Tina Brown

Educational Technology

April 30, 2014

I can see ePortfolios used a lot in high school. We use them in college so that we have a place to showcase our best work. We can give the URL to other universities, and for job applications. It is the best way to keep all of our work in one place. This is why it would be good to use for high schoolers. If they could keep all of their best work in one place then they wouldn’t have to track it all down when it came time to applying for scholarships for college. This is a big reason I would be for having e-portfolios in high school. I was a sterling scholar and I had to make a big portfolio of everything I had accomplished during my high school years. Awards I’d won, papers I’d written, contests I’d been in, etc. It would have been wonderful to of had an e-portfolio to keep track of all this information on. I had a hard time finding everything and who knows if I missed something important.

Requiring an e-portfolio is a great way to help people get used to technology. This is a skill all younger generation people need to acquire because everything is becoming electronic. Teachers are having students submit things in email format more common these days. Some teachers could even have students turn assignments in by having them post the assignment to their e-portfolio and the teacher checks it by going into their website and seeing the assignment. This would help students learn how to be organized on the web.

As a teacher I could also use an e-portfolio in place of a class website. It has all of the same features and because I am more familiar with making e-portfolios then it would be a time saver for me as a teacher. It would still have all the needed and required information as there would be on a classroom website.