Elementary and Middle School Career Activities Resource List

Elementary and Middle School Career Activities Resource List

Contact Dr. Addy Wissel at

for more information

Elementary and Middle School Career Activities Resource List

  • Careers in movies - “Who is your favorite character in a movie or a book?” “What does that person do for a living?”“What’s their job or career?” “Think of your favorite person in the world. What do they for a living?” “Can we think of other jobs and careers that we see around us?”
  • Would You Rather?
  • Movement for students (physically have to move to where they would want to go)
  • Questions related to career
  • e.g. Would you rather sit at a desk or be moving all day?
  • This would help students recognize that if they enjoy sitting, an office job/career may be better for them then (for instance) being a Zumba instructor.
  • Based from
  • Oregon Career Guidance: http://gearup.ous.edu/sites/default/files/Publications/MiddleSchoolParentGuide.pdf
  • Career Planning Worksheet:
  • Career Smarts - videogame like career planning adventure
  • Career Investigation:
  • Career Café
  • Students able to meet with professionals from the community.
  • Crosswords of careers related to different fields
  • e.g. art career crossword
  • Facebook Profile for your Future:
  • Relates to current social media, can also open up the discussion to what is safe to post.
  • Online interest/career quiz:
  • Career Alphabet: have students come up with different careers that start with different letters.
  • Album Covers of Careers
  • Each student picks a career and is then responsible for designing an album cover that will give enough information/context for someone to look at and understand what that position is about.
  • Think periodic table but of careers
  • Inspired by:
  • A Roadmap to College
  • Career and College Clubs
  • Middle School kit:
  • SASS - E Girls - Science focused careers - http://ico.osu.edu/SWE.html
  • Drive of your life - video game withcareer focus
  • Able to choose your own vehicle, own path, etc.
  • Career Clusters for Jeopardy
  • 16 fields
  • Websites with multiple resources
  • Goal setting lesson - Using “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” to help identify goals students can have to help them get to the places they’ll go!
  • Cooperation activity - Team Challenge - All students can only use one hand. As a group complete the following activities
  • Build a tower out of straws/cards/popsicle sticks as high as you can
  • Relates to architecture, creativity, building
  • Spell out a word with your bodies
  • Relates to movement, dance, English, reading (for those who want to write and direct their own stage productions)
  • Transport all the balls from one bucket to another - but no one can go twice
  • Relates to Math and logic skills, transportation
  • Goals with this activity - interactively work together to discover different options related to careers.
  • Talk with class after the activity/worksheet - Were some people better at one thing than another? Give an example. What was one thing you were great at? What is a job that you think you could use what you are great at?
  • Pretest - What is one thing you are great at? What is a job where you could use what you are great at?
  • Career Aisle - Exploring careers online: