Admission Procedure for Second Cycle Degrees
(LM – Master’s Degree Programmes)
a.y. 2015/2016
School of Engineering and Architecture
Bologna and Ravenna Campus
Admission Requirements
Students are expected to fulfil curriculum requirements and additional requirements on the adequacy of the academic preparation as listed in article 1 of each Degree Programme teaching regulation.
1.Students so-called “di continuità” – Direct enrolment
According to the present procedure, students are defined “di continuità” if they have obtained a first cycle degree (L / BS) at the University of Bologna and are willing to enrol in a Second Cycle Degree Programme (LM / MS / Master degree programme) which is considered to be a direct prosecution of their studies, as described in the following table:
Lauree Magistrali / Classe / Codice / Lauree / Classe / Codice / OrdinamentoIngegneria chimica e di processo / LM22 / 8896 / Ingegneria chimica e biochimica / L9 / 0918 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria chimica / 10 / 0044 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria dell'industria alimentare / 10 / 0054 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria civile / LM-23 / 0930 / Ingegneria civile / L7 / 0919 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / L7 / 0928 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria civile / 8 / 0045 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / 8 / 0053 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria dell'energia elettrica / LM-28 / 8611 / Ingegneria dell'energia elettrica / L9 / 8610 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria elettrica / L9 / 0922 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria elettrica / 10 / 0047 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria elettronica / LM-29 / 0934 / Ingegneria elettronica e telecomunicazioni / L8 / 0923 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria elettronica / 9 / 0048 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria energetica / LM-30 / 0935 / Ingegneria energetica / L9 / 0924 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria energetica / 10 / 0057 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria gestionale / LM-31 / 0936 / Ingegneria gestionale / L9 / 0925 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria gestionale / 10 / 0049 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria dei processi gestionali / 9 / 0050 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria informatica / LM-32 / 0937 / Ingegneria informatica / L8 / 0926 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria informatica / 9 / 0051 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria meccanica / LM-33 / 0938 / Ingegneria meccanica / L9 / 0927 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria meccanica / 10 / 0052 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria meccanica (Forlì) / L9 / 0949 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria meccanica (Forlì) / 10 / 0208 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / LM-35 / 8894 / Ingegneria civile / L7 / 0919 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / L7 / 0928 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria civile / 8 / 0045 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / 8 / 0053 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria dei Processi e dei sistemi edilizi / LM-24 / 8829 / Ingegneria civile / L7 / 0919 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / L7 / 0928 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria civile / 8 / 0045 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio / 8 / 0053 / DM 509/99
Ingegneria edile (Ravenna) / L23 / 0921 / DM 270/04
Ingegneria edile (Ravenna) / 4 / 0445 / DM 509/99
These students, in case they fulfil curriculum requirements and additional requirements on the adequacy of the academic preparation as listed in article 1 of the chosen Degree Programme teaching regulation[1], can register in the chosen Degree Programme by:
- Logging into Studenti Online:
2. Selecting the option “Registration”
3. Choosing “Second cycle degree programme”
4. Clicking on the chosen Degree programme, on “next”, and following the instructions.
Enrolment period:
From 28 July to 30 November 2015, without surcharge.
Late enrollment, with surcharge, from 1-30 December 2015.
Students do not need to send documents via email or by other means.
2.Students who are not defined “di continuità” and students willing to enrol in an international Degree Programme or Curriculum.[2]
These students will register on Studenti Online for the evaluation of their curriculum requirements and additional requirements on the adequacy of the academic preparation as listed in article 1 of the chosen Degree Programme teaching regulation. Applications will be evaluated by a Commission appointed by the Programme Board according to the following schedule:
First intake
From 20 July to 31 August 2015
Results: 15 September 2014
Open to:
- EU students
- Extra-EU students whose application has not been evaluated before (should the available positions be not fully covered, and on the condition that they have already submitted their pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy within due date)
Second intake
From 16 September to 19 October 2015
Results: 3 November 2015
Open to:
- EU students
- Extra-EU students whose application has not been evaluated before (should the available positions be not fully covered, and on the condition that they have already submitted their pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy within due date)
Third intake
From 4 November to 16 November 2015
Results: 25 November 2015
Open to:
- EU students
- Extra-EU students whose application has not been evaluated before (should the available positions be not fully covered, and on the condition that they have already submitted their pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy within due date)
Fourth intake*
From 2 December to 14 December 2015
Results: 21 December 2015
Open to: EU students only
Notice that after 1 December it is only possible to register by paying a surcharge on the registration fee.
*This intake is reserved to students obtaining the First Cycle Degree required for the admission between 17 November and 14 December 2015 and however for students who are not holding a First Cycle Degree yet but are going to obtain it by 30 December 2015 (so-called “Laureandi” – see section 4 of the present document).
At the end of each intake, students will be able to check their admission on Studenti Online. Admitted students will have to register to the Degree Programme by selecting the option “Registration” on Studenti Online.
The Application deadline is at midday (12 p.m. CET) of the closing dates indicated.
Students who have already been admitted after applying for pre-admission to one of the School international Master’s Programmes(listed in note 2) within one of the four intakes between February and June 2015 and have obtained a statement of eligibility from the Programme Board, can register to the chosen programme following the procedure for “Direct enrolment” indicated at point 1.
How to submit the application:
First Step (necessary only if you do not have an UNIBO account):
1. Connect to Studenti Onlineto create your personal User ID and Password by clicking on “Se non sei ancora registrato, vai qui”. It is possible to switch to English language, if necessary;
2. Register by filling out the required fields. In case you are a foreign student and you do not have an Italian Tax ID (Codice Fiscale), you can click on “International students registration” and fill out the form to obtain your User ID and Password;
3. After your first access you will be asked to change your password. Please remember your ID and Password as they will be always required to access your profile.
Second Step (User ID and Password required)
1. Connect to Studenti Onlineby using the username and password (see “first step”); switch to the English Version, if necessary.
2. Click on “Entrance Exams or requirements check”;
3. Select “Second cycle degree programme” and click “next”;
4. Select the name of the Programme you wish to enrol in and click “next”;
5. Attach the required documents in .pdf format.
Students will need to download, fill in and sign the form and attach it to the copy of the requested documentation.
No admission fees are required for the selection procedure.
The "Entrance exam" consists in the evaluation of the submitted documents.
Documents required for the application:
Compulsory documents
The application must include the following documents in pdf format:
Students holding a Degree from an Italian University:
- a copy of a valid identification document;
- a self-certification of the first level degree (Bachelor), reporting the full list of exams and grades and including final graduation grade, and the subject groups (SSD) (for Unibo graduates the document can be downloaded from Studenti Online).
Students holding a Degree from a EU University:
- a copy of a valid identification document;
- a copy of the Declaration of Value of their title, issued by the competent Italian Representation abroad, or a Diploma Supplement;
- a transcript of records, listing exams and grades achieved.
Non EU Students holding a Degree from a non-EU University:
- a copy of a valid passport;
- a legalised and translated version of their title (first level/ Bachelor degree)
- the Declaration of Value of their title, issued by the competent Italian Representation abroad, or a Diploma Supplement;
- a legalised and translated version of the certificate listing the exams they have passed (translation is not required for programmes originally produced in English, French, German or Spanish).
Other (-not compulsory) documents
Any other document that could be relevant for evaluation purposes, such as self-certifications stating the possession of curriculum requirements necessary for the admission (such as enrolment in single courses or acquired CFUs).
Additional documents required for students applying to International Programmes
The list of compulsory documents for the application to International Programmes or curricula (as listed in note 2) is published on the Programmes’ websites:
Students who already possess the required Degree for the admission and get the necessary CFU in order to fulfil curriculum requirements after passing single courses exams at the beginning of a.y. 2015-16, may submit their application by the third intake. They might be admitted conditionally and be able to enrol as far as they acquire the missing CFU and register the corresponding exam before 23 December 2015. Once the missing CFU have been acquired, the student has to notify the Segreteria Studenti and enrol according to the set deadlines (30 December with surcharge).
- Non-EU students who have been already declared eligible
Non-European citizens resident outside the European Union who already applied for pre-admission to an international Master Degree Programme (as listed in note 2) and obtained a statement of eligibility from the Programme Board, can register to the chosen programme following the procedure for “Direct enrolment” indicated at point 1.
VERY IMPORTANT: Students are admitted to enrolment conditionally on the legal validity of their first level / Bachelor degree, which is officially stated by the Italian Authorities in the country where it was awarded, and on the possession of a Visa for study reasons/residence permit. Therefore, enrolment is subject to the full compliance of these requirements.
4.So-called “Laureandi”
For the present procedure, candidates who are not holding a First Cycle Degree yet but are going to obtain it by 30 December 2015 are considered “Laureandi”.
These students, with the exception of those wishing to enrol in the Master Degree in “Ingegneria Gestionale”, need to access Studenti Online and register for the requirements check, according to the instructions provided at point 2, for the evaluation of their curriculum requirements and additional requirements on the adequacy of the academic preparation as listed in article 1 of the chosen Degree Programme teaching regulation. Applications will be evaluated by a Commission appointed by the Programme Board according to the following schedule:
From 2 December to 14 December 2015
Results: 21 December 2015
Open to: EU students only
Notice that after 1 December it is only possible to register by paying a surcharge on the registration fee.
At the end of each intake, students will be able to check their admission on Studenti Online. Admitted students will have to register to the Degree Programme by selecting the option “Registration” on Studenti Online.
The Application deadline is at midday (12 p.m. CET) of the closing dates indicated.
How to submit the application:
First Step (necessary only if you do not have an UNIBO account):
1. Connect to Studenti Onlineto create your personal User ID and Password by clicking on “Se non sei ancora registrato, vai qui”. It is possible to switch to English language, if necessary;
2. Register by filling out the required fields. In case you are a foreign student and you do not have an Italian Tax ID (Codice Fiscale), you can click on “International students registration” and fill out the form to obtain your User ID and Password;
3. After your first access you will be asked to change your password. Please remember your ID and Password as they will be always required to access your profile.
Second Step (User ID and Password required)
1. Connect to Studenti Online by using the username and password (see “first step”); switch to the English Version, if necessary.
2. Click on “Entrance Exams or requirements check”;
3. Select “Second cycle degree programme” and click “next”;
4. Select the name of the Programme you wish to enrol in and click “next”;
5. Attach the required documents in .pdf format.
Students will need to download, fill in and sign the form and attach it to the copy of the requested documentation.
No admission fees are required for the selection procedure.
The "Entrance exam" consists in the evaluation of the submitted documents.
Documents required for the application (for “Laureandi”):
Compulsory documents
The application must include the following documents in pdf format:
Students enrolled in First Cycle Degree in Italian Universities:
- a copy of a valid identification document;
- a self-certification of the first level degree (Bachelor) in which they are enrolled, reporting the full list of exams taken and grades earned, and the subject groups (SSD) (for Unibo graduates the document can be downloaded from Studenti Online).
EU Students enrolled in First Cycle Degree in a University abroad:
- a copy of a valid identification document
- a copy of the official certificate, released by the competent academic authority, stating the Degree Programme name and listing the exams they have passed.
For further information on admission and enrolment procedure:
Bologna Campus:
Student Administration Office / Ufficio Segreteria Studenti Ingegneria, Via Saragozza, 10, Bologna, e-mail:
Ravenna Campus (for the Master Degree Programme in Engineering of Building Processes and Systems):
Student Administration Office / Ufficio Segreteria Studenti, Via Alfredo Baccarini 27, Ravenna, e-mail:
For technical problems regarding the on-line procedure (Studenti Online):
Italy - 40136 Bologna - Viale Risorgimento 2
- Fax 051-2093604
[1]Teaching regulations are available from the official School website in the section “Information on the degree programme” of each Programme. The students so-called “di continuità” in case they don’t fulfil curriculum requirements and additional requirements on the adequacy of the academic preparation as listed in article 1 of the chosen Degree Programme teaching regulation, can follow the procedure hereafter indicated for “Students who are not defined “di continuità” and students willing to enrol in an international Degree Programme or Curriculum”, with the exception of those applying for the Master’s degree in “Ingegneria gestionale” (please check specific requirements for this programme on:
[2]Civil Engineering (cod. 8895), Curriculum Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials (STEM) of the Master Degree in Chemical and Process Engineering (cod. 8896), Curriculum Electronics and Communication Science and Technology of the Master Degree in Electronic Engineering (cod. 0934), Curriculum Earth Resources Engineering (ERE) of the Master Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering (cod. 8894), Telecommunications Engineering (cod. 8846), Curriculum Historic Building Rehabilitation (HBR) of the Master Degree Programme in Engineering of Building Processes and Systems (cod. 8829), Automation Engineering (cod. 8891); Curriculum Electrical Engineering of the Master Degree in Electrical Engineering (cod. 8611).