Eliada Homes, Inc.

Emergency/Disaster Plan

New Plan May 2013

Original Plan March 1995

*Remember to dial 8 before dialing any number*
Fire and Rescue / 911*
Police / 911*
Non-Emergency Police (City) / 828-252-1110
Sheriff’s Department (non-emergency) / 828-255-5555
President/CEO / 828-273-7121

Chief Operations Officer (COO) / 828-246-8800

Facilities Director / 828-778-3434

VP/Performance Improvement / 828-273-0132

Development Director / 828-713-2252

Foster Care / 828-273-5010
Child Development / 828-273-2941
Residential Treatment / 828-231-2524
Day Treatment / 828-254-5356 x335
National Weather Service / 864-848-3859 OR 864-848-3468
Poison Control Center / 1-800-222-1222
Mission Emergency / 828-255-3100
Eliada Home Campus City Of Asheville 911 Address
Eliada Kitchen / 34 Compton Drive
RISE Village / 5,7.9 RISE Village Lane
ESTA Village / 6,8,10 RISE Village Lane
Eliada Tennis Facility / 21 RISE Village Lane
Beatty House / 40 RISE Village Lane
PARC Building / 49 Compton Drive
Green Building / 61 Compton Drive
Allred Building / 57 Compton Drive
Brick Child Development Building / 91 Compton Drive
Administration Building / 49 Compton Drive
Eliada Swimming Pool / 103 Compton Drive
Lions Cottage / 53 Compton Drive
Cummings Cottage / 882 Eliada Home Road
Reynolds Cottage / 894 Eliada Home Road
Reuter Cottage / 111 Compton Drive
Child Development Afterschool / 68 Compton Drive
Eliada Horse Barn / 72 Compton Drive
Eliada Barn / 78 Compton Drive
Earle Cottage / 823 Eliada Home Road
Troop House / 1023 Eliada Home Road
Compton House / 923 Eliada Home Road


A)Procedure In Case of Fire:

Remain calm and think about the steps to be taken.

  1. Any person discovering a fire will immediately go to nearest fire alarm station and activate the alarm by pulling the lever.
  1. Evacuate the building immediately and proceed to designated safe location. Walk; do not run, during evacuation.
  1. Phone 911 for the Fire Department. On the phone say, “this is Eliada at 2 Compton Drive in Asheville”, then state, “The emergency is fire. The location of the fire is (Eliada’s 911 address for the specific building). A person will be outside on Compton Drive directing you to the fire.”
  1. Designate someone to meet the Responders and direct them to the fire.
  1. During business hours, notify the Administrative Office and ask for the Facilities Director to be sent to the area immediately.
  1. PRTF: Call a code one and obtain additional staff support from the surrounding cottages.
  1. PRTF: Call the Crisis Manager onsite and have them notify the Residential Director (828-231-2524 cell) and the COO (828-246-8800).
  1. If possible and practical without endangering staff or students, staff may activate portable fire extinguishers.
  1. Follow the Fire Response Procedures for your program or cottage.
  1. Those program staff directly responsible for children will account for all children and notify Operations or Management staff if unable to do so.
  1. Those program staff directly responsible for children will proceed to the gym and conduct a second head count to verify the accuracy of the first one.
  1. Designated staff will check the building(s) for remaining students and staff.
  1. No staff or students may return to buildings until all clear is given.
  1. Staff and students are to remain in the gym until:
  2. Asheville Fire Department (AFD) determines the building is safe for occupancy.
  3. Another suitable site has been selected for the continued operation of their program.
  4. The gym has become unsafe due to its proximity to the site of the fire.
  1. Notify legal guardians and all applicable licensure/regulatory entities as appropriate.

B)Mitigation/Preparation for Fire

  1. When the fire alarm is triggered on campus it communicates two things:
  1. It alerts persons on campus of an emergency situation and to evacuate the building where the alarm is sounding and,

b. It sends a signal to Daniel’s Monitoring Company. Daniels Monitoring Company will then confirm the nature of the emergency by contacting the onsite Maintenance Person or if unable to locate them, will contact the Nurse via cell 828-273-3222 or Nurse Clinic 828-254-5356.

  1. All staff is responsible for being familiar with posted emergency exit plans and for knowing their designated safe location to gather.
  1. Fire Drill Schedule for Program or Cottage:

a)PRTF does monthly fire drills/disaster drills.

b)Each PRTF shift rotates drills so that there is a fire drill completed during each shift each quarter. (required by licensure for residential services).

c)Part of each drill in PRTF and Day Treatment is accounting for each child at the beginning and end of each drill.

d)Day Treatment does monthly fire drills/quarterly disaster drills.

e)Child Development services does monthly fire drills/quarterly disaster drills.

f)Eliada Foster Care program orients all foster parents to fire procedures and obtains documentation that a fire/disaster drill is conducted monthly.

g)All treatment programs are required to log in date and time of drill; type of drill; time all students in safe location;and comments/follow up in theFire/Disaster Log and file in each cottage/each program.

h)Logs are completed monthly and reviewed for compliance by the Safety Committee.

  1. The following positions are responsible for ensuring emergency evacuation plans are posted and known and fire/disaster drills are conducted as scheduled:
  • Administration Building-Executive Liaison
  • Compton House-Eliada Foundation, Database Manager/Events Assistant
  • Earle Cottage- Program Manager
  • Cummings Cottage- Program Manager
  • Lions Cottage- Program Manager
  • Reuters Cottage- Program Manager
  • Reynolds Cottage- Program Manager
  • Barn-TASC Coordinator
  • Fitness Barn and NYPUM Offices-NYPUM Coordinator
  • After School Building-Program Manager
  • ESTA Transitional Living- ESTA Student Affairs Coordinator
  • Child Development Building- Executive Liaison
  • Allred Building- Day Treatment Administrative Assistant
  • Green Building-Treatment Services Administrative Coordinator


A Weather Emergency is defined as an extreme weather condition which could cause possible harm to personal property and damage to facilities. This could be a severe snow storm, a tornado, high winds, severe thunderstorms or any condition deemed a severe weather condition by the National Weather Service, the President/CEO and/or the COO.

1.Efforts will be made to ensure staff is contacted if prior warnings are published.

2.Anytime weather conditions appear threatening, staff at each facility should tune into the radio/phone in order to ensure correct information is obtained on severe weather warnings and watches. By doing this, we will be able to obtain instructions from the national weather service for severe storms, hurricanes, and tornado watches and warnings.

Severe Weather: Tornado Watch:A condition which exists that may produce a tornado. This Watch is normally issued by the National Weather Service and will be broadcasted over local radio and TV stations. If Watch is broadcasted during normal working hours, all Program Directors and Supervisors will be notified by the Facilities Director. After hours and on weekends,the Facilities Director will ensure all cottages and the scheduled Crisis Manager is notified.

Severe Weather: Tornado Warning:A condition where a tornado has actually been sighted. Normally a sighting will be by eyesight, airplanes or mobile vehicles. Sighting will include direction, damage, etc. If a warning is received during normal work hours, all staff on campus will be notified by the Facilities Director and/or Administration.

During normal business hours: Program Managers will make sure all Residential staff and students are accounted for and report the result to Administration. Program Managers will provide guidance to program personnel.

After hours and on weekends:Facilities Director will ensure all cottages, and the scheduled Crisis Manager is notified. Help and supervision will be provided to students by staff as needed.

  1. If a tornado watch is issued, staff should stay tuned to the TV or radio and begin plans to act quickly in the event that a warning follows.
  1. If a warning is received:
  1. Staff should alert all staff as to the status of the weather warnings and proceed with safety precautions.
  2. All outdoor activities should be canceled immediately.
  1. Staff should ensure that students are sheltered in a safe manner. Safe areas can be basements, bathroom in the center of a building or house, closets, bathtubs, and/or hallways.Safe areas will be designated in all buildings and cottages. Every effort should be made to protect eyes and heads. Staff and students should assemble in a prearranged area in the facility that is deemed the safest in the building.
  1. Staff should turn off as many utilities in the building as possible and should not leave the designated safe area until instructed to do so by supervisors or emergency personnel or the warning has been canceled by the National Weather Service.
  1. If an actual tornado is sighted, staff and students should:

a. Go to the designated safe area and assume the safe position, i.e. on knees in the fetal position with face covered.

b. If getting to a safe area is not possible, the following alternatives may be used:

1. Go to any space below ground

2. Move to the middle of the building

3. Get under heavy pieces of furniture

* No one should leave the safe area until instructed to do so by emergency personnel or the National Weather Service.

General Safety Precautions after a Tornado

  • Continue to monitor the radio or television for emergency information. If area has been damaged, Administration will communicate evacuation proceedings.
  • Be careful when entering a structure that has been damaged. If the staff on shift believes it is not safe for students to make a move, have students stay in the evacuated location until help arrives to evacuate safely.
  • Be aware of hazards from exposed nails and broken glass.
  • Do not touch downed power lines or objects in contact with downed lines.
  • Use battery powered lanterns or flashlights – do not use candles when you are out of the room (Found in Emergency Disaster Box)
  • Cooperate fully with facilities department of Eliada Homes, Inc. and public safety officials.

Severe Weather: Flood

  1. Conditions are favorable for severe weather given current weather conditions
  2. All staff should remain calm
  3. Program Managers or Crisis Manager will notify staff if moving to the designated safe location is needed.
  4. Program Managers will identify safe location including possible evacuation for safety of clients and staff

Severe Weather: Ice Storm

  1. During a predicted snow or ice storm, the Facilities Director will designate a vehicle to be used by staff in case an emergency exists. This vehicle will normally be 4-wheel drive (if available) or at a minimum a front wheel drive vehicle with all-weather tires.
  2. Outdoor activities should not be continued until approval from Program Manager/Crisis Manager.
  3. If there is loss of power, Program Manager/Crisis Manager will arrange for students and staff to be moved to the safe location on property.


In the event that a situation occurs where an individual(s) on campus perpetrates or attempts to perpetrate significant acts of violence (i.e. bring weapons on campus, make credible threats, perform violent acts nearby, etc.), the following procedures will immediately occur:

  1. Any staff identifying the situation will immediately notify Administration during business hours and the Nurse Clinic after hours.
  2. Administration officials and/or nursing staff will then press the “Panic” button which notifies 911, sounds the campus lockdown siren and sends a mass text/email to all Eliada employees notifying them that campus has been locked down.
  3. Administration officials or nursing staff using the Eliada landline phones will dial 7126 and announce several times through a page that “campus is now on lockdown.”
  4. Administration officials or nursing staff using Eliada radios will announce several times on channels 1 and 3 that “campus in now on lockdown.”
  5. Once alerted of the lockdown, staff are to go immediately to the closest safe building; take cover in a room that locks and has minimal windows; lock all external doors; close all blinds; remain quiet; do not let in anyone from the outside; and discontinue the use of cell phones (unless doing so will help law enforcement or administration officials locate and eliminate the threat). Staff are to remain in their safe location until they are given the “all clear.”
  6. Any injured staff or students will be evacuated from the threat zone as soon as is reasonably possible without placing other staff or students at risk.
  7. Once law enforcement confirms the threat has been eliminated, an administration official will contact Daniels Monitoring to send an “all clear” message via text and email; the alarm will be turned off; and an “all clear” page will go out via Eliada landline phones by dialing 7126.
  8. Once the situation is contained, the President/CEO and COO will brief managers on the event and form an ad hoc group to determine the agency’s response performance.
  9. Each Program Director is responsible for facilitating contacts to legal guardians.


Administration: 828.254.5356 x 357

Nurse Clinic: 828.254.5356 x 302, Nurse Lead Cell: 828.273.3222

Eliada Landline Page All: 7126

Daniels Monitoring: 1.800.627.1257

Emergency Police: 911


All threats are to be treated as valid. It is imperative that the staff receiving the call attempt to keep the caller on the line as long as possible. This will allow another staff to call the police (911) and administration officials.

If able, the person answering the phone should ask the following questions:

  1. Who is calling?
  2. Where is the bomb located?
  3. What time is it scheduled to explode?
  4. What types of explosive materials does it contain?
  5. Where are you calling from?

Check List:

  1. Have staff completely evacuate the building. While evacuating, have a designated staff look for unusual items and listen for suspicious noises.
  2. Evacuate all buildings within 300 feet of the alleged bomb.
  3. Proceed to a designated safe area that is at least 300 feet from the building. Do not start any machines or vehicles.
  4. Complete roll call to ensure all staff and students are accounted for.
  5. Await further directions from law enforcement and administration officials.
  6. Each Program Director is responsible for facilitating contacts to legal guardians.


  1. Contact emergency police at 911.
  2. Contact President/CEO at 828.273.7121 or 828.254.5356 x 364
  3. Contact the Program Director of the building the bomb is located in to begin evacuation.
  4. Contact the Program Directors of all buildings within a 300 foot radius of the alleged bomb to begin evacuation.


A toxic gas and/or chemical spill is defined as any uncontrollable release of toxic gas such as chlorine or ammonia, and any other gas which when ingested would cause harmful effects to the body. Chemical spills are defined as spillage of liquids such as fluids which, when in contact with the human body, would cause harmful damage. These liquids could be acids, fuels, solvents and base solutions.

1.For chemical spills and toxic gas call 911 immediately, specify Eliada facility address, and whether it is a chemical spill or gas spill.

2.Staff is responsible to ensure that students are removed from the vicinity of any spill. During gas spills, instruct students to cover breathing areas with damp cloths to aid in filtration.

3.Chlorine gas is extremely dangerous; it quickly forms an acid solution when in contact with moisture. A small concentration of 3-5 PPM can cause lung and skin damage if breathed continuously.

4.Notify the Facilities Director immediately.

Everyone should go to the designated safe place and stay there until instructed on what to do by emergency personnel. The following steps should be taken to make the shelter as safe as possible:

  1. Staff and students stay together as a group.
  2. Go to the safe place and stay there.
  3. Close all doors, windows, vents, fireplaces, etc.
  4. Turn off the central heat and air units.
  5. Go to the room with the fewest windows.
  6. Stay tuned to the Emergency Broadcast System for information and instructions from emergency personnel.
  7. Stay off the phone unless it is an emergency.
  8. Do not go outside unless it is necessary. If you must go outside, cover your face with a mask or cloth.
  9. Wait for instructions from the emergency personnel and Eliada management of regarding your next move.

Shelter-In-Place during chemical or hazardous spill

  • Local authorities are responsible for issuing orders for Shelter-In-Place during chemical or hazardous material emergencies. You may receive notice directly from police or fire officials, siren notification, telephone notification, or through radio or television broadcasts.
  • As soon as you are notified that an emergency situation exits in your area, tune your local Emergency Alert System (Remain in place until you are told by police or fire officials, or through radio /television broadcasts that it is safe to leave
  • TURN ON a TV or radio so you can hear emergency messages
  • STAY low and away from windows, in high winds
  • BRING a disaster kit it into this room.
  • TURN OFF air conditioners, furnaces, vents and fans,
  • Adhere to any instructions provided by your local authority
  • if necessary, SEAL all windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape, if possible or
  • IMPROVISE and use what you have on hand to seal gapsso that you create a barrier between yourself and any contamination.

Items to Have Prepared for Emergencies

  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries for both
  • A working telephone
  • Food and bottled water. Store 1 gallon of water per person in plastic bottles as well as ready-to-eat foods that will keep without refrigeration in the shelter-in-place room. If you do not have bottled water, or if you run out, you can drink water from a toilet tank (not from a toilet bowl). Do not drink water from the tap.
  • Duct tape and scissors.
  • Towels and plastic sheeting. You may wish to cut your plastic sheeting to fit your windows and doors before any emergency occurs.