Online Supplement:

Impacts of climate change on primary production and carbon sequestration of boreal Norway spruce forests: Finland as a model

Zhen-Ming Ge1,2,*, Seppo Kellomäki2, Heli Peltola2, Xiao Zhou2, Hannu Väisänen2, Harri Strandman2

1State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University,200062 Shanghai, China*

2 School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, PO Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland

* Corresponding author. Tel: +358-13-2514441; Fax: +358-13-2514444;

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This ‘Online Supplement’ includes: Details of parameterization, validation and performance of the FinnFor model

Table S1

Figures S1 to S2


Validation of FinnFor model,

The parameterization, validation and performance of the FinnFor model have been studied in detail in several previous papers (Table S1) for the dominant boreal coniferous species (including Norway spruce).

The performance of the FinnFor model was investigated in our work by comparing the calculated and measured mean volume growth of 1191 sample trees over a ten-year period (1985–1995) on the permanent upland sample plots of the Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI).Fig. S1a shows that the calculated mean volume growth over the 10 years correlates reasonably well with the measured one regarding 88 Norway spruce trees.Furthermore, the comparison of the calculated and measured annual mean growth of stem wood of Norway spruce for 13 Forests Centers throughout Finland (60o–70oN) showed that the performance of the model is reasonable when considering the large geographical distribution of the sample plots and their wide coverage of site types (Fig. S1b).

Recently, the modelwas evaluated against a 10-year CO2 and H2Oflux in the Huhus site (actual measured value by Eddy Covariance). The ‘modeled’ (by FinnFor) day-to-dayvariations of GPP in the Scots pine forest showed relatively good agreement with the ‘measured’ GPP over the growing seasons of 1999–2008 (Fig. S2a). The modeled day-to-day variations ofevapotranspiration (ET) amount over 10 growing seasons also matched well the measured values(Fig. S2b).

Table S1. Description of main parameterization, validation and applications of the FinnFor model

Item / Description / Sources
Parameterizationand validation of sub-models
Weather simulator / A close correlation was observed between the observed and computed temperature, cloudiness, radiation, precipitation, snow, air humidity and windiness in Finland. / Strandman et al. 1993;Kellomäki and Väisänen 1996; Venäläinen et al. 2001
Leaf-to-canopy Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance / Farquhar model and experimental stomata dynamics model wereparameterized and photosynthetic rate updated utilizing available solar radiation, air temperature and humidity, and CO2 concentration, together with soil moisture and temperature. / Wang 1996; Kellomäki and Wang 1997; Roberntz and Stockfors 1998; Medlyn et al. 2001, 2002
Stemand branch respiration / The measurements of boreal coniferous specieswere used to parameterize the respiration equation for the branch and stem components. / Zha et al. 2002, 2003
Soil respiration / The forest soil respiration parameters were estimated from the relationship of the mean temperatures at three depths in the soil and the forest floor CO2 flux rates measured in situ periodically by the soil chamber. / Zha et al. 2004, 2007
Soil water and temperature / The computations of soil temperature and water transfer through the soil profiles in such a way that soil temperature determines whether the soil is frozen or not and thereby influences the conductivity of water and water conditions. The model had been parameterized for many boreal soil types. / Jansson 1991; Kellomäki and Väisänen 1996
Soil organic matter dynamics and nitrogen availability / Monthly decomposition of soil organic matter and mineralization of nitrogen, and hydrological and nitrogen cycles, were validatedagainst the long-term monitoring and laboratory data representing these processes on the scale of a small watershed; a close correlation between the simulated and measured outflow of water and nitrogen from the watershed was found. / Chertov et al. 2001, 2003, 2006; Komarov et al. 2003
Biomass allocation / The annual total net photosynthesis is converted to dry matter and allocated to the biomass growth of different tree organs following the allometric growth among organs. / Marklund, 1987, 1988
Sensitivity analysis and whole model validation
Sensitivity analysis / The intensively sensitivity analysis of the model has been carried out on LAI, leaf nitrogen, physiological and ecological parameters (photosynthesis and respiration), air temperature, atmospheric CO2, precipitation, and forest management (thinning). / Briceño-Elizondo et al. 2006; Ge et al. 2010
CO2/H2O exchange and primary production / Exchanges of CO2 and H2O between the atmosphere and the conifer stands under boreal conditions were parameterized based on eddy and surface resistance satisfactorily. / Kellomäki and Wang 1999, 2000; Ge et al. 2011a,b
Energy and mass balance / Processes of energy and mass balance (incl. radiation transfer in the canopy, canopy and soil-surface energy balance, heat fluxes in soil and tree, turbulent transfer, boundary-layer and surface resistances) were parameterized by long-term eddy covariance monitoring and control experiments. / Kellomäki and Wang 1999, 2000; Wang et al. 2004
Growth of stem wood / Against the measured stem wood growth for the permanent sample plots of the Finnish NFIthroughout Finland, the FinnFor modeled well the growth (10 years). Furthermore, a parallel simulation with a conventional growth and yield model and FinnFor was carried out, representing that in general the outputs of the models agreed well in terms of relative growth rates of main coniferous species throughout Finland. / Matala et al. 2003, 2006; Ge et al. 2011c


Fig. S1. Comparison of stem wood growth (10 years) between the measured and simulated values of individual Norway spruce tree (a) and geographical distribution (b) of the sample plotsthroughout Finland (60o–70oN).

Fig. S2. Comparison of daily estimates of GPP(a) and ET (b) in a boreal coniferous stand (Scots pine) between themodelcalculations and the eddy covariance measurements over the growing seasons of 1999–2008.



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