Please find detailed below the report for the site monitoring undertaken on31 March 2015. If you should have any queries or require any photographs taken on site please do not hesitate to contact me.

File Ref: 11 421 12 / Visit no: 4 of 4
Monitoring Officer: Glenn Shaw
Tel No: 03330136873 / Time on site: 10:35 / Time off site: 11:40
Site Co-ordinator:Glenn Shaw / Tel No: 03330136873
Site Name: Elsenham Sand Quarry, Henham Road, Elsenham, Essex
Operator: Brett Aggregates and Viridor
Site Representative: Sharon Spain (Bretts)
Permission no’s:
ESS/49/10/UTT (waste recycling facility) (varies ESS/55/98/UTT)
ESS/24/05/UTT (mixing and batching plant for mortar and concrete (varies ESS/21/01/UTT)) Note: Plant not installed.
ESS/13/08/UTT (Landraising (Varies ESS/51/03/UTT))
ESS/52/07/UTT (site office)
Permission Number & Romp Date Due: 18 Dec 2023
Weather:Dry/ Windy / Rain/ Snow
Noise:Acceptable/ Not acceptable N/A
Approach Roads:Dry/ Dusty / Wet / Muddy / Flooded
Ground:Dry / Dusty / Wet/ Damp / Muddy / Flooded
Access: Obstructed / Not Obstructed / Mud on Road / Ice / Slippery
Wheel Cleaning:Washer / Spinner / Sweeper / none
Hose:In use / Not in Use / N/A
Machinery:Working / Not working
In correct position:Yes / No / N/A
Stockpiles:Height = N/A
Bunds:Profiled / Grassed / Weeds/ NA
Actions from last site visit:
Noise monitoring required at 3 monthly intervals
Bund maintenance and planting along eastern boundary (adjacent to the bull nose) to be monitored and maintained.
Inspection Results Summary:
The site monitoring visit was unannounced.
Meet Sharon Spain Area Production Manager (Interim)
Brett Aggregates Ltd – East
The site was in operation at the time of the visit.
The remaining sand and gravel reserve was being extracted from phase 3 and was working at time of visit.
Landfilling is progressing onsite and HGV movements were checked to see if they were within their movements which they are;
The haul road and access was clear of mud and debris.HGVs witnessed using wheel wash facilities.The operator has continued to maintainthe haul route;
A Caravan was again witnessed being located within the storage bays/bunkers adjacent to the weighbridge and office. No planning permission exits for these and would be required from Uttlesford District Council.
Site tidy and working within permitted areas.
Compliance with Conditions
Permission No. / Condition No. / Scope of Condition and Action to be taken / Action to be taken by
Operator or MPA/WPA
ESS/13/08/UTT / 13 / Submit noise monitoring / operator
Actions to be taken before next site visit:
Caravan to be removed
Noise monitoring required at 3 monthly intervals
Bund maintenance and planting along eastern boundary (adjacent to the bull nose) to be monitored and maintained.
Note:The actions noted in this report are required in order to ensure adequate progress is made and to avoid potential enforcement action against a breach of planning control.