ELA 30A Outcome CC A 30.2 Create and present visual and multimedia representations including using photographs to explain a range of contemporary course-related perspectives or landscapes.

Poetry Analysis

Now it is your turn to analyze a poem. The purpose of this assignment is to connect poetry (the written) with photos (the visual). Each student will select one poem from the list and create a power point presentation (or some similar format; prezi etc.) using various photos to highlight the theme(s), content, and context of the poem. Each student will be required to present his/her ideas to the class.

Your teaching will consist of answering the following questions, which can be on the same slides as the pictures, or on additional slides. You are also to hand in a copy of your entire presentation.

1.  What words or phrases struck you about this poem, and what was the poet was attempting to accomplish by using them?

2.  What thoughts or feelings do you have after reading this poem?

3.  Explain, in your own words, the speaker’s ideas and feelings in the poem.

4.  What is the poems structure? (rhyme scheme, meter)

5.  Point out any examples of figurative language.

6.  Point out any examples of descriptive language.

7.  Based on your poem, what do you think is the poet’s view of the Canadian landscape? Use details from the poem to support your explanation.

8.  Do you agree with the viewpoints as they are expressed? (Please do not answer this question with, “Yes, I agree with the poet.” or, “No, I don’t agree with the poet.”.


Each presentation should include:

1.  The entire poem.

2.  At least eight pictures which represent the ideas from the poem.

3.  Brief background information on the author, if you can find it. (Perhaps what may have inspired them to write the poem.)

4.  The answers to the above questions.

Name / Poem Selection
15. / “Solitude” ~ Archibald Lampman
“The Animals in That Country” ~ Margaret Atwood
“Heat” ~ Archibald Lampman
“Banff” ~ Margaret Avison
“Twilight” ~ Margaret Avison
“Canadian January Night” ~ Alden Nowlan and “Mud Time” ~ George Bowering
“Fear of the Landscape” ~ Ian Young
“Temagami” ~ Archibald Lampman
“The Camp of Souls” ~ A.V. Crawford
“The Winter Fields” ~ Sir Charles GD Roberts
“As Down the Woodland Ways” ~ Sir Charles GD
“Morning in the Hills” ~ Bliss Carman
“Prairie’ ~ George Bowering
“A Night in June” ~ Duncan Campbell Scott
“Sea Cliff” ~AJM Smith