(Electronic Single Window)

GCA Declaration Officer User Guide

Version: 1.0

Date: 30/12/2015

Confidentiality & Copyright

This document was developed by CrimsonLogic for the Royal Oman Police, using CrimsonLogic proprietary material

and additional material from the Royal Oman Police. To the extent that the document contains CrimsonLogic

proprietary material, the Royal Oman Police is granted the right to use such material.


S.No / Date / Version. No / Description / Approved By
1 / 18/07/2014 / 0.1 / Created first draft / Jiju Gopal
2 / 30/12/2015 / 1.0 / First Release


Chapter 1:  About this Guide 3

Purpose and Participants 3

Document Conventions 3

Chapter 2:  About the BAYAN Electronic Single Window System 5

Chapter 3:  GCA Adhoc Approval 6

Common Icons and Buttons 8

Searching for Declaration 9

Viewing Declaration 12

Reviewing Declaration 18

Declaration Officer Approval for Conditional Release 22

© CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd / i
BAYAN(Electronic Single Window) User Guide
GCA Adhoc Approval

chapter 1

About this Guide

Welcome to the BAYAN Electronic Single Window (ESW) System user guide for the GCA Declaration Officer. This user guide aims to explain the processes and steps involved in search and review of declaration.

Purpose and Participants

The purpose of this user guide is to help the GCA officers in doing the following tasks:

·  Searching Declaration

·  Viewing Declaration

·  Reviewing Declaration


·  GCA Declaration Officer

Document Conventions

Refer to this section to familiarise yourself with the visual aids used throughout the user guide.


To assist users with accessing screens, pages, or windows, refer to the following navigation format:

Click DeclarationGCA Adhoc Approval

Buttons, fields, and other BAYAN system elements

All BAYAN system elements are highlighted in Bold text.


All topics mentioned in the user guide’s CONTENTS are hyperlinked. Click on the hyperlink to view the referenced topic.


Callouts are presented differently from the original content and highlight certain information.

There are two types of callouts: tips and warnings.

@ / A Tip provides useful information that helps users complete a task or procedure.
! / A Warning refers to information that may be critical to the BAYAN system’s functionality and might affect data or BAYAN system stability.

Chapter 2

About the BAYAN Electronic Single Window System

The BAYAN Electronic Single Window system aims to enable Oman to provide world class trade facilitation services through a transparent and predictable border environment, complying with relevant international standards and conventions. It provides integrated services with a coordinated view of the Government-to-Business (G2B) processes, by reducing the administrative and logistical burden to support trade growth. The Bayan systems facilitate efficient clearance and effective Government regulation by reducing clearance time, eliminating duplicate processes and, standardization of operations across Government..

Chapter 3

GCA Adhoc Approval

The GCA Officer receives the pending task of declaration to be reviewed based on pre-defined HS code configuration in the BAYAN System. The GCA officer reviews the declaration that is pending for their approval. The Officer can change the status of declaration with pending to the following status:

·  Release

·  Conditionally Release

·  Query

·  Pending Review

·  Pending Query Response

·  Rejected

The BAYAN System derives the GCA final status on declaration based on the below precedence.

·  Release: When the response from GCA is "Release", declaration will proceed to further customs processes for release.

·  Conditional Release: When the response from GCA is "Conditional Release", declaration will proceed to further customs processes for release and GCA officer advice the declarant with regards to the measures to be taken for meeting the requirements of the goods release.

After the cargo clearance the GCA officer can take re-decision on whether the conditionally released item should be released or rejected based on the conditions that was initially chosen during the 1st time review.

In case its rejected then the officer selects the appropriate further action either as “DESTROY” or “RE-EXPORT”.

·  Destroy: The rejected items duties are refunded.

·  Re-Export: The rejected item can be used in a new Re-Export declaration, after the cargo clearance of Re-Export declaration item duties associated with the rejected items are refunded.

·  Partial Release (Conditional Release): When one or more items are rejected along with at least one other item that is released, then in this scenario the declaration’s GCA status is made Conditional Release so that the released items can move for further processing.

After the cargo clearance the GCA officer can take re-decision on whether the rejected item has to be released or again rejected.

In case its rejected then the officer selects the appropriate further action either as “DESTROY” or “RE-EXPORT”.

·  Destroy: The rejected items duties are refunded.

·  Re-Export : The rejected item can be used in a new Re-Export declaration, after the cargo clearance of Re-Export declaration item duties associated with the rejected items are refunded

·  Query : When the response from GCA is "Query". The trader responds to the query, based on the response the decision is taken.

Pending Review: When the status of the declaration is "Pending Review". The decision is yet to be taken by the GCA officer


Common Icons and Buttons

Field/Button description / Action/Input Required /
/ 1.  Click to view the calendar.
2.  Specify the required date and time from the respective portions of the calendar.
3.  Click Apply.

/ Click this button to go to the previous tab.
/ Click this to submit the declaration approval details.
/ Click this to cancel the current action and go to the respective search page.
/ Click this to go the next tab.
/ Click this to cancel the current action without saving and go to the respective search page.

Searching for Declaration

The GCA officer can search for and view the submitted declaration.

To search for declaration:

1.  Click Declaration > GCA Adhoc Approval. The GCA Adhoc Approval Search page will be displayed.

GCA Adhoc Approval Search Page

Following are the field and button descriptions of the GCA Adhoc Approval Search page.

Field/Button description / Action/Input Required /
Search / Specify the search criteria details.
Click or to show or hide the details.
Note: User can search for declaration submitted by importer/exporter.
Declaration Number / Enter the declaration number to be searched.
Regime / Select the regime type as Importation, Exportation, Transit or Transhipment, from the drop-down list.
Status / Select the declaration status like Release, Conditional Release, Query, Pending Review, Pending Query response and rejected from the dropdown list.
Submission Date / Select the specific date by selecting the Specific radio button and enter the date From and To using the calendar icon or select the 7days, or month or 6 months radio button to view the records.

2.  Enter the required search criteria and click to view the search results. The Search Results page will be displayed.

Search Results

Following are the field and button descriptions of the Search Results page.

Field/Button description / Action/Input Required /
Search Results / Displays the search results based on the search criteria.
Click or to show or hide the details.
S/No / Serial number of the declaration listed in the search results.
Declaration Number / Displays the declaration number.
Version / Displays the current version number of the declaration. On submitting the declaration, its version number becomes “1”. Every amendment done and submitted for this declaration increments the version number by +1.
Regime / Specifies whether the regime is Importation, Exportation, transhipment or Transit.
Declaration Type / Displays the import or export type of declaration.
Submission Date / Displays the date when the declaration was submitted.
Status / Displays the current declaration status like Release, Conditional Release, Query, Pending Review, Pending Query response and rejected from the dropdown list.

Viewing Declaration

User can search for and view the declaration submitted by user or user’s company. The declaration details are grouped under different tabs as it was while requesting the declaration submission. This allows user to view the required details by clicking the respective tabs.

@ / There is no specific order to view the details. User can click the required tab to view its details or click to go back to the GCA Adhoc Approval Search page.
The below procedure guides user to view the declaration details by clicking the button.

To view declaration:

1.  Perform a search. Refer to Searching for Declaration and go to Search Results Page.

2.  Click the hyperlink of Declaration Number with Status as Release/ Conditionally Released /Pending Review/ Rejected to view the declaration details. By default the Header tab will be displayed.

Declaration Details – Header tab

3.  Click to view the Party details.

Declaration Details - Party tab

4.  Click to view the Transport Document details.

Declaration Details – Transport Document tab

5.  Click to view the Invoice details.

Declaration Details – Invoice tab

6.  Click Invoice Number hyperlink to view the invoice details.

Declaration Details – Invoice Details tab

@ / Click to go the Invoice tab.

7.  Click to view the Item details.

Declaration Details – Item tab

8.  Click HS Code hyperlink to view the item list details

Item List Details

9.  Click to view the supporting Documents details.

Declaration Information – Documents tab

10.  Click to view the Summary details.

Declaration Number – Summary tab

11.  Click to view the GCA Approval details.

Declaration Details – Approval tab

12.  Click to go the search page.

Reviewing Declaration

The GCA Officers login to the ESW portal with the credentials and search for and viewing the declaration submitted by the importer/exporter.

To review declaration:

1.  Perform a search. Refer to Searching for Declaration and go to Search Results Page.

2.  Click the hyperlink of Declaration Number with Status as Pending Review/Pending Query Response/Query/ Conditional Release to review the declaration details. By default the Header tab will be displayed.

Declaration Details – Header tab

@ / The GCA Officers can click the respective tabs or click to view the corresponding details before approval.

3.  Click GCA Approval Tab. The GCA Approval Page will be displayed.

GCA Approval Page

@ / ·  The GCA Officer can Click the to process all the Declaration Items in one go.
@ / ·  The GCA Officer can Click the to process the selected declaration Items.

4.  Select the check box (es) corresponding to the HS code(s) to be reviewed.

5.  In Approval Details Section, select the Status from the dropdown list.

@ / ·  Release: When the response from GCA is "Release", declaration will proceed to further customs processes for release.
·  Rejected: When the response from GCA is "Rejected", declaration will not proceed to further customs process and declarant has to amend the declaration based on GCA officer’s rejection remarks and re-submit the declaration
·  Conditional Release: When the response from GCA is "Conditional Release", declaration will proceed to further customs processes for release and GCA officer advice the declarant with regards to the measures to be taken for meeting the requirements of the goods release.
·  Partial Release: if the response for the GCA is Partial Release i.e, if one of the HS code is released and the other is rejected then the status is set as partial releases, The declaration will not proceed further to the customs process.
·  Query: When the response from GCA is "Query". The trader responds to the query, based on the response the decision is taken.

6.  Click PROCESS SELECTED to save the reviewed details of the selected HS Code(s). The Update Success Message will be displayed.

Update Success Message

7.  Click SUBMIT to submit the reviewed details. The Confirmation Window will be displayed.

Confirmation Box

8.  Click OK to confirm the submission. The Approval Submission Success Message will be displayed.

Approval Submission Success Message

Declaration Officer Approval for Conditional Release

The GCA Officers login to the ESW portal with his credentials and search for and viewing the declaration submitted by the importer/exporter.

To review declaration:

1.  Click Declaration > GCA Adhoc Approval. The GCA Adhoc Approval Search page will be displayed.

GCA Adoc Approval Search Page

Following are the field and button descriptions of the GCA Adhoc Approval Search page.

Field/Button description / Action/Input Required /
Search / Specify the search criteria details.
Click or to show or hide the details.
Note: User can search for declaration submitted by importer/exporter.
Declaration Number / Enter the declaration number to be searched.
Document Type / Select the Document type as Importation, Exportation, Transit or Transhipment, from the drop-down list.
Status / Select the declaration status like Release, Conditional Release, Query, Pending Review, Pending Query response and rejected from the dropdown list.
Submission Date / Select the specific date by selecting the Specific radio button and enter the date From and To using the calendar icon or select the 7days, or month or 6 months radio button to view the records.

2.  Enter the Declaration Number or Select the status as Conditional Release from the status drop-down-list and click to view the search results. The Search Results page will be displayed.

GCA Adoc Approval Search Result Page

3.  Click the Declaration Number link to view the declaration details.

GCA Adoc Approval Header Page

4.  Click the GCA Approval Tab. The following screen will be displayed.

GCA Adoc Approval Page

5.  Select the Item for approval by selecting the checkbox and the status as release from the dropdown list and Click . Confirmation Message Box will be displayed.