Press Release, no. 1/2018

EIMA 2018, the new features trade fair

The 43rd international agricultural machinery exposition set for November 7 to 11 at the Bologna Trade Fair quarters came up for presentation in Verona. There are expectations of new record numbers for the review claiming second place in the world for the number of manufacturers exhibiting and visitors arriving and ranked first for internationalization. Among the new features planned is the Idrotech Salon dedicated to irrigation and water management and the inauguration of new Pavilions 29 and 30, the first built through the ambitious program for restructuring the exposition quarters.

The Bologna biennial

New generation machinery and equipment, design and technology updates of ranges and first ever digital products and systems for management and control of operations are the legacy of EIMA International, the great review of agricultural engineering, the maintenance of greenery and associated components taking over the Bologna Trade fair from November 7 to 11 for the exposition’s 43rd edition. As never before, the event is preparing an exposition under the hallmark of new features, beyond technical contents and organization and structures are the finest production of more than 2,000 manufacturers arriving from 50 countries bringing more than 50,000 models and technological devices covering more than 1,000 merchandise categories

The new EIMA Idrotech

Among the 14 sectors of specializations in the review format are 4 theme salons, EIMA Components, EIMA Green, EIMA Energy EIMA M.i.A. plus the new EIMA Idrotech Salon totally focused on irrigation technologies and plant and the management of water resources. The CEO of FederUnacoma Surl organizing the exposition, Massimo Goldoni, speaking at a press conference held in Verona this afternoon declared, “This is a matter of a highly strategic sector in the presence of the climatic trend unfavorable for water resources becoming an increasing variable which can have greater influence on farm production, a factor which must be managed with more refined technologies and systems for perfecting controls.” The irrigation sector has been an ongoing issue within the EIMA setting since the 2016 edition when 11,000 square meters were allocated for 250 industries from 20 countries and the upcoming 2018 edition has acquired the status of a specialized salon. This sector has been showing a growing trend extending to the markets to the benefit of Italian manufacturers, recognized for global leadership. Irrigation machinery rose 15% on the domestic market and Italian exports in the sector rose 8%.

Eyes trained on the new pavilions

The theme sectors laid out for the review extend on an total area of 350,000 square meters with the entire Bologna Trade Fair assigned as usual. The graphic and scenographic features will be accentuated to make the various theme areas immediately recognizable for visitors in attendance in 300,000 units. More significant is the launch of the new Pavilions 29 and 30 on plane surfaces without pillars for creating an exhibition area of 24,000 square meters. The pavilions are now in construction as the first step in the plans for restruction of the BolognaFiere quarters for completion in 2022 with the construction of 4 more pavilions and total refitting all the exhibition structures. Goldoni reported, “The EIMA review has shown impressive growth, moving over the past ten years from 250,000 to 350,000 square meters of area allocated and the number of visitors registered growing from 140,000 in 2008 to 285,000 in 2016.” He went on to say, “Now it is firmly in second place in the world for the numbers of exhibitors and visitors and in first place for internationalization with 150 business people and 70 official foreign delegations arriving. The ample plans for renewing the exhibition structures can take flight to a winning project.”

Technical and policy issues

Technical and policy issues with have a high profile in the EIMA International setting bringing in plans already set dedicated to the European Agenda for agricultural mechanization similar to a meeting at the EIMA 2016 to take on the role of an Observatory of European policies in the sector. Technical seminars and activities in at the Window of the EIMA Desk will be trained on promoting advanced technologies. Goldoni pointed out, “In Italy we have a second-hand tractor market which is nearly double that for new tractors and this runs counter in a country which can vaunt a platform like EIMA used by business people from all the continents for learning of the latest generation tractor mechanics.”

Strategic events

Goldoni also confirmed, “EIMA International has found that the biennial frequence is ideal because this makes it possible to effectively present new products and allow manufacturers to better plan their trade fair investments but is not the only promotional event organized by FederUnacoma over the year. Along with the important collaboration with the VeronaFiere for Fieragricola, already in preparation is the 2018 edition of the EIMA Show. This event is machinery trial demonstrations in the field set up with the cooperation of the UmbriaFiere, the University of Perugia, Coldiretti Umbria, the Agraria Education Foundation and CESAR to be held, as it was last year, at the Casalina di Deruta farm in the Perugia Province over three days, July 13 to 15 on the issues of 4.0 precision agriculture.”

Verona, January 31, 2018