Tender Specification No. SE/ O&M/DHL/T-03/08-09
Copy No: -......
Name of the work: - Providing Security guards educated and experience civilian Guards for watch & ward of material under the area of UCR Division Dhule.
Date of Submission: - 22/05/2008 UP to 13.00 Hrs.
Date of opening : - 22/05/2008 @ 15.00 Hrs. if possible
Tender Issued to: -
Sale & Submission At
Office of the
Supt. Engineer, PHONE: 223093 (O)
O&M Circle 223768 (O)
8 ` Sahyadri `Anand Nager, 222841 (P) P. O.Box No.133 FAX: 225083
Deopur, Dhule. (02562)
Estimated cost Rs. 18, 00,000/-
Earnest Money Deposit Rs.18, 000/-
Vide M. R. No.------
Date. ------
Account Officer Supt. Engineer,
O&M Circle, Dhule O&M Circle, Dhule
Sr. D E S C I P T I O N Page No.
1. Copy of tender notice. 3
2. Instruction to tenderers (Terms & Conditions) 5
3. Special Attention to Tenderers. 8
4. General terms and conditions. 9
5. Special Terms and conditions. 11
6. Schedule ' A' 13
7. Schedule 'B' (Commercial Bid) 14
8. Schedule 'C' (Particulars of Contractor) 15
9. Schedule 'D' (Acceptance Tender Form) 16
Tenders are invited from eligible contractor for the following works1) Tender No 03 (08-09) for Providing Security guards educated and experience civilian Guards for watch & ward of material under the area of UCR Division Dhule for amount Rs 18.00 Lakh
2) Tender No 04 (08-09) Providing Security guards educated and experience civilian Guards for watch & ward of material under the area of Dondaicha Division for amount Rs 10.00 Lakh.
3) Tender No 05(08-09) Providing Security guards educated and experience civilian Guards for watch & ward of material under the area of Nandurbar Division for amount Rs 12.00 Lakh.
Tender Documents as above are available at our Website www.mahadiscom.in. Tender form should be downloaded from the site for submission latest by 22.05.2008 up to 13.00 HRS. Detailed Tender Notification is available at MSEDCL Website.
Contact person Executive Engineer (Adm.), Tel No. 02562-288001, 222841
8, Sahyadri, Anand Nagar Deopur Dhule Dist Dhule
Part not to be advertised
Tender Notice
Sealed and superscripted tenders are invited by the undersigned in the prescribed form from reputed & experienced security agencies / contractors who are registered under Shop and Establishment act 1948 for following work in persons to the undersigned subject to tender documents terms and conditions.
Providing security for watch and ward of Material & MSEDCL property
Tender No. / Particular of work / Amount in Rs / Period of contract / Cost of EMD in Rs / Cost of Blank Tender formT-03 (08-09)
T-04 (08-09)
T-05 (08-09) / for UCR Division Dhule
for Dondaicha Division
for Nandurbar Division / 18.00 Lakh
10.00 Lakh
12.00 Lakh / One year
One year
One year / 18000/-
12000/- / Rs 1000/-
Rs 1000/-
Rs 1000/-
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: - The blank tender forms are available at the mahadiscom site at www.mahadiscom.in during the sale period. Same should be down loaded from the site for submission to this office. The cost of Tender will be accepted in cash up to 13.00 Hrs. on 22.05.08 or by Demand draft drawn in favor of the Superintending Engineer MSEDCL Dhule payable at Dhule. Tender submitted without Cost of Tender & EMD will not be considered. The cheque will not be accepted. Cost of blank tender form (non-refundable) & EMD should be paid in cash at Circle Office Dhule or by DD drawn in favor of the Superintending Engineer MSEDCL Dhule payable at Dhule. Before submission of Tender form Money Receipt of Cost of Tender & EMD should be obtained from cashier by depositing cash or DD. The photo stat copy of money receipt should be attached to the Tender form at the time of submission of Tender form. Date of Sale: up to 22-05-2008 3) Last date of submission 22-05-2008 Up to 13.00 Hrs. 4) Date of opening: 22-05-2008 @ 15.00 Hrs. if possible. The tender document will not be accepted by post. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
Superintending Engineer
O & M Circle, Dhule
O&M Circle Office Dhule.
1. Deployment of watchmen round the clock i.e. all 24 hours should be at all the Sub Stations / field stores/ administrative offices/ fenced area (as per schedule 'A' enclosed for providing security of materials and watch and ward.
2. The agency should be registered under Bombay Shop and Establishment Act.1948. & Govt. Labour contract Act.
3. Proof of security deposit paid & an agreement on appropriates value of stamp paper shall have to be executed with the M.S.E.D.C.L. to carry out the work before commencement of the work. The stamp fees will be borne by the agency.
4. The staff of the security agency will attend the duties round the clock or as directed by our s/stn. in charge in uniform.. A watchman would be attending the duty at 8 hours in a day.
5. It will be the sole responsibility of the Security agency to guard and patrol the equipments, materials as well as sub. Stations and offices during the contract period.
6. If any loss/damage occurs to the premises/ materials in questions to be guarded, it will be to hole sole responsibility of the agency to inform this office immediately after loss/damage has occurred and also to lodge complaints to the polices simultaneously with Company’s officer.
7. Miscreants should be handed over to the nearest police stations by the agency and they should also report this matter to this office for further necessary actions.
8. M.S.E.D.C.L. will not make available vehicles to the staff of agency to attend the duties at sub. stn./ establishments etc.
9. The employees of the agency will not be entitled for any facility as is being provided to M.S.E.D.C.L. staff. It is the sole responsibility of agency to observe and abide by the provisions of Labour Acts such as Workmen compensation Act, Minimum wage Act, Payment of Wages Act, Gratuity Act, P.F. Act and other regulations framed by the Govt. from time to time. M.S.E.D.C.L. will not be responsible for any violation of the Act or Regulations by the security agency.
10. M.S.E.D.C.L. will not be responsible for any accident or injury to the personal of the agency or any financial implication arising there from.
11. If any type of misconduct or adverse report against the performance of agency or its employees is reported to the signatory of tendered office, the undersigned reserves the right for cancellation/ termination of contract at any stage and decision taken will be final and binding on the agency. The said termination shall be made at the risk and cost of agency and remaining work shall be got done from another agency at the cost and risk of the security agency.
12. The agency will be responsible for compliance of all statutory obligations under the factory Act, Contract Labour Act, Minimum Wages Act, Contribution under the E.P.F, Professional Tax, C.P.F., & E.S.I. Act,s etc. in respect of his employees. Rates should be quoted considering all above aspects.
13. All disputes, differences, arising in connection with this contract if concluded shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Dhule court.
14. The payment shall be made to the agency by cross Cheque only, after receiving the bill from the agency by this office. Income tax as per office rules/ Acts will be deducted from bill of the agency. Monthly bills will be submitted.
15. 5% of the contract value shall be deposited as Security Deposit, by the successful agency, in cash or in form of bank guarantees to this office. Security deposit will be refunded after completion of contract tender/ payment of final bill whichever occurs letter.
16. The monthly bills in triplicate prepared shall be submitted to MSEDCL by Agency and it would be paid after certification of the concerned in charge & scrutiny of the bill at O&M Circle Dhule.
17. Failure to carry out the work during the contractual period, M.S.E.D.C.L. will be at liberty to get work done departmentally or from other agency at the cost & risk of the agency.
18. Sub letting of the contract will not be allowed otherwise the contract will be terminated and the Security Deposit shall be forfeited.
19. The security staff so provided should be of Semiskilled category, physically fit & under 50 years of age.
20. The security personal should be regular and punctual in duties and should not leave the place unless the reliever comes.
21. If any damage/ thief/ loss occurred during the contract, the agency will make good the damage/ theft/loss by submitting an undertaking to that effect at the time of submitting the tender
22. The undersigned reserves the right to increase or decrease No. of watchman change the locations to be guarded depending upon our requirement. The agency will have to agree to these conditions & shall be given if it is observed that the security arrangement provided by the Agency is inadequate.
23. Experience about SECURITY GUARDS should be attached
24. The agency will have to make necessary relief arrangement to the watchman for their weekly off/ leave etc. The rate should be quoted accordingly considering O.T. payment to other guard or deputation of extra guard.
25. Any extra payment required to be made by the agency to their employees or the watchman on any account, the agency shall not be entitled to claim any additional payment from the Company & would pay the same them self.
26. For any detailed clarification, the agency may contact to this office during working hours only personally or on phone.
27. M.S.E.D.C.L. reserve right to add more term during the contract period if found necessary.
28. The offer should be made as per the prevailing minimum wages as applicable from 1/5/2008 & as per the latest Govt. Notification and should be on the firm rate basis for a period of 12 months and further extension period of 6 six month if any.
29. Price Escalation: - The price escalation will be applicable for any further rise in basic wages and special allowance only and will be considered on production of documentary evidence and only the difference in rate per security staff due to increase in basis wage and special allowance will be allowed
30. M.S.E.D.C.L. reserves right to continue this contract for further 6 more month at the same rate & other terms of contract. The agency shall have to carry out the work during the extended period; otherwise the work will be got done through another agency at the risk and cost of the agency.
31. The undersigned reserve the right to accept or rejects any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
ATTENTION of the tenderer is specifically invited for the compliance of the following requirements at the time of the submission of the tender. If any of these requirements are not fulfilled, tenders will be liable for rejection.
1. Offer should be submitted in two separate covers super scribed as '' qualifying bid`` and " price bid`` respectively. Cost of Tender & EMD amount should be deposited in office in cash or DD.
2. In qualifying bid, the tenderer should submit the experience certificate, photo state copies of work carried out by you previously, with certificate for satisfactory completion of works, P.F. Registration No., Service Tax Registration, Professional Tax Registration, Latest Income Tax Return, E.M.D. & cost of Tender(Photo stat copy of Money receipt) details & solvency certificate. Schedule ' C` &' D`, duly filled in shall also be enclosed with qualifying bid.
3. The qualifying bid will be opened first and if found suitable then the commercial bid will be opened for further consideration. However the undersigned reserve the right for opening of various tender envelops at the time of opening of tenders.
1. Tender completed with all particulars duly filled and enclosed in sealed cover and addressed to the Supt. Engineer, O&M Circle, M.S.E.D.C.L. Dhule must be delivered at the said office on or before due date/ time of submission. The tender cover should be super scribed with tender No. and due date / time.
2. Earnest Money Deposit :-
Earnest money deposit of Rs.18000/- will have to be paid by tenderer, either in cash or by demand draft drawn on any schedule Bank and payable at Dhule in favour of Supt. Engineer, O&M Circle M.S.E.D.C.L Dhule. Money receipt of cost of Tender & EMD should be obtained by Tenderer attached to the qualifying bid (Envelop No 1). In no case exemption for payment of earnest money will be granted. As such the tenders are requested, not to make any request for exemption. the tender without E.M.D. will not be considered.
The tender submitted shall be valid for (180 days) Ninety days from the date of opening. The E.M.D. will be forfeited in case the tender is withdrawn after the opening dates and before the expiry of 180 days or in the event of refusal to accept the order and to pay the Security Deposit within the stipulated period.
The contractor whose tender will be accepted shall be required to pay Security Deposited @ 5% of order value by Bank Grantee or D.D. within 10 days from the receipts of letter of indent or detailed order.
The tenderers are requested to submit the certificate of previous experience in similar jobs with detailed information while sumitting the tender.
The tenderers are requested to note that income tax @ 2.3% or at applicable rate of the gross bills payable will be deducted while making payment by this office against the contract. Latest income tax return from income tax authority is to be submitted along with the tender bid.