PhD thesis

Effects of quaternary environmental changes on Post Pannonian sediments and Paleosols

(Mátra hillslope, Visonta)

Zoltán Horváth

Earth Sciences Doctorate School

Geology–Geophysics Program

Supervisor:Dr. Andrea Mindszenty

Eötvös Loránd UNIVERSITY


Budapest, 2007


In the Pannonian basin conditions of the sedimentation and soil formation were changing significantly time to time during the Quaternary. Environmental changes caused mainly by climatic reasons are reflected well by Quaternary history of the vegetation (Járainé, 2000). Nevertheless a tectonic inversion in the Pannonain-basin during the Qarternary (Horváth & Cloetingh, 1996) also contributed to these changes by significant variability of the relief.

During the Pleistocene, Upper Pannonian piedmont of the Mátra Hills-lope situated at the margin of the basin was formed by periglacial sculpturing and frost action (Székely, 1983). On the same time coarse to fine grained sediments was deposited by alluvial fans towards the basin (Franyó, 1963; Borsy, 1982). These sediments can be studied best in the open pit lignite mine. In the former Thorez mine Kretzoi et al (1982) and Pécsi (1991) detected red clay of Pliocene age under the alluvium.

During working on my MSc thesis about the Post Pannonian formations in the South mine (Thorez, Visonta) I faced redeposited features of the reddish brown silty clay on an erosional surface (Horváth, 1999). Since red clays are generally considered as paleosols, and so they could reflect the environmental conditions, and later the eventually occured marks of changes, I have continoued my observations here.

Between 1999 and 2001 I was investigating soft-sediment deformational structures, different types of calcretes, gravelly, sandy and clayey formations which were exposed by new sections of the mine. Aim of the present project is to detect traces and sequence of environmental changes in order to understand the development of these formations. After all, I provide new data to understand the Quaternary geomorphological evolution of the study area, including the time of the settlement. These data can also be used in paleoclimatical research.


Data referring to environmental changes I was collecting primairly at four sites on the field. Photographic documentation of the the studied sites perishing by mining and the investigated layers have been done as well. The classical geological fieldsurvey was completed by generally used observations on pedology and paleopedolgy (Retallack, 1990; Langohr, 1999; Becze-Deák, 1997), additionally recording of physical features of gravels.

The studied formations exposed by the walls and research trench were classified into sedimentological and pedological units, based on sedimento-logical and pedological features. With this representative samples were chosen from each unit and were analysed onward by different methods. Analyses of sieved material proved to be useful with stereomicroscope in case of detrital grains and secondary precipitates as well. The micropetrography helped to reveal the microstructure, the types and semiquantitative ratio of biogalleries, excrements, secondary precipitates and clay coatings which could suggest vegetation and climate as well. General size of the used slides was 5 x 5 cm. Degree of the alteration of the studied formations was estimated by the so-called MISODI-index based on micromorphological characteristics. Micromorhological observations for layers of the „red clay” in Post-Pannonian paleovalley were performed, too. Also systematic photodocumentation for all slides have also been done to give the series of the detected events. X-ray diffraction of clay minerals were useful to trace the soil formation and changes of the source area of the sediments (Tibor Németh).

To clarify the formations of calcretes in the study area micropetrographical, SEM, isotope geochemical (Bernadett Bajnóczi and Attila Demény), crystallographic (Veronika Szilágyi, Balázs Szinger and Tamás Weiszurg) investigations and U/Th dating of calcite were performed. According to the synthetic work of Mádlné and Tóth (2003), role of groundwater in the formation of calcretes was investigated by analyses of hydrogeological phenomena.

Identification of fossils and archeolocal finds also helped to answer the stratigraphic questions (in this topic Endre Krolopp, István Vörös and András Markó helped me).


1. I have constracted a „reference-profile” in the Visonta Lignite Mine. Based on sedimentological, pedological and micromorphological investigations ten pedo-lithostratigraphical units (hereinafter „units”) were distinquished. These units could be useful for correlation of Quaternary formations in the surroundings.

2. The ten units were organized into three main fining upward series. Detailed analyses provided new data to improve the Quaternary environmtal reconstruction.

3. First, in Hungary, the MISODI-index was used to estimate the degree of the alteration of soils, paleosols and sediments by micromorphological means. Suggestions to complete and improve this method were put forward.

4. Layers of the „red clay” fill in the Post-Pannonian paleovalley were systematically described and based on these descriptions I could complete the paleoenvironmental reconstruction. These data may also be used for correlation in the future between different types of the „red clay”.

5. Nine types of calcretes have been identified. I used different methods to understand the formation of the unusual amount of calcrete. Based on the U/Th age of a crystalline calcrete nodule, I concluded that the formation of in situ nodular calcretes embedded in the „red clay” and the erosion of the red clay form higher topographic levels of the Mátra Hillslope must have started before 366 k.y. and continued well after 22-25 k.y. (as shown by the loess intercalation in the „red clay”).

6. To prove the role possible role of groundwater in the formation of the studied calcretes, I have liste the main characteristics of hidrogeological phenomena in the study area. The results showed that the area can be characterised by groundwater recharge-related features. However, discharge-related features were also identified. Therefore I concluded that the groundwater flow system must have been changed after the deposition of Late Pannonian sediments., either because climate became drier, or because dewatering related to the mining activity depressed the water-table in the vicinity of the mines. Another possiblity is that geomorphological evolution (incision by creeks) resulted in relative draw-down of the watertable on the „interfluves”.

7. Soft-sediment deformation structures have been described and used in stratigrapic correlation of the alluvium of the Bene creek. Freeze –and- thaw and the effect of melting ice controlled this deformation by saturating the soil/sediment complex with water. The soft water-saturated material could have been deformed by relatively weak load and episodic shaking as well (landslides, earthquakes).

8. Using SEM, well sorted, silt sized calcite crystals have been detected in the powdery calcrete. I emphasize the key-role of this type of calcrete in soft-sediment deformations, because - under saturated conditions – this horizons or lenses of carbonates, sandwiched between clay beds may have behaved as „weak zones”, and finally result in the formation of water-escape structures.

9. Clay illuviation was identified in thin section in the upper part of the profile which allows to presume a former forest on the studied area instead of the recent grassy vegetation.

List of publications

Studies in referred scientific papers in Hungary

Szinger, B., Szilágyi, V., Weiszburg, T., Horváth, Z., Mindszenty, A. (2004): „A gyöngyösvisontai lignit fedőjében megjelenő kristályos, paleotalaj eredetű karbonátkonkréciók vizsgálata.” (Euhedral calcite in carbonatic concretions from a Quaternary paleosol environment, Gyöngyösvisonta, Hungary) Földtani Közlöny, Bull. of the Hungarian Geological Society, 134/3, 391-412.

Horváth, Z, Mindszenty, A., Micheli, E., Berényi-Üveges, J. (2002): „Posztpannóniai környezetváltozásra utaló terepi és mikromorfológiai sajátosságok a visontai lignitösszlet fedőrétegsorában (Visonta, Észak-Magyarország)”. (Environmental change reflected by a post-Pannonian soil/sedimentary complex. Geology and micromorphology of the cover sequence of the Visonta lignite deposite (Mátra Hills, Northern Hungary)). Bull. of the Hungarian Geol. Soc., 132/Special issue, 53-69.

Mindszenty, A., Horváth, Z., (2003): „Geo-archeopedology as a tool for environmental reconstruction.” The results of works have done on archeological excavations in 2002. Aquincum letters, May 2003, 17-32.

Studies in referred scientific papers abroad

Bajnóczi, B., Horváth, Z., Demény, A., Mindszenty, A. (2006): Stable isotope geochemistry of calcrete nodules and septarian concretions in a Quaternary „red clay” paleovertisol from Hungary. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 42/4, 335-350.

Horváth, Z., E. Michéli, A. Mindszenty, J. Berényi-Üveges (2005): "Soft-sediment deformation structures in Late-Miocene - Pleistocene sediments on the pediment of the Mátra Hills (Visonta, Atkár, Verseg): cryoturbation, load structures or seismites?" Tectonophysics, 410, 81-95.

Berényi Üveges, J., Horváth, Z., Michéli E., Mindszenty A. Németh, T. (2003): Reconstructing Quaternary pedogenesis in a paleosol sequence in Hungary. Quaternary International 106-107, 61-71.

Horváth, Z., Varga, B., Mindszenty, A. (2000): Micromorphological and chemical complexities of a lateritic profile from basalt (Jos Plateau, Central Nigeria). Chemical Geology 170, pp. 81-93.

Conference abstracts

Michéli, E. and Horváth, Z. (2004): Reconstruction of soil forming processes in paleosols of the Mátra pediment (North Central Hungary). Extended absract. In: Paleosols: Memory of ancient landscapes and living bodies of present ecosystems. Florence, 7-11 June, 2004. pp. 73-74.

Szilágyi V., Szinger B., Weiszburg T. G., Horváth Z., Mindszenty A. (2003): Euhedral calcite in carbonatic concretions from Quaternary paleosol environment, Gyöngyösvisonta. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series 1, Szeged, p. 101.

Horváth Z., Micheli E., Mindszenty A. (2002): Plio-Pleistocene soil-sedimentary complex on the margin of an uplifting mountain and a subsiding basin (Mátra Foreland, North Hungary). Abstract volume, 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, August 2002,14-21, CD-ROM.

Bajnóczi, B., Horváth, Z., Demény, A., Mindszenty, A. (2002): Preliminary isotope results on carbonate segregations in red clay on the pediment of the Mátra Hills (NE-Hungary). ESIR VI Isotope Workshop, 29 June-4 July 2002, Tallinn, Estonia, Abstracts, pp. 5-6.

Horváth, Z, Mindszenty, A., Micheli, E., Berényi-Üveges, J. (2001): Soft-sediment deformations in the Plio-Pleistocene sediments on the pediment of the Mátra Hills induced by? Abstract volume of the St. Mueller Topical Conference, 22-26. September, 2001. Balatonfüred. p. 50.

Horváth, Z, Mindszenty, A., Micheli, E., Berényi-Üveges, J. (2001): Large-scale early Quaternary soil erosion and resedimentation along the uplifting northern margins of the Pannonian Basin. Abstract volume of the 21 st International Association of Sedimentologists Meeting of Sedimentology, 3-5 September, 2001., Davos. p. 153.

J. Berényi-Üveges, Z.Horváth, E. Michéli, A. Mindszenty, T. Németh:(2000): Reconstructing Quaternary pedogenesis in a paleosol sequence in Hungary. Abstract. Paleosols and modern soils as stages of continuous soil formation. Paleopedology of Commission of INQUA. Abstract and Field Excursion Guidebook, Suzdal, Oroszország, 2000, július 10-16, p. 6-7.

Micheli, E., Horváth, Z., Mindszenty, A., McFee, W. W., Simon, B. (1999): Transport and recrystallization of Calcium Carbonate in Paleosols. Agronomy Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, 1999. Salt Lake City, USA, p167.

Item of book, co-editoring

Horváth, Z., Krolopp, E., Mindszenty, A. (2002): „Quaternary environmental changes in the Pannonian basin, chapters from the latest results of the Quaternary reseach in Hungary. Bull. of the Hungarian Geol. Soc., 132/Special issue (the article is referred above).

Oral presentations

Traces of the Quaternary environmental changes on the SE part of the Mátra Hills. Conference of Young Scientists, Debrecen, 25 of March in 2000. (in Hungarian)

Horváth, Z.: Complexity of trigger agents, driving forces and deformational mechanisms having induced soft-sediment deformations in the Plio-Pleistocene sediments on the pediment of the Mátra Hills. Universitá di Napoli, 3 of December in 2001. (in English)

Horváth, Z.: Quaternary environmental changes as shown by field and micromorphological investigations. International Training Center, University of Gent, 26 of September in 2002. (in English)


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