PERSONAL ESSAY RUBRIC / Not Yet Within Expectations / Meets Expectations (Minimal Level) / Fully Meets Expectations / Exceeds Expectations
SNAPSHOT / The personal essay features problems with style, form, and/or mechanics that make it difficult to determine the purpose and meaning. More time needs to be spent developing ideas and working through the writing process. / The personal essay is generally clear, with a beginning, middle, and end. Development may seem uneven. Some purposeful use of language. Limited repertoire of sentences and techniques. Some errors. / The personal essay is clear and carefully developed, with a sense of audience and purpose. Features some engaging ideas and language. Some variety in sentences and techniques. Few errors. / The personal essay creates an impact, with a sense of vitality, economy, and finesse. Features some complex, engaging ideas, language, structures, and techniques. Few, if any, errors.
• ideas
• detail and
support / • ideas are not developed
• may be short, with few
examples or details – these
may not be clearly linked to
topic / • ideas are generally
straightforward and clear;
may be unevenly developed
• some relevant examples and
details / • ideas are fully developed and
show depth in places
• carefully chosen examples;
specific and sensory details
support main points / • ideas are fully developed with
some originality, maturity,
and individuality
• efficient, powerful use of
examples and of specific and
sensory details
• sentence structure
• word choice / • simple sentences, limited
• basic word choices; passages
may be wordy / • some sentence variety
• some variety in word choice;
some passages may be wordy / • varied sentences
• varied word choice; an effort
to eliminate wordiness / • wide repertoire of sentence
types and lengths to create
specific effects
• powerful, precise, concise
word choices
• beginning
• transitions
• ending / • beginning unclear
• few transitions; may seem
• weak ending / • beginning is clear
• transitions may be awkward
in places
• logical ending / • beginning is clear and
attempts to engage
• transitions make sequence
clear; appropriate
• resolves essay logically;
attempts to create interest / • beginning is immediately
• well-chosen transitions and
effective paragraphing create
• satisfying ending has some
• spelling
• sentence
structure and
• usage / • frequent noticeable errors in
basic sentence structure,
spelling, and usage that
distract the reader and may
interfere with meaning / • noticeable errors that may
cause the reader to pause or
reread; often surface errors
could be fixed by careful
proofreading / • few errors; these do not
affect meaning; appears to
have been carefully edited and
proofread / • few errors; these do not
distract the reader (may only
be noticeable when the reader
looks for them)
Aspect / D 0-2 / C 3-4 / B 4-5 / A 5-6
Analytical paragraph / The student is unable to offer a logical interpretation of literary works that feature complex ideas and language. Often very short, with little evidence or development, and may misinterpret key features of the text. Appears to struggle to understand the text, with little success. / The student offers a narrow or superficial interpretation of literary works that feature complex ideas and language. Focuses on retelling, with limited analysis and evidence. Responses tend to be broad, undeveloped generalizations. The student is focused on understanding the text. / The student offers a logical interpretation of literary works that feature complex ideas and language. Goes beyond retelling, to offer analysis and well-developed connections. The student appears to interact with the text confidently. / The student offers an analytic, thorough interpretation of works that feature complex ideas and language. Work is insightful, and often speculative and may take risks to include unusual interpretations and connections. The student appears to be engaged by the text.
  • overall response
  • elements (e.g.,setting, mood, character, theme)
  • use of quotations; text references
  • appears confused by the text and/or the task; makes rash, unsupported judgments
  • attempts to summarize, but misinterprets key elements; interpretation may be superficial and/or faulty
  • unable to provide evidence or offer relevant references to the text; references that are there are not well-integrated
  • offers a logical, but undeveloped response; broad judgments with limited support
  • focuses on retelling, showing a basic understanding of elements and keyfeatures; interpretation may be superficial at times, but is logical for the most part
  • references to the text are included; some may not be convincing; some may not be integrated
  • a thoughtful response; evidence provides clear support
  • logically describes and analyzes elements and key features; goesbeyond retelling
  • provides appropriate quotations and other text references as evidence; quotations are integrated
  • creates an engaging response; thoughtful reactions, convincing examples; may take risks
  • thoroughly describes and analyzes elements and key features, dealing withsubtleties and nuances
  • chooses and integrates quotations and other text references effectively

  • sentence variety
  • vocabulary, wordiness
  • simple sentences and coordination
  • basic vocabulary; errors in word choice; wordy
  • limited repertoire of sentences
  • straightforward vocabulary; wordy at times
  • varied sentence types and lengths
  • varied and appropriate language; evidence of some editing for wordiness
  • wide repetoire of effective sentences structures
  • precise, concise language

  • organization
  • transitions
  • structure may seem illogical or random
  • may seem disjointed because ideas are not linked with transitions
  • sequence is generally logical but may lack sense of direction
  • simple transitions, ineffective or missing in places
  • sequence is logical
  • transitions help to connect ideas clearly
  • sound structure; seems effortless and natural
  • variety of natural and smooth transitions

  • Sentence structure, punctuation, usage, spelling
  • includes frequent
noticeable errors in
basic structures and
language that may
interfere with
meaning /
  • includes noticeable
errors that may
distract the reader but
do not interfere with
meaning /
  • may include some
errors; these are
generally not serious
and do not distract
the reader /
  • few errors; these do
not distract the reader
(may only be
noticeable when the
reader looks for