Educational Session Proposal Form – Committee for Professional Development

2017 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo™ –Chicago, IL

October 21-24, 2017

Pre-Assigned Topic

Pre-Assigned Session Information




Proposed Session Title(Must be 10 words or less. Please be creative.)

The Women’s’ Health Initiative: 2 decades of knowledge ready fordissemination

Learning Need Codes(Please suggest 3 codes from the CPE Learning Need Codes list at the end of this form)

5150 / 5160 / 4050

Session CPE Level(Please select one option)

Level 1 (basic, requires no prior knowledge/experience)
xx / Level 2 (intermediate, requires some prior knowledge/experience)
Level 3 (advanced, require an expert level of knowledge/expertise)

Educational Track(Please select one option; descriptions are at the end of this form for reference)

The Art and Science of Food
Childhood Health Issues
Diversity & Cultural Competence
Emerging Integrative Approaches for Nutrition and Dietetics Practice
Emerging Models of Health Care Delivery and Payment
Food Safety and Agriculture
Food and Nutrition Policy (For Internal Development Only)
Food Security and Insecurity
Global Research and Nutrition
Inventive Education and Training Programs
Leadership, Professional Skills and Career Development
xx / Medical Nutrition Therapy
Professional Ethics
Students and New Professionals (For Internal Development Only)
Technology for Practice
xx / Wellness and Prevention

Learning Outcomes

All outcomes should complete the following statement: “After this presentation, the attendee will be able to…”

(1)Briefly describe the Women’s’ Health Initiative (WHI) observational and clinical trials design
(2)Summarize key findings from WHI over the 20 years of follow up
(3)Apply the findings of this keystone diet trial to practice with a focus on cancer, cardiovascular disease

Session Description

Provide 2-3 sentences to explain the session content and rationale for presentation to conference attendees. This statement may be used in supportive promotional materials for the session and should be reflective of the previously stated objectives.

This session will update the current evidence for specialty diets and/or dietary supplement use during and after cancer therapy. Participants will be informed of the latest data, claims as well as recommended approaches to use when reviewing the evidence with patients in active cancer treatment and survivorship.

Session Format (Please select one option)

xx / Interactive Instruction
Debate, Pro/Con Dialogue
Skill Set Development – Core Concepts with Participant Interaction Activity
Storytelling, Action Learning
xx / Lecture
Other: ______

Is this session proposal being submitted on behalf of or in conjunction with a specific professional association, corporation or organization? (Please select one option)

x / Yes

If yes, please provide name ofprofessional association, corporation or organization:

Planned with TheAcademy Committee for Lifelong Learning


Program Planner

The program planner is administratively responsible for the session. All fields are required.

First Name / Cynthia
Last Name / Thomson
Credentials / PhDRD
Academy Member / (Yes/No) - (*If yes, please provide member number)
Position/Title / Professor
Employer / College of Public Health University of Arizona
Address 1 / 1250 N martin st
Address 2 / Drachman Hall room A260
City / Tucson
State / AZ
Zip Code / 85724
Phone / 520-940-1759
Email Address /

Is the Program Planner acting as the session Moderator also? (Please select one option)

xx / Yes – Must be an Academy Member to serve in this role


The moderator is responsible for on-site moderation of the session, ensuring timeliness while maintaining the flow of the session, conducting a question and answer period at the end of the presentation, and completing a brief session questionnaire. There are no benefits associated with this role. All fields are required. (If the aforementioned section indicates the program planner is also the moderator, you can skip this section.)

First Name / Cynthia
Last Name / Thomson
Credentials / PhD,RDN
Academy Member / (Yes/No) - (*If yes, please provide member number) 578510
Position/Title / Professor
Employer / College of Public Health
Address 1 / University of Arizona
Address 2
City / Tucson
State / AZ
Zip Code / 85724
Phone / 520-940-1759
Email Address /

Speaker #1

This Speakerwill be the first Speaker in the session. All fields on this form are required.

First Name / Marian
Last Name / Neuhouser
Credentials / PhD, MPH, RDN
Academy Member / (xxYes/No) - (*If yes, please provide member number)
Employer City
Employer State
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Email Address
Spoke at FNCE® 2015 / (Yes/No)YES
Spoke at FNCE® 2016 / (Yes/No)NO
Honorarium / (*Please enter amount, even if $0) $500.00

Speaker #1 – Presentation Outline

Briefly describe Speaker #1 topic as it relates to the session’s overall objectives. Include the extent to which this session contributes new and/or significant information. Also include any factors that may influence the cost of the proposed session, i.e., special AV equipment, internet connection, etc.

The speaker will review the evidence to datederived from WHI in relation to cancer incidence and survivorship. She will summarize a large body of evidence into a comprehensible summary. Additionally, she will provide specific applications of the findings for use in medical nutrition therapeutic practice. Attendees will leave the session with a clear understanding of what we have cleared, guidance to work with patients as well as an understanding of next steps toward advancing the nutritional health of post-menopausal women thus reducing their risk and improving survival in relation to cancer.

Speaker #1 – Biography

Please include a one paragraph biographical sketch for Speaker #1 highlighting accomplishments, publications, research, work experience and presentations within the last two year.

Dr. Neuhouser has been a lead investigator on the WHI Dietary Modification trial since xx. In this role she supported the development of trial design as well as delivery of the dietary intervention. As a Nutritional Epidemiologist she has led numerous publications derived from the DM trial and the observational data within WHI, including an estimated 55 manuscripts related to cancer. Currently she leads the Nutrition Scientific Interest group for WHI as well as serving on the Ancillary Study Committee.
Recent publications relevant to this presentation include:
  1. A prospective analysis of diet quality and endometrial cancer among 84,415 postmenopausal women in the WHI. George SM, Ballard R, Shikany JM, Crane TE and Neuhouser ML., Ann Epidemiol 2015
  2. Overweight, obesity and postmenopasual invasive breast cancer risk: a secondary analysis of the WHI Randomized Trials. Nuehouser ML, Aragaki AK, Prentice RL, et al. JAMA Oncol, 2015

Speaker #2

This Speaker will be the secondSpeaker in the session. All fields on this form are required.

First Name / Linda
Last Name / VanHorn
Credentials / PhD,RDN
Academy Member / (xxYes/No) - (*If yes, please provide member number) honorary?
Employer City
Employer State
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Email Address /
Spoke at FNCE® 2014 / (Yes/No)
Spoke atFNCE® 2015 / (Yes/No)
Honorarium / (*Please enter amount, even if $0) $500.00

Speaker #2 – Presentation Outline

Briefly describe Speaker #2 topic as it relates to the session’s overall objectives. Include the extent to which this session contributes new and/or significant information. Also include any factors that may influence the cost of the proposed session, i.e., special AV equipment, internet connection, etc.

The speaker will review the evidence to date derived from WHI in relation to cardiovascular disease. She will summarize a large body of evidence into a comprehensible summary. Additionally, she will provide specific applications of the findings for use in medical nutrition therapeutic practice. Attendees will leave the session with a clear understanding of what we have cleared, guidance to work with patients as well as an understanding of next steps toward advancing the nutritional health of post-menopausal women thus reducing their risk and reduction mortality related to cardiovascular disease.

Speaker #2 – Biography

Please include a one paragraph biographical sketch for Speaker #2 highlighting accomplishments, publications, research, work experience and presentations within the last two year.

Linda Van Horn has served as an investigator for the WHI for over 20 years, including early work in study design and implementation. She has published over 30 manuscripts addressing relationships between diet and CVD derived from the DM trial and observational data including manuscripts on diet quality, the DM intervention and Mediterranean eating patterns. In 2008, Dr. Van Horn led a manuscript describing the implications of the WHI findings for clinicians, demonstrating her expertise in translating science to medical and nutritional care models.

Speaker Benefits

The Academy will provide the below benefits to FNCE®Speakers. Please note that only two speakers will receive benefits/honorariums per session.

Session Length: One and One-Half Hour (90 Minutes)

Member* / Non-Member
Option 1 / Honorarium: $0-$500
Other: $300 max to cover any incurred expenses (expense report must be submitted post-FNCE®)
Comp Registration / Honorarium: $0-$500
Lodging: One Night ($333 max)
Subsistence: One Day ($69 max)
Travel: Flight/Ground ($420 max)
Comp Registration

Standard AV Offered in Session Room

The Academy will provide the standard room setup below. Any additional equipment or supplies will be evaluated for approval by the Academy Professional Development Team.

  • Computer compatible with MS Office 2003 or 2007. The use of personal laptops will not be permitted.
  • LCD projector and screen
  • Laser pointer
  • Wireless advancer
  • Staging
  • Lectern with podium microphone and confidence monitor
  • Wireless lavaliere microphone (2)
  • Head table with two microphones
  • Speaker timer
  • LCD projector and screen
  • Wired aisle microphones
  • Polling capabilities

Each speaker electronic packet outlining all speaker benefits, AV sets and details for their respective session. The aforementioned items (benefits and standard AV room set) are for your planning purposes.

Educational Tracks

1. Childhood Health Issues: Widen your view on innovative researched programs to foster weight management and obesity prevention through a myriad of new clinical, school and community-based approaches. Diagnose and manage other growing child health concerns such as food allergies, malnutrition, eating disorders, and feeding disorders.

2. The Art and Science of Food: Examine the composition of food and its health implications, identify current and future food trends, sensory factors and learn to create and deliver successful cooking demonstrations that meet the health care need of diverse clientele.

3. Diversity & Cultural Competence: Strengthen your diversity and cultural competence skills through a variety of sessions focused on dimensions of gender, age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities, political beliefs, religious beliefs or other ideologies and how they affect the profession.

4. Emerging Integrative Approaches for Nutrition and Dietetics Practice: Learn the evidence on integrative and functional nutrition therapies to promote optimal health including updates on digestive health, detoxification, inflammation, elimination diets, food allergies and food intolerances, integrative nutrition-focused physical issues such as food addiction, mind body therapies, nutrigenomics/nutrigenetics, dietary supplements and more all while learning how to translate the latest information for your clients and patients.

5. Emerging Models of Health Care Delivery and Payment: Learn how to navigate the dynamic changes in health care delivery and payment at sessions showcasing the role and demonstrating the value of the RDN in population health management models (including Patient Centered Medical Home and Accountable Care Organization). Be empowered to demonstrate the value of RDN services to decision-makers and explore the expanded roles RDNs can play in this exciting and rapidly changing health care environment.

6. Food Safety and Agriculture: Explore topics in food production, contamination, GMOs, allergy, delivery, epidemiology, food additives and their impact on the food supply in meeting national and global nutrition and health needs.

7. Food Security and Insecurity: Increase your comprehension of food disparities in urban and rural settings, as well as the national and international efforts surrounding organic foods, sustainability, biotechnology, nanotechnology and cloning.

8. Inventive Education and Training Programs: Join your educator colleagues at a variety of dynamic sessions featuring training through simulations, new online teaching strategies and a discussion about raising the education requirement for the profession as well as the role of novel and complimentary degrees and certifications to achieve your employment goals.

9. Global Research and Nutrition: Get an inside look at the dynamic research, public health and private practice initiatives at a global level while learning applications to practice at a grassroots level.

10. Leadership, Professional Skills and Career Development: Optimize your skills in a variety of foundation-building sessions featuring business, leadership, management, communication and interpersonal relationships.

11. Medical Nutrition Therapy: Proactively establish yourself as the expert in a wide range of issues surrounding clinical nutrition and chronic disease including the treatment of the leading causes of death, long term care, enteral and parenteral nutrition, cystic fibrosis, inflammation, autism, celiac disease all while applying evidence-based research to practice.

12. Professional Ethics: Enhance your skills in engaging in crucial conversations, both professionally and when communicating with the public, with sessions on ethics and legal aspects of practice in the electronic area, including communicating through social media, privacy, professional liability, establishing publication/authorship agreements and sensitive end-of-life issues.

13. Technology for Practice: Establish a truly integrated approach to nutrition and technology through sessions on EMRs/EHRs, informatics, mobile apps, social media, software/programs and hardware tools to advance your career and how they will benefit your business, career, institution or organization.

14. Wellness and Prevention: Take your knowledge of nutrition and health factors throughout the lifecycle, chronic disease and aging to the next level by exploring the interplay of exercise, sports nutrition, supplements, health coaching, and genetic factors in health promotion and disease prevention.


Program Planner

  • The program planner is the primary contact for any information pertaining to the session.
  • Prior to session submission, contact all speakers to verify they agree to potential participation. Because the actual date and time of the session cannot be provided in advance, ask for the speaker's availability the week of the conference and then confirm, pending acceptance.
  • Defer the final confirmation of all financial arrangements and negotiations to the Academy Professional Development Team. Please read the Academy Speaker Reimbursement and Benefits section for more information
  • Please review speaker benefits with your recommended participants prior to proposal submission and acknowledge your review on the submission form.


  • Responsible for on-site moderation of the session, ensuring timeliness while maintaining the flow of the session, conducting a question and answer period at the end of the presentation, and completing a brief session questionnaire.
  • May also be the Program Planner or you may assign another individual.
  • A volunteer position at FNCE® and receives no benefits for participation.


  • Must have a strong, demonstrated lecturing experience, practice area or research expertise noted in their one-page bio submission.
  • State, regional and/or national speaking experience is required.
  • Highly established experts in their field — recently published, presented, and/or possess extensive practitioner knowledge in a specialized subject area.
  • Must present for at least 30 to 40 minutes to be eligible for an honorarium, if available, and other possible speaker benefits.
  • Must be an established expert in their given area in order to qualify for honorarium consideration.
  • The Academy is committed to ensuring that the number of culturally diverse speakers will continue to increase.
  • The Academy may recommend, modify or require alternative speaker(s) prior to any session acceptance.
  • Important! Please verify the proposed speaker(s) are not already presenting on another FNCE® 2016session. All speakers may only present at one educational session at FNCE®.

Membership Criteria

  • The program planner is required to use at least one Academy member expert speaker for each proposed session.
  • The Academy strives to continually demonstrate direct working and learning relationships between allied health, business and other professionals with RDs and DTRs. Please specify any nonmember proposed with a brief justification on submission form.
  • All proposed speakers who are eligible for Academy membership, must be active Academy members, in order to be considered for acceptance. Please verify membership is active with proposed speakers.



1010 Career planning, Standards of Practice, Standards of Professional Performance, Scope of Dietetic Practice Framework

1020 Computer, electronic technology

1030 CPR

1040 Cultural sensitivity

1050 Ethics

1060 Foreign language, cultures

1065 Informatics

1070 Leadership, critical and strategic thinking

1080 Legislation, public policy

1090 Media skills

1100 Photography, video and graphic production

1110 Risk taking

1120 Time and stress management, life balance

1130 Verbal communication skills, presentations

1140 Written communication skills, publishing


2010 Botanicals, phytochemicals

2020 Composition of foods, nutrient analysis

2030 Food preservation, additives, irradiation

2040 Food science, genetically modified food

2050 Genetics

2060 Immunology

2070 Macronutrients: carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber, water

2080 Microbiology, food toxicology

2090 Micronutrients: vitamins, minerals

2100 Nutritional biochemistry

2110 Physiology, exercise physiology