from time to time at the beginning of class. If the student is tardy/absent (unexcused) and misses the quiz, they will not receive full points for the quiz.
- A standard scale is used:
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: 50-59%
- Grades will be calculated on 90%-10% split with quizzes/exams/projects/class participation worth 90% and homework 10%
- Parents can access their child’s grades and assignments by going to the school’s website and clicking on Parent Connect
- Semester grades are a 40-40-20 split with 40% being 1st semester, 40% being 2nd semester, and 20% being the final exam.
- Parents can access their child’s grades and assignments through the online system infinite campus.
Extra Help:
I will be available on Thursdays after school from 2:15 – 3:00, Monday –Friday from 6 am – 6:30 am, every C lunch, and conference periods. If additional time is needed, please see me to schedule a time.
This class will be intense but with hard work and a positive attitude, you will achieve great things. Set your goals high, keep up with the work, and you will see the reward at the end. I look forward to working with you this year.
AP Statistics Syllabus
Please detach this slip and return signed no later than July 22, 2015 to receive credit.
By signing below, I have read and understand the syllabus.
Printed Student Name – Please make it legible
Student SignatureDate
Parent or Guardian SignatureDate
The best way to communicate is through email. Please allow 24 hours for a response. Please print your email address clearly so you can receive updates on your child’s progress. I also encourage you to check their grades on a weekly basis through Parent Connect and to check my website for assignments and test dates.
Name – first and lastEmail
Name – first and lastEmail