Educator: Ms. Valarie Hickey Room 610
Class: Earth/Space Science 6th grade 2017-2018
Text: GlencoeEarth and Space iScience
Phone: (352) 357-3366 Email:
This class follows the ancient Chinese proverb that says the following:
“Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.”
*Classroom learning will be related to everyday situations through critical and creative thinking activities.
*Students will become active investigators while using science process skills during hands-on activities.
1stQUARTERNature of Science
Lab safety, scientific processes, metric system, technology
Introduction to Earth Science
Earth’s spheres, Earth’s interior
The Changing Earth
Plate tectonics, landforms / 2ndQUARTER
The Changing Earth
Geologic time, weathering,
erosion and deposition,
human impact on ecosystems
Atmosphere, Weather, Climate
Exploring Space
Earth, Sun and Moon / 4thQUARTER
Space Science
Solar System
Galaxies and the Universe
1. TWOSPIRAL NOTEBOOKS (70sheets each- one for each semester-you may bring both atthe beginning of the year and one will be stored for 2nd semester)
4. NOTEBOOK PAPER(loose leaf)
5. PENCIL OR PEN (blue or black ink)
6.$5.00 lab donation
6 steps to Mustang Success
1. Be Punctual.
2. Be Prepared.
3. Be Dressed for Success.
4. Be Involved.
5. Be Respectful.
6. Be Free of Inappropriate Electronics Use
Classroom Policies/Procedures
All students have a right to learn. Students are held accountable for behaviors that will keep others from learning.
Students will keep an science interactive (spiral) notebook that will contain all notes,
worksheets and classwork. Their 3-inch binder (one to hold all subjects)will hold graded papers and any pages from our interactive/consumable textbook.
Types of grades given are as follows: test, quiz, lab report, class work, project, homework. Some assignments carry more point value than others.
Students are responsible for obtaining and making up any work missed due to an absence.Please Note: All absent/make-up work assignments will be marked "missing" in the gradebook until they are turned in. This will cause the student's average to be lower until the work is made up.
A student desiring full credit for an assignment must turn it in on the due date. Late assignments will have points deducted.
All assignments requiring research must be in the student’s own words (not plagiarized).
Students will have opportunities for extra credit throughout the year
Students are required to complete all homework on the scheduled due date.
1. Enter the lab area quietly and sit at your assigned table.
2. Listen to all directions. Ask questions if you are unsure.
3. Stay in your seat. Avoid horseplay.
4. Follow directions for the lab exactly as they are written.
Note the safety concerns for each lab.
5. Never eat or drink any materials used in the lab.
6. After notifying the teacher, clean up all messes immediately.
7. Wear the proper safety equipment when heating or mixing chemicals.
8. Use the equipment with care so that the students after you have
the same opportunity to learn.
9. Clean up your lab table area in the proper manner before you leave.
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Student Information:
Student Name:______
(Last, First)
Parent or Guardian Information:
Parent/Guardian Name:______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s):
Cell Phone:______
Best Time To Call:______
Parent/Guardian Name:______
Please check one or more of the following:
Please call me at work Please call me on my cell phone Please call me at home
Do you have a home computer? Do you have Internet access?
Yes No Yes No
Parent/Guardian Email______
Additional Student Information
I would greatly appreciate any additional information about your child. Is there anything you would like me to know about your child as we begin the school year? How can I better help your child this school year?