Dance I


Ms. Jessica Clark

Email: Office Hours: By appointment only

Location: Room 45Phone Number: (310) 394-3701

Prerequisites: none

Upon completion of Dance I students may matriculate to: Dance II


Dance I for the 1st semester of the 2015-2016 school year, now is in full effect! I am excited and look forward to our journey of enlightenment, inspiration, and education through the creativity of dance. Students will display through this class the IOS:

St. Monica graduates will cultivate their personal talents by...
• possessing a deeper sense of self and true appreciation of their unique gifts
• leading a healthy lifestyle that results in lifelong physical and emotional well-being
• creating strong interpersonal relationships through leadership and collaboration


This course explores movement through space, time, and energy through the introduction of different dance styles. Jazz, ballet, ethnic dance styles, ballroom dancing and stage movement will be surveyed throughout the course. The concept of physical health and conditioning will also be introduced through the use of Pilates or other strengthening/conditioning techniques. Students will discover, through guided instruction, the role of aesthetics, creativity, and expression with regards to dance. Students will participate in kinesthetic, oral, and written projects designed to foster musical interpretation and a personal discovery of movement. Students will have opportunities to acquire basic skills for performance. Peer and self-evaluations will be used. All students will perform in a concert at the end of the semester. (This course may also fulfill physical education graduation requirement)


  1. Expand each student’s physical dance ability in various genres through movement.
  2. Improve students’ knowledge of dance history, kinesthetic connection and terminology.
  3. Gain a greater understanding of dance as an art form through class discussions, movement participation, viewing dance films, learning choreography, and creating their own dances.


Students are required to dress properly for class every day as outlined in the Dress Code Section. Student must participate in every part of class and/or performances: lecture, assignments, warm up, across the floor, center movement, choreography, group work, freestyle circle, and cool down.

Classroom Materials

The following materials are to be brought to class everydayunless noted by the instructor:

  • Pens: blue or black and red ink
  • 3-Ring Binder with Loose-leaf College ruled 3-hole punch paper
  • 2 Pocket Folder (with 3-hole punch to fit in binder)
  • SMCHS Planner
  • An open mind and positive attitude 

Course Methodology

The following methods will be used to deliver the material to the student:

  • Lecture/Discussion with note taking
  • Audiovisual presentation
  • Group Activity & group work
  • Reading/Research
  • Journal/Essay writing
  • Warm up
  • Across the floor and center movement exploration
  • Freestyle circle
  • Cool down


Student grades will be assessed in the following areas:

  • Daily Participation
  • Execution of performance
  • Daily dress code
  • Projects/papers
  • Written test/quizzes

Every assignment will be graded on an individual basis based on these criteria:

  • Ability to turn work in when it is due
  • No late work of any kind will be accepted.
  • Effort & creativity
  • Performance
  • Individual growth


St. Monica Catholic High School Grading Scale

Each assignment will be given a point value. At the end of each Quarter/Semester, the student’s total number of points earned will be divided by the total number of points available to earn. This percentage will determine the student’s overall grade in the class.

100-95 = A86-83 = B76-73 = C67-66 = D

94-90 = A- 82-80 = B-72-70 = C- 65 = D-

89-87 = B+79-77 = C+69-68 = D+ 64-= F

Grading Percent System:

  • Daily participation = 25% of grade
  • Daily proper dress code = 25% of grade
  • Notebook = 25% of grade
  • Tests/projects/assessments = 25% of grade

Dress Code:

  • School P.E. shirt and shorts
  • Sweat pants
  • Cotton or athletic shorts/ pants
  • Proper under garments must be worn at all times
  • Dance shoes (ballet or jazz shoes preferred)


  • Jean or denim clothing (ex: jeans, shorts or skirts)
  • Regular school uniform

Once you have read the entire syllabus and classroom rules with your child please sign (parent/guardian and child) and return to Ms. Clark before 8/28/15.


(Please sign and detach bottom)

I have read and understand the syllabus, grading scale and dress code requirement:


Parent /Guardian signature student signature


1.Come to class prepared and on time. This means dressed before class begins and arrive on time. Student will not be able to leave to dress once class begins you will lose your points for the day if not dressed properly. Be prepared with any class materials needed (notes, choreography, etc.)

2.Have a positive attitude. Remember this is a place of learning and you chose this class, please have a positive attitude and open mind to allow room for learning and build creativity to further your own skill and your experience in the class.

3.Attend to personal needs before class. I will not give passes to retain personal items. Passes will be limited to emergency needs. Do not ask for the pass if it is not a true emergency. The answer will be a polite NO.

4.Do not drink or eat during class. Please no food, candy or drinks besides water may be consumed during class time. Water may only be consumed during designated water breaks frequently throughout the class period.

5.Talk only when permitted. NO talking is permitted during lecture, movement, review and/or cool down unless otherwise instructed.

6.NO put downs! Do not tease or say negative comments towards anyone participating in movement. This will not be tolerated; we are all here to learn. No one is perfect! Including myself. Be respectful in your words AND body language.

7.Follow the rules! Don’t be shy and let’s have fun! 

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