Eighth Grade Accelerated Language Arts

Time management is a must in eighth grade! Students need to develop more stringent daily study habits and organizational skills. Higher academic demands are made, students become involved in after-school events, and social activities consume more time. Broad-based knowledge becomes essential and can be acquired by reading newspapers, news magazines, and a wide variety of other reading material.

Supply List

Folder with brackets (loose-leaf paper inside)

2 blue or black ink pens

2 red grading pens

Dictionary and thesaurus for home use

Mrs. Causey


The TPS Pacing Calendar and Oklahoma Core Curriculum Pass Objectives will be covered. Reading will be emphasized through Target Teach instruction. In order to prepare students for the Oklahoma Writing Test, writing will be the main focus in this class. Attention will be paid to parts of speech, usage, and mechanics, development of phrases and clauses, and proper sentence development including simple, compound, and complex sentences. Writing/ composition skills will include effective sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Narrative, expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing styles will be emphasized. Quarter and long-term research projects will be developed. In addition to writing, students will study short stories, poetry, drama, and non-fiction. Daily Oral Language and vocabulary will be included on a regular basis.

Textbook Info

Writing and Grammar and Prentice Hall Literature will be the primary textbooks used; however, other texts will be incorporated. Books will be checked out to each student and I will record the book number. If the book is damaged or lost, the student is expected to pay for the book before another

book and/or report cards are issued. Books must be covered at all times and brought to class daily.

Dreaded Homework

Most homework consists of finished work not completed in class. All work is to be turned in on time and complete; however, late work will be accepted up to three days for less credit each day. When special projects are assigned, assignment sheets with specific information and due dates will be distributed to students. Weekly assignments are posted in the room and on Edison’s Homework Central website.


90-100% =A; 80-89% =B; 70-79%=C; 60-69% =D; 0-59% =F

Grades will be given for classwork, homework, Bellwork folders, tests, and special projects. Two points will be added to the total grade if work is turned in on time as a reward. Late work will be accepted as follows: 1 day late – highest grade possible 89%; 2 days late – highest grade possible 79%; 3 days late – highest grade possible 69%; late work will not be accepted after. Grade notification: printouts every two weeks, progress reports fifth week of quarter, and report cards quarterly. (OVER)

Attendance and

Make-up Work

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any assignment you may have missed and turn in the completed work. Students should check the website or classroom board for assignments if the information is not in the planner. The day you return to class, ask me for the necessary worksheets and additional information. Absent work should be turned in equal to the number of missed days – a one day absence allows one extra day for homework, etc. No credit will be given for work handed in later than the designated time. All make-up tests must be taken before or after school within one week of the missed test. Arrangements must be made in advance.


Planners are great organizational tools which should be used daily. Each week, assignments are posted on the board in each core teacher’s room. Students are expected to copy these assignments into the planner and refer to it throughout the week to ensure all homework is complete. Long-term projects should also be posted to allow students to use time management and not wait until the last minute to start an important project.

Classroom Behavior: I will not allow any student to behave in any way that interferes with the learning of others. I will enforce the following rules:

*Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings at the beginning of the period.

*Be quiet and listen whenever the teacher is talking.

*Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

*Bring all books and materials to class.

*Gum, candy, and other food items are not allowed in class.

*Remain in your seat at the end of the hour until the teacher dismisses you.

Penalties: If you choose to break a rule, these steps will be followed:

1. First Time Warning

2. Second Time Last Warning

3. Third Time Teacher Consequence

4. Fourth Time Parent Contact

5. Fifth Time Referral to Principal

Rewards: If you choose to follow the rules, rewards will include such things as Praise, a Day-Late Coupon . . .

Course Outline

Bellwork (alternating DOL and journal entries)

Parts of speech


Writing: sentence, paragraph, topic sentence, transition sentence

Writing process

Upgrade writing vocabulary

Write 5 paragraph essays in preparation for Oklahoma Writing Test

Memory Book

Reaching Target Teach objectives tested at the end of every unit

Literary elements

Improve speaking/ listening vocabulary

Participate in class discussions

Use of reliable Internet sources

Research projects – Use correct MLA format for writing and documentation

Drama- “Diary of Anne Frank”

Short stories

Myths, legends
