Minutes EEG2 meeting 17 and 18 June 1997

Minutes EEG2 meeting 17 and 18 June 1997


EEG2 DOCUMENTATION Meeting: 17 and 18 June 1997

Document / Description / Originator / Doc.date / #p / Meeting date
EEG2/97.012 / Minutes EEG2 meeting 11 and 12 March 1997 / Secretariat / 01-Jun-97 / 9 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.013 / Minutes JM4-Singapore / Secretariat / 15-May-97 / 8 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.014 / Agenda EEG2 meeting Cardiff / Secretariat / 10-Jun-97 / 6 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.015 / Terms of Reference EEG2 / Chair / 29-May-97 / 2 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.016 / DMR's from EDIFER (paper) / EDIFER / 29-May-97 / 20 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.017 / BERMAN user guide / Mr. Goiri / 10-Jun-97 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.018 / BERMAN branching diagram / Mr. Goiri / 10-Jun-97 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.019 / APERAK branch. diagram for BERMAN user guide / Mr. Goiri / 10-Jun-97 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.020 / MIST scenario; consignee driven / MIST / 09-Jun-96 / 17-Jun-97
EEG2/97.021 / MIST generic transport scenario / Mrs. probert / 10-Jun-97 / 17-Jun-97

WETIGG documents:

  • comments from Hans Wieting (WET97001/WET97011)
  • comments from Olli-Pekka Pauna (WET97012)
  • comments from Niek Waagmeester (WET97013/WET97018)
  • comments from Yoshi Kito (WET97019 and WET97020)


1. Opening

The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed the EEG2 members. The agenda was approved.

2.Minutes of the last meeting (11 and 12 March 1997, Paris)

The minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following change:

  • page 6, point 4, “IATA has released the part for the airway bill of Cargofact version 2…”.

The action list was updated, see action list in these minutes.

The meeting in Genoa on 10 and 11 March 1998 was confirmed by mr. Capasso.

3.Notes from the Chairman/Secretariat

The Chair reported on the following issues:


  • the EEG2 Terms of Reference (EEG2/97.015) had been updated to include:

the co-ordination of Western-European input into the JRT/JM4 work;

the co-operation with other regions to achieve global standards;

the WETIGG and ITIGG activities;

activities to encourage all parties to use the ITIGG Recommendations and to endorse them.

SMDG will be added as one of the international organisation mentioned in the last paragraph of page 2.


  • TCC met on 12 June, with not much outcome of direct relevance to EEG2;
  • a new TCC Chair will be elected on 4 September;
  • EBES is facing severe budgetary problems, the consequences of which are not clear yet;
  • EBES has a major difference of opinion with CEN on the responsibility for Electronic Commerce; CEN is proposing to set up a new unit within CEN (not being EBES) for Electronic Commerce.


The Secretary reported on the following issues:

  • TAG has elected a new Chair, mr. Jostein Frömyr;
  • TAG is working with the latest version of EDI-Tie for producing DMR’s; it may also be useful for EEG2 members to produce DMR’s in that way; the Secretary will make certain that EEG2 members can obtain the EDI-Tie software.


The Chair gave an explanation on the reorganisation of WP4 to CEFACT. At the Singapore JRT a draft mandate for JRT was developed, which will be further discussed at the Anaheim JRT. This JRT mandate should then be approved at the CEFACT meeting in March 1998.

A major consequence of the reorganisation is the move to national rather than regional representation (specifically the U.S. and Australia). In Europe there is consensus on continuing to be represented at European level.

The meeting expressed its concern regarding the uncertainty in the reorganisation process, especially the possibility of individual countries participating directly and the lack of credibility that may result from that.

It was agreed that the issue of the JRT membership needed to be well worked out at the Anaheim JRT.

4. Outcome of JM4

The results of the Singapore JM4 meeting were reported. Most of the specific issues are dealt with under the respective points of the EEG2 minutes.

Mr. Reardon will be requested to report the situation regarding the UN-LOCODES at the Anaheim JRT meeting.

Mrs. Probert reported on the T8 (Implementation Harmonisation Group) meeting. The interest for this group from other sectors is growing. 10 common segments have been that will be further studied at the Anaheim JRT.

5.Implementation guidelines (WETIGG)

For convenience reasons this part of the minutes combines the discussion at the WETIGG meeting and the discussion of this point at the EEG2 meeting itself.

Mrs. Probert gave a report on the ITIGG meeting at the Singapore JRT and stressed the need for a strong European input to the ITIGG meeting at the Anaheim JRT in September.

The IFTM P&R is planned to move to the D98A Directory.

The IFCSUM P&R is in development; for maritime the EDIMAN forms the basis for the P&R and a specific meeting with mr. Zlotkowski will be held on 15 July in Paris. It is still not clear how the air mode will be dealt with.

For the further development of the multimodal IFTM P&R and the General Recommendations a meeting of the Landside subgroup will be held on 4 July in Brussels with mr. Zlotkowski.

The Container P&R is now frozen, but work continues on the development of a next version.

Mrs. Probert will develop draft documents for the IFTFCC (in addition to or extension of the existing one) and the CUSCAR P&R’s. For the CUSCAR guide the Chair will co-ordinate developments with a project of the Commission (DG21).

The Secretary is up-dating the DMR-overview. A discussion arose about the use of EDI-Tie as a tool for EEG2 members to document draft DMR’s electronically and make the passing on into the EDIFACT process easier. The Secretary will supply EEG2 members with a copy of the EDI-Tie software.

The meeting endorsed the following timetable and organisation for the WETIGG work in preparation of a co-ordinated European input to the JM4 and ITIGG meeting at the end of September 1997. To this purpose subgroups of WETIGG were set up and co-ordinators were appointed.

All WETIGG sub-groups would work according to the following timetable:


25 JulySub-group members (and other WETIGG members if they wish to) forward their comments to the sub-group co-ordinator

15 AugustSub-group co-ordinators consolidate the comments into draft European input papers and e-mail them to the EEG2 Secretary

15 AugustThe EEG2 Secretary e-mails the draft European input papers to all WETIGG members

29 AugustComments on the draft papers to be received by the sub-group co-ordinators

1 SeptemberSub-group co-ordinators forward their final European input papers to the EEG2 Secretary

1 SeptemberThe EEG2 Secretary e-mails the final European papers to the other regions as input for the JM4/ITIGG meeting at the end of September and to the EEG2 members as input for the EEG2 meeting on 18 and 19 September in Copenhagen

The WETIGG sub-groups are (on the basis of the European members of the ITIGG sub-groups and of interests expressed at the meeting) composed of:

Sub-groupMembers (co-ordinators are underlined)

IFTSTA/Mrs. Poppleton, Mr. Pauna, Mrs. Pépin, Mrs. Probert, Mr. Rennesson, I

FTSTQ Mrs. Verhelst, Mr. Vienot

IFCSUMMr. Vankemmel, Mr. Capasso, Mrs. Depauw, Mr. Goiri, Mr. Pauna

APERAKMr. Waagmeester, Mr. Gori, Mrs. Probert



PAXLSTnone (Mr. Reardon from ICS to be requested)

IFTDGN/Mr. Waagmeester through Protect


IFTFCCMrs. Probert, Mr. Capasso, Mr. Dermience, Mr. Sitov, Mr. Spoormaker

IFTMxxMr. Dermience, Mrs. Mickelsson, Mr. Rennesson, Mr. Sitov, Mr. Vienot, Mrs. Virgili

CUSCARMrs. Poppleton, Mrs. Probert

ContainersMr. Spoormaker, Mr. Waagmeester

General Rec.Mrs. Probert

Freight Rec. Mrs. Probert

Mrs. Probert raised the issue that ISA is producing guidelines which are not compliant with ITIGG. This will be raised at the Anaheim JRT.

There was no news on the status of the second version of the EAN guide. The attitude of EAN towards the harmonisation process was raising some doubts.

The Chair will remind FIATA on the delivery of the (English version) of the EDIFOR guide.

Mr. Vienot reported on the use of the DESADV message to include transport orders and the development of a user guide for this purpose. Similar requirements were mentioned from other countries. Mr. Vienot was requested to produce an English version of the DESADV message as soon as possible. Interest to participate in the work with mr. Vienot was expressed by mr. Pauna and mrs. Probert. The work will also be brought to the MIST and IHG (T8) group.

6.Data Maintenance Requests

The following DMR’s were discussed:

  • 717agreed;
  • 718agreed in principle; the Secretary will check the use of the qualifier and the wording of the explanation and forward the DMR to JM4;
  • 719agreed;
  • 720agreed;
  • 721withdrawn; use ITIGG rules instead;
  • 722agreed;
  • 723agreed, but the explanation will be reworded: 2 types of code;
  • 724agreed;
  • 725agreed; will be sent to EEG3 for courtesy;

Mrs. Probert will review the DMR’s for GDS and forward them to EEG2.

7.Other message progression


At the JM4 meeting in Singapore a group was formed to develop an international user guide for the BERMAN message with participants from Japan and Singapore. The European members of the group are mr. Goiri, mrs. Verhelst and mr. Waagmeester. The guide should contain a warning that it is based on a status 0 message.

A draft proposal for version 0 of the message is scheduled for the EEG2 meeting in Copenhagen.


Mr. Davies reported on the co-ordination with the Insurance Group. EEG2 agreed to the requested changes. EEG8 will prepare DMR’s for that purpose and present them to EEG2.


Mr. Van Maaren reported on the situation with SET. The number of SET participants is slightly decreasing. A discussion was held what could be done to raise the interest for SET. It was concluded that the development of a Website (hosted by the Electronic Commerce Centre in Cardiff) would be the first priority now.

It was further recommended that SET would change its name to better reflect the purpose of the organisation and of the EEG2 work and be renamed to BEST (Business Group for E-commerce Standards in Transportation).

Mr. Van Maaren reported on developments of the MIST (Multi Industry Scenario’s for Transport) working group.

A discussion was held on the draft generic scenario (EEG2/97.021). It was recommended to indicate more clearly that the present scenario's only deal with road transport and to well explain the terms used.

9.Electronic Commerce

Mr. Davies reported on a UK project for aligned documents and electronic equivalents. The data mapping is on its way and message implementation guides are expected by September 1997. Mr. Davies will give an update at the next EEG2 meeting.

Mr. Vankemmel reported on a project in France for road transport for SME’s, in which forms are developed for IFCSUM and IFTSTA.

10.Transport statistics

Mrs. Probert reported on the developments in the statistics area. The 3rd year pilots are about to start. They will have an awareness focus, to demonstrate how to best implement the directive. The CUSCAR message can probably be used to a large extent.

11.Any other business


The issue was raised of data element 0057 and the need to develop a 3 digit codelist.

EEG2 - ACTION LISTMeeting 17 + 18 June 1997
