February20, 2018

(Location: EGHS Foyer Conference Room at 7:00 pm)


  1. Welcome-Call to Order – 7:00 pm

In Attendance: Michelle W., Kerry G., Julie K., Tracy R., Kevin R.

  1. Approval of Minutes for January Minutes- Approved
  1. Mrs. Catt Reports (via conference call)
  1. Reimbursements: ACDA – will get in touch with Helen regarding costs
  2. Next Choir Concert 3/15
  3. Vocal Jazz Festival 3/17 – will get back to us regarding lunch plans, etc.
  4. Track Jacket Order: will get sizes from the 3 new Chamber members and place the order for 5 jackets. Includes Julie Krol and Mr. Duessling. Choir Boosters to pay for Mr. Duessling’s jacket.
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Helen (Not present)
  1. Unpaid Wardrobe Alterations Deducted from Student Accounts
  2. Chipotle Check was cashed.
  3. IMEC Expenses follow-up.
  4. Parent bad email addresses possibly to follow-up on.
  5. Track Jacket payments.
  1. Committee Reports
  1. President Report – Julie
  1. Fuller’s Car Wash Fundraiser Sales: after sending email out to parents to advertise, three people responded and one followed up and bought one. We have eleven left to sell. No expiration date. Will follow up with the two other families that responded and see if still interested.
  2. Lou Malnati’sFrozen Pizza Certificates Fundraiser: We sold 394 certificates. They were delivered to the school today.
  3. IMEC CD’s: Mrs. Catt sent invoice to the Boosters but hasn’t heard anything back from the Company we ordered from yet. She will follow up with Helen.
  4. Thank You Letter to IMEC Videographer: Julie will send out. Askedfor input as to what to include in the letter before sending out.
  5. D214 Honors Music Festival 2/27: Honors Concert Choir combined with other district 214 Choirs. Located at RMHS Gym at 7:30pm (Free and open to the public) Julie will send an email out to the Concert Choir families. Rehearsal on 2/26 from 7:00 – 9:00pm in the EGHS theatre.
  6. Choir Website Archiving and Adding New Photos: Thank you to Kevin for adding and updating the photos.
  7. New Signs for Wardrobe Racks: Julie has them with her and will put on the racks before leaving tonight.
  8. Choir Year End Party: May 18th does not work. May 20th works for Mrs. Catt. She will email Exec. Board to see if this date works for them. Planning on having it at Moretti’s in Mt. Prospect. Julie will call to reserve once we get a date nailed down. We need to supply cupcakes, cookies, party props and bags game (Kerry offered to bring hers)
  9. Feedback on Leona’s Community Night Performances on 3/5: Mrs. Catt sent an email to the Exec. Board to see who is interested in performing and who can be there to set up that night. If they will be performing Michelle will check to see if they have a microphone.
  10. Choral Boosters’ Mailboxes: Looking tonight after the meeting to see if anything is in them.
  1. Vice President Report – Kerry

c. Secretary Report – Michelle

d. Volunteer Coordinator - Julie

  1. Wardrobe – All
  1. Chamber Student Request for New Garment Bags- We talked with band parents to see what they use. Julie took a pic. of the ones they use and will call the manufacturer to see about getting them fro Choir.
  2. Tux Pocket Squares were Found – Thanks Kerry:)
  3. Wardrobe Meeting with Band Boosters – They gave us a lot of great ideas. We will purchase size dividers for the racks. We need to pack up items we are not using to make more room in the closets. ALL students MUST check in their own uniform at the end of the concert before they can leave. We will look into implementing a number system for check in for next year.
  1. New Business
  1. Happenings
  2. 2/27 D214 Honors Music Festival – details on previous page
  3. 3/5 Leona’s Dine-n-Share - 4:00 – 8:00pm
  4. 3/15 Choir Concert – Ask for parent Volunteers. Help Tri M with donations and ask people to fill seats and move in to make room for everyone.
  5. 4/30 Jazz and Pops Night – Hospitality – Ask for parent volunteers
  6. 5/16 Choir Concert – Hospitality – Ask for parent volunteers

Sell DQ blizzards after concert. Will ask Mrs. Catt how we should recognize the Seniors.

  1. Choir Year End Party – details on previous page
  1. Dine-n-Shares
  1. Portillos,EGV Offers20% off Sales (Mid April)
  1. Fundraising Requests for 2018-2019
  1. Lou Malnati’s – January
  2. Frozen pies – October
  3. Manna – Script gift cards – November
  4. Church Street Craft Beer Fest – might join in with Band & Orchestra (February)
  1. 2018 – 2019 Choral Boosters Officers - Need to vote on officers for 2018-2019
  1. PTC Report – Will mention Leona’s Community Night, 3/15 Choir Concert, and April Dine & Share