EFA Community Room July 6, 2007

933 Hoffman Street 9:00 a.m.

Elmira, New York 14905 (Continuation-July 11, 2007-6:00 pm)

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / District Clerk Janet Watson called the Reorganization Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 9:12 a.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
ATTENDANCE / Present: Michael Crimmins, Anthony Fisher, Jr., Lynn Grottenthaler, Daniel Hurley, Rodney Strange, Ethel Stroman, Mary Beth Turner, Robert Woods
Absent: Robin Long, Alternative High School Student Representative Justin Kinney, Elmira Free Academy Student Representative Hunter Reed, Southside High School Student Representative Adam Sandore
Others: Dr. Raymond Bryant, David Gleason, Joseph Hochreiter, Christine Mecke, Attorney John Ryan, Robert VanKeuren
OATH OF OFFICE-SUPERINTENDENT / The Oath of Office was administered to District Superintendent Dr. Raymond Bryant.
NEW BOARD MEMBERS / The Oath of Office was administered to Board members elected at the May 15, 2007 School Board election: Lynn Grottenthaler, Rodney Strange, Ethel Stroman, Robert Woods.
DISTRICT CLERK / The Oath of office was administered to District Clerk Janet M. Watson.
NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT / Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Mrs. Grottenthaler, that Mr. Hurley be nominated for President
Mr. Hurley accepted the nomination
There being no further nominations, nominations for President were closed.
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT / Mr. Hurley was elected President for the 2007-2008 school year by a vote of 8-0.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Fisher, Grottenthaler, Hurley, Strange, Stroman
Turner, Woods
No: None
Absent: Long
NOMINATIONS FOR VICE PRESIDENT / Mrs. Turner moved, seconded by Mr. Woods that Mr. Crimmins be nominated for Vice President.
Mr. Crimmins accepted the nomination.
Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that Mrs. Grottenthaler be nominated for Vice President.
Mrs. Grottenthaler accepted the nomination.
There being no further nominations, nominations for Vice President were closed.
Ms. Stroman would like to hear from the nominated Board members why they feel they should be Vice President of the Board.
Mr. Crimmins stated that several board members approached him to run as Vice President. He checked with Attorney Ryan to see if there was a conflict of interest for him to run because earlier in the year he resigned as President due to his new position as Senior Vice President at Chemung Canal Trust Company. Attorney Ryan felt there would not be a conflict if he decided to accept the nomination. Mr. Crimmins went on to say that he has a fair and objective perspective of different issues that the Board deals with and has already had the experience as serving as Board President.
Mrs. Grottenthaler explained that she has been a teacher in the district for 38 years and President of the Elmira Teacher’s Association and feel that she is qualified to hold the office of Vice President and can demonstrate the appropriate knowledge of issues without hesitation. She also stated that she is very organized and functional and has no special interest but the betterment of the District.
ELECTION OF VICE PRESIDENT / Mr. Crimmins was elected Vice President for the 2007-08 school year by a straw poll vote of 5-3.
Motion Carried:
The following was the result of the vote:
Crimmins for Vice President:
Yes: Crimmins, Fisher, Turner, Stroman, Woods
Grottenthaler for Vice President:
Yes: Hurley, Grottenthaler, Strange
Absent: Long
OATH OF OFFICE-PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT / The Oath of office was administered to President Hurley.
The Oath of Office was administered to Vice President Crimmins.
WORK SESSION, REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS / Mr. Crimmins moved, seconded by Mr. Woods that the Board approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the existing rules and Regulations of the Board of Education as set forth in Section 2504 of Education law, Board Policies 1510 and 1520 relative to time, place and procedure covering work Session, Regular and Special meetings be continued for the 2007-08 school year. Additional meeting may be added and the location of meetings may be changed as needed.
2007-08 Work Sessions
August 15, 2007
September 5, 2007
October 3, 2007
November 7, 2007
December 5, 2007
January 2, 2007
February 6, 2008
March 5, 2008
March 26, 2008
April 2, 2008
May 7, 2008
June 4, 2008
2007-08 Regular Board Meetings:
July 6, 2007-Reorganization Meeting
July 11, 2007-Continued Reorganization Meeting
August 29, 2007
September 19, 2007
October 17, 2007
November 21, 2007
December 19, 2007
January 16, 2008
February 20, 2008
March 19, 2008
April 23, 2008
May 20, 2008-Vote & Election
June 18, 2008
Superintendent Budget Development Meetings:
March 12, 2008
March 13, 2008
March 18, 2008
March 20, 2008
March 24, 2008-Board Workshop
March 25, 2008-Board Workshop
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Fisher, Grottenthaler, Hurley, Strange, Stroman
Turner, Woods
No: None
Absent: Long
Mr. Crimmins moved, seconded by Mr. Woods to post-phone the rest of the items on the agenda for the July 11, 2007 meeting.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Fisher, Grottenthaler, Hurley, Strange, Stroman
Turner, Woods
No: None
Absent: Long
RESIGNATION OF BOARD MEMBER / Mr. Woods announced to the Board that he would be resigning his position as Board member due to the resent results of the May 15, 2007 election. Mr. Woods chooses not to wait for the Commissioner’s decision on the election results and feels it is only fair that Mr. Timothy Blandford be sworn in as a new Board member along with the other candidates that were elected to the Board for the 2007-08 school year. Mr. Woods did say that he would still like to continue to be on the Building and Grounds committee.
Mr. Crimmins thanked Mr. Wood for all the hard work that he contributed to the Board. Mr. Fisher also thanked Mr. Woods for guiding him through his first year on the Board.
Mr. Woods will give the Clerk his resignation in writing on Monday, July 9, 2007.
Attorney Ryan explained that with Mr. Woods resignation Mr. Blandford would then slide into his seat on the Board and finish Mr. Woods one year term left on the Board. After Mr. Woods announcement, questions arose in regards to the Commissioner’s decision on the election results and seats being filled on the Board. Discussion ensued and Attorney Ryan was instructed by the Board to bring back options to them regarding this issue at the July 11th meeting.
ADJOURNMENT / Mr. Crimmins moved, seconded by Mr. Fisher that the meeting be adjourned. (9:40 a.m.)
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Fisher, Grottenthaler, Hurley, Strange, Stroman
Turner, Woods
No: None
Absent: Long
Janet M. Watson
Board Clerk