1.1“sternly” (1)

1.2high pitched whimper (1)

1.3“squeeling with pain and terror” (1)

1.4.They were amazed (1)

1.5They saw what Boxer did to their friend and fled (2)

1.6They had been secretly int ouch with Snowball ever since his expulsion

They had collaborated with him in destroying the windmill

They entered into an agreement with Snowball to hand over Animal Farm to Mr Frederick (3)

1.7Their throats were ripped out by the dogs. (1)

1.8Snowball had appeared to them in a dream and incited them to disobey Napoleon’s orders.


1.9Farmer Jones (1)

1.10Napoleon kills animals, Jones killed animals. Napoleon was the one in control and Jones was also the only one in control. (4) Two ways that Napoleon and Jones were similar.

1.11What would you say to encourage the animals that witnessed the massacre? (2)

1.12Yes. They all huddled together. They were shaken and miserable. (2)

1.13Jones killed animals for food. These animals were massacred because they did something wrong. (2)

1.14They must be very careful what they do, they will never know when they will be executed (What are the implications for the animals on the farm if they can be executed for crimes?) (2)

1.15No (1)

1.163 ways communism is similar to animalism

a)Napoleon is dictator – Stalin was dictator

b)Food is rationed

c)Animals and people work for the state or farm (3)

1.17miserable and shocked (two emotions on knoll) (2)

1.18Workers (1)

1.19Two other sheep confessed to murdering and old ram by chasing him around a bonfire (2)

1.20Autocratic, Dictatorship (1)


  1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy – Two four legs good, two legs better
  2. Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend – Four legs good, two legs better
  3. No animal shall wear clothes –
  4. No animal shall sleep in a bed – with sheets
  5. No animal shall drink alcohol – to excess
  6. No animal shall kill any other animal – without reason
  7. All animals are equal – some animals are more equal than others


3.1I have slept with her (2)

3.2If he confesses that Abigail is a whore, then Abigail’s accusations will not be believed. (2)

3.3Because of this deed he will be excommunicated from church and labelled as a sinner. (2)

3.4Someone who committed adultery. 91)

3.5Francis Nurse is without evil and very honest and sincere. A good man. (2)

3.6“I wish you had some evil in you” (1)

3.7“She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave” (1)

3.8harlot (1)

3.9Sad, Angry, ashamed (3)

3.10Abigail Williams (1)

3.11Abigail Williams said Elizabeth pressed a needle into her stomach and they would find a doll with a needle in its stomach at Elizabeth’s house. They did find the doll there with the needle in the stomach. (3)/ Abigail Williams is in love with John Proctor. If Elizabeth dies because of witchcraft Abigail thinks she will be able to marry John Proctor.

3.12Up to now John Proctor has done nothing wrong, and by confessing to adultery he will be an outcast in the community. (2)

3.13Abigail Williams would have been jailed or probably hanged because of all the wrong accusations she made. All the accused would be set free and Reverend Parris would have been fired because Abigail lives in his house. (3)

3.14She wanted to show her husband, John Proctor that she has forgiven him and that she does not hold the adultery against him anymore. (2)

3.15Yes. She would not have lied before God (2)

3.16No. John Proctor said Elizabeth was always honest and Elizabeth had no reason to lie to him. He did ask her to tell the absolute truth. (2)

3.17Abigail may have thought that Danforth believed John Proctor and that Danforth was beginning to doubt her honesty. (2)

3.18He must have thought Abigail was lying. (2)

3.19She wants some guidance from him as to what to say. (1)

Question 4

The Crucible is a story woven around Abigail’s desire for John Proctor. Discuss how this obnsession with John Proctor leads to the deaths of many people in Salem, including that of John Proctor. Use only 250 -300 words.