El Paso Community College


Instructor’s Course Requirements


I. Course Number and Instructor Information

CHEM 1412, General Chemistry II

INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: Dr. Monica F. Delgado

CAMPUS AND OFFICE NUMBER: 146 C at EPCC Valleverde in the old Student Bussiness Center Building.




MONDAY / 10:00AM-1:50PM
TUESDAY / 10:00-11:20 AM
THURSDAY / 10:00-11:20 AM
FRIDAY / 1-1:50PM


Text and Materials

A. Required Text

“CHEMISTRY” The Central Science ” by Brown, Lemay et. al., 12 Ed. Pearson

B. Required Materials

Scientific calculator

C. Recommended Materials

Study Guide accompanying the text.

III. Course Requirements

A. Grading Scale

Average Grade Letter Grade

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

0-59% F

The course grade average includes the lab grade (15% of the total grade). If you fail the Lab you will automatically fail the course.


Grade Breakdown:

1) Best 4 out of 5 (1Hr.) Exam 40 %

2) Volunteer Work 5%

3) Tutor Visits 5%

2) Lab Grade 15 %

3) Final Exam 35 %

In order for students to get credit for the course the following requirements are expected:

a.  The Lecture portion of the course should have a minimum average of 60.

b.  The Lab grade should be at least 66.

Failure to meet the above criteria, students could earn a grade of “D” or “F”

C. Make-up Exams

Since the lowest exam grade will be dropped, under no circumstances will make-up exams will be given (no exceptions!).

Student Class Guidelines

I. Conduct in the classroom

1.  Please both respectful towards your instructor and your peers. I expect you to leave your personal problems outside the classroom, snapping at the professor or other students are completely unacceptable and zero tolerance will be enforced. The 1st incident you will be asked to leave the classroom. The 2nd incident you will be sent to the Dean. If there is a 3rd incident, you will be dropped from the course with an “F”.

2.  Please be quiet while I am teaching, lecturing, talking, and explaining something on the board. Students that fail to comply with this policy will be asked to leave. No exceptions

3.  Cellular phones and/or beepers should be turned off during the lab period. Students that fail to comply with this policy will be asked to leave the lab. No exceptions. If you need to take a call do it outside the classroom. If you need to txt do it outside the classroom.

4.  You will not be allowed to use your cellphone calculator. Bring your calculator with you always.

5.  Attendance will be taken daily. The students will be dropped from the course with an “F” after 6 absences. Note that being late twice is equivalent to 1 absence. It’s considered late if you arrive after attendance is taken.

ii. Extra points

6.  For having perfect attendance and being on time (no missed classes throughout the semester) you can get 1pt for your final exam.

7.  For coming twice to my office hours during the semester you can get 1 point towards any exam that you select (One time only)

8.  For going twice to the tutors during the semester you can get 1 point towards any exam that you select (One time only)

iii. Exams

9.  Exams are multiple choices. Scantron sheets will be provided to you. Just make sure you bring your calculator and pencil. I will provide you with a copy of a periodic table on the 1st day of class. After this you are responsible for bringing the copy of the periodic table to each of the exams. The periodic table should not have anything written on it. I will check it before each examination.

10.  The final exam is comprehensive, meaning it covers all the material from the beginning to the last day of class.

11.  If you have a 95 or higher on 4 exams out of the 5 (on each exam) and you have a passing grade in the lab section you can be exempt from the final class exam. This is before any extra points are added. In other words the raw score.

12.  Thursday’s you are going to be working in groups. Each Thursday a different group will give an oral presentation that will count as an exam. The topics will be assigned the first week of classes along with the order of the presentations. The presentations need to be given in power point; they have to last 15 minutes as minimum and a maximum of 25.

Each member of the group has to speak. Make sure you are ready to answer both the questions that ask and that your fellow classmates ask.

50% personal presentation.

15% group grade

10% from how well you answer the questions asked.

5% will come from the other students listening to the presentations.

10% copy sent to me 3 days before the presentation

10% from the Facebook (information sent a day before the presentation)

*The Facebook page has to be ready the day before your presentation I will check that the content is accurate.

If the presentation is less than 15 minutes points will be deducted. 10 points for each minute not used. Make sure you do not use notes; is an oral examination.

13.  If by the end of the semester your Facebook page has 250 or over 250 friends or members (not likes) your group can earn 5 points towards the final examination.

I.  Instructor’s Policies
A. Academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the Student Code of Conduct (page 72) printed in the college Catalog. Academic dishonesty consists of submitting someone else's work under your name, obtaining information from someone other than the instructor during an exam.

B. Attendance--Drops

It is the student's responsibility to attend class as per the schedule. It is also the student's responsibility to withdraw from the course for whatever reason. The instructor assumes no responsibility for student withdrawal from the course or for the completion of student's course work. Course expectations are outlined in this syllabus.

C. “I” Grade

A grade of “I” (incomplete) will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. An “I” may be given only to those students who do not meet the minimum speed requirement but who have completed all other assignments. An “I” will not be given to students who simply do not meet the deadlines. A from must be completed and signed by both instructor and the student prior to the submission of grades.

D. Children will not be allowed in either classroom or the laboratory.

E. Cellular phones and/or beepers should be turned off during the class period. Students that fail to comply with this policy will be asked to leave the classroom.

F. EPCC offers a variety of services to persons with documented sensory, mental, physical or temporary disabling conditions to promote success in classes. If you have a disability and believe you need services, you are encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to discuss your needs with a Counselor. All Discussions and documentation are kept confidential. Offices located: VV Rm C-112 (831-2426), TM Rm 1400 (831-5808), RG Rm B-201 (831-4198), NWC (831-8815), and MDP Rm A125 (831-7024)



CHAPTER 11: Intermolecular Forces and Liquid and Solids

CHATER 13: Physical Properties of Solutions

First Exam Tentatively Feb 20th 2014

CHAPTER 14: Chemical Kinetics

CHAPTER 15: Chemical Equilibrium

Second Exam: Tentatively March 6th 2014

CHAPTER 16: Acid and Bases

CHAPTER 17: Acid – Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria

Third Exam: Tentatively April 3rd 2014

CHAPTER 19: Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium

CHAPTER 20: Electrochemistry

Fourth Exam: Tentatively May 1st 2014

May 11 - 17 FINAL EXAMS

January 19 Institutional Holiday (Martin Luther King - No Classes)

March 10 -16 Institutional Holiday (Spring Break – No Classes)

March 31 Institutional Holiday (Cesar Chavez – No Classes)

April 17 Last Day to Withdraw with a Grade of “W”

April 18 Institutional Holiday (Good Friday– No Classes)

This calendar is subject to slight variation.