Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufe 10werden anhand von Kurzbeschreibungen nach folgendem Muster über das Angebot an W-Seminaren der Schule informiert:
Formular: Kurzbeschreibung zur Information der Schüler in der Jgst. 10
Lehrkraft: Fuchs, Thorsten Leitfach: Englisch Rahmenthema:Contemporary British FictionZielsetzung des Seminars:
In this seminar we want to take a close look at the Britain of today by studying emerging and ever-recurring topics as well as new formal and conceptualdevelopments in its fiction from about 2000 to the present day. The term ‘fiction’ refers to novels- and films - in the first place, but might be extendedtoTV series as well. Our aim is to discuss a diverse selection of contemporary fictions, all of which are grouped around the political, historical, social and culturalareas of:1. the role of (especially the recent) history;2. life and living together in the 21st century; 3.the dealing with religion(s); 4. monarchy and political life now and then. Accordingly,‘British’ here is to be regarded less geographically but as a thematic concept.
A first range of selected novels might include:
- Alan Bennett: “The Uncommon Reader”
- Nick Hornby: “A Long Way Down”
- Ian McEwan: “Saturday”; “Sweet Tooth”
- John Niven: “The Second Coming”
- David Peace: “GB84”
- Ali Smith: “The Accidental”
- Zadie Smith: “On Beauty”
A first range of selected films might include:
- “All or Nothing”
- “Another year”
- “Locke”
- “Pride”
- “The Iron Lady”
- “The King’s Speech”
- “The Queen”
- “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”
Thiscoursewillnot only familiarise students with basic research and analysing skills in the fields of literature and film, but also introduce them to the contemporary fictional landscape in the UKand, by doing so, give them an insight of what might be the Britain of today.
mögliche Themen für die Seminararbeiten:
1. The role of history (Thatcherism, etc.) for Britain’s identity in the 21st century in (…)
2. Multiculturalism and its impacton society in the work of (…)
3. Unholy words, true contents? – The depiction of Christian tradition in (…)
ggf. weitere Bemerkungen zum geplanten Verlauf des Seminars:
All presentations must be held and all papers must be written in English. All participants in this seminar are expected to be fond of reading, no matter what field above they want to specialize in.
Sollte sich im Verlauf des Seminars herausstellen, dass das Konzept erheblich verändert werden muss, so ist dies in Absprache mit der Schulleitung möglich.
Anhand dieser Kurzbeschreibungen wählen die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihr Wunsch-Seminar.
Vgl. dazu auch ► Kapitel 7 zum W-Seminar im Lehrer-Leitfaden „Die Seminare in der gymnasialen Oberstufe“, S. 28f. („Ablauf des Wahlprozesses“)