Effectual Keys to Perpetual Success.

Text: Joshua 1:8

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

1.  Don't allow over-desperation to take away your trust in/from God. Proverbs 28:22. He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

§  There are three dangerous things that over-desperation will do for you.

ü  It will make your mind unrest.

ü  Unrest can trigger troubles in your mind.

ü  Desperation can cause you to take a wrong step without mindful of the consequences.

2.  Buckle your belt to be outstanding/outshining at a place where others are standing/shinning. Study to make your destiny much more better. Proverbs 12:27 The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.

§  There are seven dangerous people you will come across on the platform of competition.

ü  Discouragers. Discouragers are not the establishers, they are the Destroyers and up-rooters of somebody’s plantations. They are also known as refuter.

ü  Equalizers.

ü  Reducers.

ü  Mind poisoners.

ü  Joy-killers

ü  Ridiculers.

ü  Devilish counsellors.

§  If you desire to outshine or excel, don't allow the efforts of those people move you. Keep pursuing your goal!

3.  Examine your life/family critically until you discover the thing that the devil is using to steal away your blessing yearly. 2 Corinthians 13:5. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates.

§  It could any of the followings.

ü  Disunity among husband and wife.

ü  Lack of proper plan for success.

ü  Lack of targeting a cogent goal to achieve.

ü  Unresolved disputes.

ü  Lack of proper prayer altar.

ü  Lack of adequate quiet time.

4.  Upgrade your vocational life yearly. Proverbs 27:23-24 Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks...(24) For riches are not for ever...

§  Many are dying yearly because their vocational life is withering.

§  Ways you can revitalize your dying vocations.

ü  Make yourself relevant by regularly searching for useful information about your vocation. Psalm 77:6 “…my spirit makes diligent search…”

ü  Improve your language skill.

ü  Don't localize yourself. Exposure is necessary!

ü  If your current vocation is no longer demandable, switch to another one.

ü  Strive to be an expertise and not just an artisan. Customers seek expertise, but artisans seek customers.

5.  Secure the Future before you are punctured. Proverbs 30:25. The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.

§  Seven good ways to secure the future.

ü  Don't live royally when you are just a chief. That is don't be too flashy.

ü  Don't eat with all your ten fingers.

ü  Invest on things that can appreciate and fetch you money in the future.

ü  Invest greatly on your children. Help them to fulfill their big dreams.

ü  Dig a well of pool water before you retire.

ü  Generosity is good, but then don't be financially imprudence.

ü  Use your present position to secure the future by helping the needy, not necessarily with cash but through your influence/connection.

6.  Don't be selfish otherwise you will wallow in self-pity. Proverbs 21:13. Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

§  Five ways of practicing selfishness.

ü  When you are greedy and stingy.

ü  When you fail to bless those who labour for you.

ü  When you are not happy when others are succeeding.

ü  When you don't want anyone to what you know.

ü  When you find it difficult to help others to achieve their goals.

§  Five things that an act selfishness/stinginess will bring unto you.

ü  People will not speak well of you in your absent.

ü  People will not share a piece of information that can transform your life with you.

ü  People will not want to help you if you are in trouble.

ü  His coast will not be expanded as destined because he restricts his hands from reaching the needy/poor.

ü  God might not be happy about him.

7.  Don't have hands in the downfall of anybody. Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

§  Five ways you can pull down your neighbor.

ü  Through false report.

ü  Through hypocritical ways of poising the mind of a superior against his subordinates.

ü  By condemning the effort of a person in the presence of his superior.

ü  Through an act of blackmailing.

ü  By disseminating a piece of information heard from a person in a wrong way.

§  The consequences of planning a downfall for your neighbor.

ü  It can backfire.

ü  It can bring curses upon you and your family.

ü  It can remove away the favor of God from your life.

ü  It can block your blessings.

ü  It won't enable you to have a good success.

Conclusion: Where there is love, there is success!

§  The Story of three old men, Love, Wealth, and Success.