Electronic Recycler's Pledge of True Stewardship

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is the Pledge?

The Pledge can be signed by any qualified organization that accepts electronic waste and commits to ethical handling of the hazardous waste, including providing visible tracking of the hazardous waste to its final processing facility and only sending hazardous e-waste and non-working equipment with hazardous components to a final destination in developed countries, and not to landfills, incinerators, prison operations, or developing nations. See the entire Pledge at

Q 2. What is the purpose of the Pledge?

The Pledge is designed to:

  • Provide a sustainable and socially just avenue for disposing electronic equipment;
  • Create incentives for development of electronics designed for recycling and without toxic materials; and
  • Usher-in the development of a viable and responsible recycling infrastructure.

Q 3. Why is the Pledge necessary?

In North America, electronics manufacturers and the federal governments have failed to close off unsustainable avenues of e-waste management and to require manufacturers to take responsibility their products at end of life. Companies that have signed the Pledge are leading the way with a market-driven solution.

Q 4. Why should I do business with a company that has signed the Pledge?

Because these companies can provide tracking of the waste to its final destination, have an environmental management system in place, and promise to carry adequate insurance, waste generators can more easily control their liability related to improper handling of waste. In addition, by using only Pledge signatories to handle their electronic waste, waste generators know they are supporting a sustainable solution to the e-waste crisis.

Q 5. Where can we find the Pledge and the list of companies adhering to the Pledge?

An updated list of signatories, their contact information, and a list of what types of e-waste they accept can be found at Companies listed as of March, 2004 are also listed on the other side of this sheet.

Q 6. Will Pledge signatories charge more for their services?

Sustainable, responsible recycling is affordable. However, in many cases, it may cost more for waste generators to use recyclers that responsibly process electronic waste, because those recyclers do not externalize costs by using no-wage labor, landfills, or exporting. In fact, if you are quoted a relatively low price for accepting your e-waste, it’s an indication that your hazardous waste may be exported, rather than responsibly managed. Reduction of potential liability should be considered with cost.

Q 7. Can I require my vendor to sign the Pledge?

A number of organizations are considering or already prefer or require vendors that sign the Pledge. Because the Pledge is not a certification program, it is important to ask for documentation from vendors of final waste destination, insurance requirements, and other Pledge criteria important to the waste generator. For more information on using environmental criteria in procurement of electronics or recycling services in health care,visit (scroll down to the electronics section to view procurement criteria that includes end-of-life management issues) andcontact Mamta Khanna, 510-594-9864 (x109) or .

Q 8. How do I qualify to sign the Pledge?

The Basel Action Network checks out recyclers who pledge to meet the criteria before recyclers can be listed as signatories. Downstream destinations are verified for all hazardous components. If you are a recycler interested in qualifying, contact the Basel Action Network at 202-652-5555 to obtain instructions on qualifying for the Pledge.

Q 9. Where can I get more information on the Pledge?

See answers to frequently asked questions and more information on the development of the pledge at or call the Basel Action Network at 206-652-5555.

CleanMed April 2004