Eight Ash Green Parish Council Meeting 11Th July 2007


Minutes of the Eight Ash Green Parish Council Meeting held on 14th March 2012 in the Village Hall, Spring Lane, Eight Ash Green at 7.30pm


Councillor C Gray

Councillor A Cook

Councillor D Franklin

Councillor P Norton

Councillor E Warren

Councillor L Greenwold

Mrs A Harness, Parish Clerk

Also present three members of the public and Borough Councillor M Harrington.

Councillor C Gray welcomed everybody to the meeting.

920.  / To receive apologies and record absences. / Apologies have been received from Councillors R Brown, M Flynn, C Willetts and Borough Councillor D Willetts.
921.  / To receive declarations of interest. / No Councillor had any interests to declare. If any interests arise during discussions Councillors will declare these as necessary.
922.  / To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 8th February 2012. / It was proposed by Councillor E Warren and seconded by Councillor D Franklin that it be resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on the 8th February 2012 be confirmed as a true record. All in favour.
923.  / To deal with matters arising from those minutes not dealt with elsewhere in the agenda. / There were no matters arising from the minutes not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda.
924.  / In accordance with the adopted code of conduct members of the public are invited to Have your say! The Chairman will ask members of the public to indicate if they wish to speak on any matter appearing on the agenda or any matters not appearing on the agenda. / Mrs White informed the meeting that she feels that the rubbish and glass outside the old Brick & Tile is dangerous and making the village look very untidy. Councillor C Gray reported that he recently spoke to the owners who are hoping to open the new dental practice here soon. He believes that the rubbish would be cleared soon as it would need to be moved before the dentists opened. It was agreed that the Council will write to the owners asking if the glass and rubbish can be cleared.
Mrs Winterbourne informed the meeting that she is concerned about possible future development on the Heath as over the past twenty years many things have been proposed.
Councillor A Cook explained that recently the Parish Council has regularised the paperwork to recognise the Parish Council as the owners of the Heath. He explained that the Heath remains as common land and as before any proposals would need to comply with the necessary legislation and continued that the Parish Council would be against any built development on the Heath. Eight Ash Green Parish Council are currently looking at possibilities for a play area on the heath. At the present time no site or designs have been agreed on, but the play area will not be fenced in, made of natural materials with no bright colours and will be designed to blend in so there is minimal impact on the Heath. Once there is further information this will be publicised widely before moving the project on. Eight Ash Green Parish Council is working on behalf of the village to deliver what they have asked for in the Parish Plan.
925.  / To review the Action Tracker and the status of existing actions. / The updated action tracker was noted by the Council and the following issues discussed;
The Clerk reported that work has not been carried out to clear the Chippetts Lane Pond yet and Mr Ralph will no longer be able to carry out this work as his digger is being sold. It was agreed that Mr G Tye will cut back the sprouting vegetation around this pond and the Heaths and Greens committee will monitor this matter.
Councillor E Warren reported that she would be asking for an onsite meeting with Mr Mason and Councillor R Brown to discuss the repairs to Huxtables Lane Bridleway. It was agreed to change the completion date for this action to 30.06.12.
It was reported that the grass cutting tender document has now been agreed by the Heaths & Greens committee so this item can be removed from the tracker.
Councillor D Franklin will now work with Borough Councillor D Willetts on the definitive map of the village instead of Councillor C Gray.
It was agreed to place an item on the tracker called Potholes and for the following potholes to be reported. Pothole on the corner of Spring Lane and Halstead Road and the pothole on the roundabout at A12 Junction.
It was agreed to place the Broadband project on the action tracker to monitor the situation.
926.  S / To receive a report on the progress of the project to improve broadband in the village. / Councillor C Gray reported that at the meeting held in December 35 households expressed an interest in the broadband project. Now the door stop survey has been carried out with 6 volunteers assisting with this the number has risen to over 200. County Broadband will now write to these people directly and it is believed that individual household installations could begin in April.
Councillor C Gray reported that to date there has only been 1 expression of interest in the internet club so this will not go ahead unless more people come forward to express their interest.
927.  / To receive a report from Borough Councillor M Harrington regarding The Sidings, Iron Latch Lane, and to discuss any action that may be required. (Borough Councillor M Harrington attending for this item) / Borough Councillor M Harrington informed the meeting that Hopkin Homes will be submitting a planning application shortly and they will manage the woodland for five years before another organisation takes over the management of the woods. Borough Councillor M Harrington reported that he has spoken with the Woodland Trust and Essex Wildlife Trust and he has arranged a meeting with Hopkin Homes on Friday 16th March and would like to know whether the Parish Council would be interested in taking on the management of the woodland or whether they would prefer a trust to take on the management?
Councillor C Gray stated that we could gather information at the meeting with Hopkin Homes on what would be required and the level of financial assistance available.
Councillor E Warren suggested that we support Essex Wildlife Trust with this as it would be to much responsibility for the Parish Council.
Councillor A Cook informed the meeting that he feels the Parish Council has a responsibility to ensure public access to the woodland is maintained not to necessary own the land.
It was proposed by Councillor E Warren and seconded by Councillor D Franklin that the Parish Council would prefer an organisation like the Essex Wildlife Trust take on Iron Latch Woods as the responsible body. Whilst our overriding ambition is to ensure public access is maintained to as much of the woodland as possible. All in favour.
To receive reports from Councillors.
1.1  Chairman’s Activities since the last meeting.
1.2  Planning - 120073 - Convert 3 port double storey garage into a granny annex (Residential dwelling) with 2 bedrooms. Kemps Farm, Turkey Cock Lane & 120291 - Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, loft conversion and garage. (Resubmission of 111779) The Poplars, Daisy Green
9.3 Heaths, Greens, Footpaths and Highways Committee. / Chairman’s Actions
Councillor C Gray reported that he had reported his actions under the Broadband update. He reminded the Council that this would be his last meeting and explained that he had had a great time whilst serving on the Council and would continue to work with the Council on the Broadband project.
The Parish Council noted its thanks for all Councillor C Gray hs done for the Parish whilst serving on the Council.
120291 - It was resolved that there be no objections to this application.
120073 – It was resolved that whilst the Parish Council sees no valid reason to object to this application it would like to express concern that once again planning permission is being sort for work already commenced on this site.
An additional application has been received for comment. This is 120478 - Rear extension including external and internal alterations. (Resubmission of application 112066). Cartref, Wood Lane, Fordham Heath. It was resolved that there be no objections to this application.
Heaths, Greens, Footpaths & Highways
Councillor E Warren reported that the Heaths, Greens, Footpaths and Highway committee have reformatted the grass cutting tender and we will be asking contractors to price for the next three years. In addition to this a miscellaneous schedule has been sent to J Firmin to price so a quote can be submitted for discussion at the April meeting.
929.  / To receive reports from the County and Borough Councillors. / Borough Councillor M Harrington reported that he has followed up on the waiting restrictions for the lay bys near the Holiday Inn. It is an offence to block driveways and the number to call should a driveway become blocked is 01206 282316. If cars for sale are also park at these locations contact should be made with Chris Halls at Colchester Borough Council. Borough Councillor M Harrington reported that he will also raise the issue of waiting restrictions along Abbotts Lane and will email the resident directly.
Borough Councillor M Harrington reported that he attended a Local Highways Panel meeting and has been informed that a footpath between Huxtables Lane and Wood Lane will not be possible, but the possibility of a Vehicle Activated Sign along the Halstead Road will be looked into.
Borough Councillor M Harrington was thanked for his report.
930.  / Clerks report to the Council including receiving a schedule of items of interest for information. / The Clerk circulated a schedule of items of interest for information to all members of the Council.
The Clerk asked the Council to confirm whether the Annual Parish Meeting would be held before the April council meeting or before the Annual General Meeting of the Council in May. It was unanimously agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting in April.
The Clerk asked the Council to consider purchasing a copy of the most recent edition of the Charles Arnold Baker Local Council Administration book as this is an invaluable resource and it would assist the Clerk in her duties. It was proposed by Councillor L Greenwold and seconded by Councillor P Norton to purchase a copy of this book for the Clerk. All in favour.
931.  / To deal with accounts for payment and financial report. / The Clerk reported that if you have received your Council Tax bill you will have noticed a considerable rise in the parish part of your bill. It has become apparent that an administrative error last year meant the incorrect sum of money was requested from Colchester Borough Council. This actually meant residents received a 12% decrease last year instead of the small increase planned. This has lead to a large increase this year as the correct precept has been requested. Councillor C Gray suggested that two Councillors approve the precept request prior to its submission to Colchester Borough Council. This was unanimously agreed by the Council.
It was resolved that as Councillor C Gray is leaving the Council, Councillor P Norton will become a signatory on the bank account. All in favour.
The Clerk circulated a financial report and list of accounts for payment.
The Council considered the reports and it was proposed by Councillor P Norton and seconded by Councillor C Gray that the following accounts be approved for payment. All in favour.
·  Eight Ash Green Village Hall – Hall Hire (Parish Council & Youth Group Dec – Feb) - £110.00
·  G Tye – Wages - £110.00
·  A Harness – Wages & Expenses - £524.18
Any other business.
(Note: No decisions may lawfully be made under this item, but matters may be discussed which involve no more than an exchange of information. Any matters requiring a decision must be deferred to the next meeting.) / There were no items for discussion under any other business. The meeting closed to members of the public at 8.46pm.
933.  / Part Two
To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the Public to be excluded further from the Meeting.
The outcome of the private discussion will be publicised in the minutes to this meeting.
·  To continue discussions relating to the draft agreement to be held between the Parish Council and the Eight Ash Green Football Club.
·  To discuss the responses received from the informal consultation relating to the proposed new Play Area and to discuss possible ways forward with this project. / The Clerk amended the draft agreement as agreed at the February meeting and circulated this to all members. It was proposed by Councillor L Greenwold and seconded by Councillor P Norton to adopt this agreement. All in favour. Councillor D Franklin will meet with Mr Cant to discuss and sign the adopted agreement. The Parish Council noted its concerns regarding liability should the agreement not be signed by the Football Club.
Councillor A Cook reported that he has now met with Bob Penny from Colchester Borough Council on the Heath to discuss possible locations for the proposed Play Area. Councillor A Cook explained that Bob Penny preferred some suggested sites over others and explained the reasoning for this to the meeting. Councillor A Cook explained that Colchester Borough Council approach three companies who will then compete to design the play area and he could recommend some companies to approach. We could then possibly display the designs at the Festival for comment.
After discussion it was proposed by Councillor C Gray and seconded by Councillor D Franklin that the Parish Council agree to identify the north heath site as the location for the new play area and to approach three companies to meet with Parish Council representatives. All in favour.
It was agreed that Councillors A Cook and E Warren will represent the Council.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm

Signed: ______

Dated: ______