R07Set No: 1

Code No: V3111

III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013


(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 HoursMax Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks


1. a) What is a distribution factor? What is its effect? Derive an expression for distribution
factor of a winding having Q slots per pole per phase and a slot angle of β.

b) For a 3-phase winding with coil span of 1600, determine the distribution and winding factors in case the winding has a phase spread of 1200. Take the three phase winding

(i) to be uniformly distributed and(ii) to have 9 slots per pole.

2.a) What are the causes of harmonics in the emf waveforms of synchronous generators and

what means are adopted to minimize them.

b) A 3-phase alternator has 2 slots per pole per phase and coil span of 5 slot pitches. The

flux density wave of alternator consists of a fundamental and a 25% third harmonic.

Calculate the percentage increase in the phase voltage due to harmonic.

3.Explain the merits and demerits of EMF and MMF methods. Explain what are the

assumptions made in each case.

4. a) In what respect is the operation of an alternator on infinite bus bar different from parallel
operation of two alternators? What is the effect of change in excitation on the operation of
an alternator on infinite bus?

b) A 2MVA, 3-phase, star connected, 8 pole, 750 rpm alternator is operating on 6000V bus bars, Xs is 6 ohm per phase. Find synchronizing power and torque per mechanical degree of displacement for full load, 0.8 power factor lagging.

5. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the synchronous motor?

b) A Synchronous motor takes 25KW from 400V supply mains. The synchronous reactance of the motor is 4Ω. Find the power factor at which the motor would operate when the exciting current is so adjusted that the generated emf is 500V.

6.a) Mention the different methods of starting a synchronous motor. Explain any one of them

in detail.

b) Show that the current locus of a synchronous motor developing constant power circle. Determine its center and radius.

7. Write short notes on following:

a) Double revolving field theory.

b) Capacitor Start single phase induction motor.

8. a) Explain the construction and operation of A.C series motor with neat sketch?

b) What are the changes must be made in a d.c motor that is to operate on a.c supply?


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R07Set No: 2

Code No: V3111

III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013


(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 HoursMax Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1.a) Discuss the effect of pitch and distribution factors in an alternator.

b) For a 3-phase winding with 3 slots per pole per phase and coil span of 8 slots, compute

the breadth and pitch factors.

2.a) With neat circuit diagrams, explain the various tests conducted on an alternator to

determine its synchronous reactance.

b) A 16 pole, 3 phase, star connected alternator has 144 slots. The coils are short pitched by one slot. The flux per pole is Φ= 100sinθ + 30 sin3θ + 20 sin 5θ. Find harmonics as percentage of phase voltage and line voltage.

3.a) Discuss the ZPF method of calculating voltage regulation.

b) Explain how the above method is superior to synchronous impendence and mmf


4.a)What is the effect of synchronizing power and Torque on parallel operation of


b) A 750 kVA, 11 kV, 4 pole 3 phase star connected alternator has percentage resistance and reactance of 1 and 15 ohm respectively. Calculate synchronizing power per mechanical degree of displacement at

(i) no-load (ii) at full- load at 0.8 pf lag. The terminal voltage in each case is 11kV.

5. Write short notes on the following

a) V and Λcurves of synchronous motor.

b) Synchronous condenser for Power factor improvement.

6.a) What are the uses of damper windings in a synchronous motor?

b) Why it is necessary to increase the excitation to obtain minimum current with the

application of load.

7.a) Explain what is meant by the split-phase method of motor starting

b) Compare various types of single phase induction motors in terms of construction and


8. a) Write the characteristics and applications of A.C series motor?

b) Describe the construction and operation of reluctance motor with a neat sketch?


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R07Set No: 3

Code No: V3111

III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013


(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 HoursMax Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1.a) Explain the main constructional features of cylindrical rotor and salient pole alternators.

b) For a 3-phase winding having 3-slots per pole per phase, calculate the breadth factor in

case phase spread is(i) 600and (ii) 1200.

2.a) What are slot harmonics? How can they be reduced?

b) Derive the phasor diagram of a cylindrical rotor alternator. What is the effect of

armature reaction and how is it included in phasor diagram? Draw phasor diagrams for

leading, unity and lagging power factors.

3.a) Explain the MMF method of determing the voltage regulation of alternator

b) A 3 phase star connected alternator is rated at 1600kVA, 13.5l kV. The effective

armature resistance and synchronous reactance are 1.5 ohms and 30 ohms per phase

respectively. Find regulation for a load of 1280kW, rated voltage and power factor of

(i) unity(ii) 0.8 lagging.

4.a) Define the significance of transient and sub-transient reactances in an alternator.

b) Two 15KVA, 400V, 3-phase alternators in parallel supply a total load of 25 KVA at 0.8

p.f. lagging. If one alternator shares half the power at unity power factor, determine the power factor and KVA shared by the other alternator.

5. a) Explain the construction and principle of operation of synchronous motor.

b) Explain the characteristics features of a synchronous motor.

6. a) Explain the phenomenon of hunting and how it can be suppressed.

b) A 1000 kVA, 11 kV, 3 phase star connected synchronous motor has an armature resistance and reactance per phase of 3.5 ohms and 40 ohms respectively. Determine the angular retardation of motor induced emf when fully loaded at unity PF.

7.a)Explain the cross field theory of a single phase induction motor.

b)A 1/4 h.p. 110 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole capacitor start motor has the following constants and


Auxiliary winding ra= 2 xa= 2.79Main winding rm=4 xm= 2.0.

Magnetizing reactance is 66.8.Core loss=24W rotational loss of 13W.

Determine the stator current, power factor and efficiency when the motor is running as a single-phase motor at the rated voltage and frequency with its starting winding open.

8. Describe the principle of operation of permanent magnet and reluctance motors.


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R07Set No: 4

Code No: V3111

III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, December - 2013


(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 HoursMax Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1.a) Derive an expression for an induced e.m.f in a synchronous generator. Also explain how

the e.m.f is having sinusoidal wave form.

b) An alternator has 3 slots per pole per phase. For a coil span of 8 slots, find the winding factor.

2. a) Sketch and explain the open circuit and short circuit characteristics of a synchronous
machine. How voltage regulation can be calculated by the using these characteristics.

b) A 3-Phase star - connected alternator is rated at 1600KVA, 13,500V.The armature effective resistance and synchronous reactance are 1.5 and 30 respectively per phase. Calculate the percentage regulation for a load of 1280KW at power factors of

(i) 0.8 leading, and(ii)0.8 lagging.

3.a) Describe the slip test method for the measurement of Xd to Xq of synchronous machines.

b) A 3.5 MVA, slow-speed, 3-phase synchronous generator rated at 6.6KV has 32 poles its direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactances as measured by the slip test are 9.6 Ωand 6 Ωrespectively. Neglecting armature, determine the regulation and the excitation emf needed to maintain 6.6KV at the terminals when supplying a load of 2.5MW at 0.8pf lagging. What maximum power can the generator supply at the rated terminal voltage, if the field becomes open-circuited?

4. a) Explain the necessity of parallel operation of alternators.

b) Two 50MVA, 3-phase alternators operate in parallel. The settings of the governors are such that the rise in speed from full-load to no-load in 2% in one machine and 3% in the other, the characteristics being straight lines in both cases. If each machine is fully loaded when the total load is 100 MW, what will be the load on each machine when the total load is reduced 60 MW?

5.a) Draw and explain the phasor diagram of a synchronous motor operating at

(i) lagging power factor(ii) leading power factor.

b) A 2300V, 3 phase star connected synchronous motor has a synchronous reactance of 10 ohm per phase. When the motor delivers 255 hp the efficiency is 90% (exclusive of field loss). The power angle is 20˚. Calculate

(i) E per phase(ii) current, I and(iii) power factor. Neglect resistance.

6. a) Explain briefly the effect of varying excitation up on the armature current and pf of a
synchronous motor when input power to the motor is maintained constant.

b) Explain the operation of a synchronous induction motor.


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R07Set No: 4

Code No: V3111

7. a) Prove that a single phase motor winding when excited by a single phase supply produces
two equal and opposite revolving fields.

b) “The centrifugal switch of a single phase motor failed to open”. Explain the after effects in the performance.

8. a) List out the characteristics of reluctance motor?

b) Why are small fractional horse power ac series motors are called as universal motors?


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