Elections Project: Presidential Debate

Part 1

  1. Choose Your Topic:
  2. Choose Your Partners:

Part 2 – Research – 2-PAGE POLICY-BRIEF

Based on your topic, research news articles and watch Youtube videos of debates regarding your topic. FIND a minimum7 SOURCES THAT EXPLAIN YOUR POSITION/TOPIC.

  1. Foreign Policy:
  2. What do you propose the United Should do regarding North Korea?
  3. Do you agree/disagree with policies/strategies Trump and Obama pursued?
  4. What is your position on nuclear weapons?
  5. How do you plan to keep Americans safe from Terrorists?
  6. How do you plan to stop ISIS abroad?
  7. How do you plan to stop ISIS and other terrorist attacks at home?
  8. Do you support Trump’s travel ban? If so, what parts do you agree with? What parts do you disagree with?
  9. Economic Policy
  10. What kind of tax policies would you prefer?
  11. How do you plan to balance the budget?
  12. Do you plan on raising taxes? If so on who?
  13. Do you on plan to cut spending? If so, what programs?
  14. What is your solution to fixing Social Security & Other Entitlement Programs?
  15. Do you believe in Welfare programs such as Food Stamps? Or do you think they just encourage people to rely on the system.
  16. Do you believe it is the Governments job to take care of those who need help? Or should people take care of themselves.
  17. Do you believe in a welfare state?
  18. Do you believe in a limited government based on libertarian ideas?
  19. Immigration Policy
  20. What is your position regarding Syrian Refugees?
  21. What is your position regarding DACA and/or Dream Act?
  22. Do you believe the United States should accept all immigrants or prioritize those who have an education and are skilled?
  23. Do you believe the United States should build a wall to limit illegal immigration from Mexico and other Latin American countries?
  1. Civil Rights/Social Policy
  2. Do you believe Football players are disrespecting the flag by standing on one knee during the National Anthem?
  3. What do you think should be done?
  4. Do you believe that Neo-Nazi and Confederate Flag supporters should be allowed to protest and express their views?
  5. What do you think should be done?
  6. Do you think Stop and Frisk police tactics are effective?
  7. Do you support Black Lives Matter? Do you believe the group is too extreme?
  8. What can be done to help women bridge the equal pay gap? Or does it not exist at all?
  9. Are you a feminist? Why or Why not?

Education/Healthcare Debate Team

  1. Do you believe that government-funded healthcare is a good idea? Meaning universal-healthcare?
  2. Do you think the United States should model their healthcare plans on European countries?
  3. What do you plan to do to fix Obamacare?
  4. Do you agree with Trump’s plan on healthcare?
  5. What do you plan to do to make college more affordable?
  6. Do you believe in free college for everybody?

What are Policy Briefs?

A short document that presents the findings and recommendations of a policy (law) or program to a non-specialized audience.

  1. Title - A good title quickly communicates the contents of the brief in a memorable way.
  2. Executive Summary: In 1 Paragraph explain what you are proposing and the benefits.
  3. Context or Scope of Problem – What is the Problem you are talking about? What caused the problem? What is the current policy that you are trying to replace?
  4. Policy Alternatives: Explain how other people’s ideas are not as good as yours.
  5. Policy Recommendations: What are you proposing? What are the advantages? Are there any disadvantages? Who benefits? How does the policy work?
  6. Sources Page – Cite your sources.


  1. Part 1 – Summarize the law, policy and/or idea that you are addressing. Write 1-2 Paragraphs explain the policy.
  2. What is the policy, and or idea you are addressing?
  3. When was it created?
  4. Who created it? Democrats? Republicans, other groups?
  1. Part 2 – Analyze the law, policy, and/or idea?
  2. Why was this program created?
  3. Who was this program created for?
  4. What are some advantages/disadvantages of the program?
  5. Why is the program/idea/policy not working/working?
  1. Part 3 – Recommendations?
  2. What are you proposing?
  3. What are the advantages? Disadvantages?
  4. Who benefits?
  5. How does the policy work?
  1. Part 4 – PPT and Debate
  2. Summarize your policy brief in a PPT
  3. Include a Context/Slide
  4. Analyze the law/policy idea slide
  5. Why is your opponent wrong/right?
  6. Recommendations