G4 Image Software Specifications Build 5/23/05
The this image contains all current AISD software for student workstations. This image contains the standard District image.
Helpful Hint: The Student Desktop provides full functionality and access to all productivity applications and should suffice for normal use. Students are only prevented from making some changes to System Preferences and installing and/or launching certain system utilities.
Tasks to be completed upon image installation:
1. Rename the computer using a naming convention that provides each computer with a unique name that identifies campus and location of computer within that campus (This is for network service and ARD admin purposes.)
Go to: Apple/System Preferences/Sharing/Computer Name.
2. Connect to appropriate printer:
a. Go to Apple/System Preferences.
b. Select Print/Fax.
c. Click in the Printer: Pulldown menu and select, “Edit Printer List . . .”
d. Select, “Add.”
e. Locate the appropriate printer from the list shown.
3. Connect to your campus server:
a. From the Desktop, Go to Go/Connect to Server . . .
b. Click on the Browse button.
c. Select the server that contains your campus server. (example: c1nslv)
d. Next, select your campus server. (example: T004D03)
e. Log in using an appropriate logon and password.
f. Once the server icon appears, create an alias (shortcut) to be stored on the desktop for future use.
e. NOTE: You must do this for both Teacher and Student Accounts.
5. To give the Student account Admin rights for SW installation and Dock modifications:
a. Go to Apple/System Preferences
b. Select Accounts
c. Click on the Student picture then Parental Controls
d. Uncheck Finder.app $ System
f. Check the box near the bottom that allows user to administer this computer.
6. Following modifications, remember to reverse this process for the Student account. Check some Limits and we suggest checking the following boxes:
Administer Printers, Burn Cds & DVDs and Allow Supporting Programs.
Software Titles
Operating Systems 10.41 and 9.2.2
- Office for OS X ver. 10.1.5 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
- Internet Explorer ver. 5.2.3.
- AppleWorks ver. 6.2.9 (Includes English and Spanish Dictionaries).
- iTunes ver. 4.8 (Plays MP3 music and voice files).
- iPhoto ver. 5.0.2 (Stores and organizes photos and other graphics).
- iMovie HD ver. 5.0.2 (Creates digital movies from images and video).
- Safari ver. 2.0 (Apple’s web browser).
- Chess ver. 2.1 (3D chess game that is licensed to this eMac computer).
- QuickTime ver. 7.0 (Play and edit QuickTime video and audio clips).
- GarageBand ver. 2.0.1 (Create and Edit music).
- Inspiration ver. 7.5b (Graphic Organizer – creates outlines, flow charts, and other visual aids).
- Kidspiration ver. 2.0 (Simpler form of Inspiration for elementary students).
- FireFox ver. 1.0.4 (Crossplatform web browser)
- Real One Player ver. 10.0 (Web Plug-in for playing varios media clips).
- Canoscan software for use with Canon LiDE 20 scanners.
- Windows Media Player ver. 9.0 (Play a variety of media clips).
- StuffIt Standard ver. 9.0 (Expands compressed files after downloading).
- Macromedia Flash Player ver. 7.0 r24 (Web plug-in that plays Flash multimedia clips). - Macromedia ShockWave ver. 10 (Web plug-in that plays Flash multimedia clips).
- Adobe Reader ver. 7.0.1 (PDF document reader).
- Lotus Notes 6.5.4 for teacher email OS X Native Application.
- eTrust AntiVirus protection SW version 7.1
Software for OS 9 Classic Mode
- Utilities to help the Classic Mode function
Web Browsing Bookmarks and Web-Based Resources
We have updated the bookmarks for Internet Explorer for both students and teachers to reflect current licensing.
Web based Licenses
- Learning.Com (Online Tutorials for students and teachers along with technology integration resources).
- United Streaming (Online digital video resources for students and teachers).
- Library Resources for Students and Teachers (A number of research resources).
- AtomicLearning.com (Online Software tutorials for AISD staff and HS students).
System Settings
- This machine is owned by the Teacher Account.
- There is an admin account for maintenance purposes but applications on the admin dock are for maintenance purposes only.
- Automatic Software Update is turned on in System Preferences for the teacher account and off for the student Account.
- The Date and Time settings are set to automatically update from our
district’s time server, “time1”.
- Finder Prefs - Always show extensions, Open new windows in column view.
- Moved dock for both teacher and student to the right and turned on Magnification. Added Applicatons Folder to teacher’s dock to provide easier access to apps not listed in dock.
- Student desktop: Gray lines Teacher desktop: gray swirls.
- A copy of Teacher and Student Favorites for IE are stored in the Shared
Documents directory. These bookmarks have been updated as of 9/03.
- This document entitled, “G4 Image Specs.doc” is stored in: Users/Shared/ directory.
History of Image Modifications
3/19/05 Deleted all caches, histories, and server favorites