______Mission Statement

______Our mission statement clarifies coalition goals to members, the larger community, potential

partners and funding sources.

______Members know the mission statement.

______Understanding the Community

We know and understand community assets, needs, norms and longtime community members.

______Clear Expectations

Volunteers & staff respond positively to concrete expectations of the community.

Data Driven

______Local needs determine our goals.

______Goals determine strategies.

______Our focus is on the outcome of our activities.

______Organizational structure

We have clear roles and responsibilities. (Staff, board, committees, task forces)

______Strategic Planning

______Our strategic plan charts a course for the coalition over a __-year period of time.

______We included many constituents in the development of the plan.

Community Support

______Communitymembers know of the coalition and understand its mission.

______Communitymembers support our efforts.

Broad Membership

______All community sectors are represented in our membership.

______We ensure that membership is inclusive. Anyone who can buy into the mission can be part of

the team.

______Our membership reflects the diversity of our community.


______We attract new and retain long-time volunteers.

______Our volunteers understand their value to the organization and feel that they are part of a

winning team.

______Youth are involved.


Strong, sustained leadership helps relationships within the organization to develop and grow.


We attend to group process and group maintenance issues.


Diversified and Relevant Funding

______Our funding is diversified to guard against unforeseen events and brings new partners into the


______It includes in-kind donations.

______It is mission-specific and appropriate to coalition goals.


______We have adequate staffing.

______We have adequate office space and equipment.

______Our technology resources help with research, communication, training, and funding.

______Access to Community Leaders

Our access to decision makers helps effect change.

Multiple Strategies Across Multiple Sectors

______We have the support of a cadre of community sectors.

______We use a variety of strategies to meet community needs.


______We provide training for our staff & members.

______We provide information on outside trainings for staff & members.


______We communicate with members,

______the community & civic leaders,

______funding sources.

Have and share successes

______We have a vision, but do work that offers immediate success.

______We celebrate and share those successes with the community.


We report our efforts, successes, and challenges to the community.


We evaluate our programs, projects, and activities.

Cheryl Davenport, 2000

Troy Community Coalition

Sources: Annie E. Casey Foundation & CSAP