Department-Specific and Specialized Awards Competition
Request for Consideration / Nomination
Name: / Student #:Phone: / Email:
Mailing address (including postal code!):
Citizenship (applicable to some awards): / ¨ Visa Student ¨Canadian citizen/permanent resident
Your registration status as of Sept.1 will be: / ¨Part time ¨Full time ¨Part time, but would change to full time if awarded
Your Program Advisor or Supervisor:
¨ Length of time in program: Before you begin, please note that FGSR Award Winners’ Handbook indicates that normally awards may be held by Master’s students during first 2 years in a program, or Doctoral students up to and including 5th year in a program at the time of award start (not at time of application).
¨ Eligibility: First check the award descriptions on the FGSR website to verify you are eligible before applying for any of these awards. Next, e-mail the Chair’s Secretary of your intent to apply for (which) awards, to make sure the award(s) will be available in this particular competition, then complete your application.
¨ List the Department-Specific & Specialized awards for which you are eligible and wish to be considered. This competition includes many but not all awards listed under “UofA-administered awards” on FGSR website; if in doubt, ask Chair’s Secretary. This competition does not include Governor General Medal, Meekison Bursary, General Awards (Stewart, Killam, Dissertation, Queen Elizabeth), SSHRC, Teaching, Travel or External awards. If uncertain, check with Chair’s Secretary in this Department. List here:
¨ Application Package: Unless otherwise set out in award descriptions or dept instructions, type all attachments single-spaced, APA format, 12pt font (Times Roman, Arial or Courier), 1” margins, your name on top-right of each page. If applying for multiple awards, submit only one form and only set of any attachments in total. Do not send one set for each award.
¨ Reference(s): Send only one letter of reference, UNLESS the award you apply for specifically calls for more (see award descriptions). Do not send additional letters unless required; extra letters will be removed. The reference letter must be from your Supervisor or Advisor if you have one. If you do not have one, it should be from a professor who knows your work. If the award requires a second or third letter, that should be from an academic who knows your work. Check award descriptions and instructions from your dept and on FGSR website carefully as some awards require more than one reference (eg, Carson Scholarship). IMPORTANT: Provide referees with ample time (eg, at least 2 weeks), and sufficient in-depth information (your CV, award description, draft research proposal) so s/he can write a targeted, detailed letter. If applying for multiple awards in one competition, request only one original appraisal, not one for each award, unless the referee wishes to address different award-specific criteria separately.
IMPORTANT: Referees must attach the official FGSR appraisal form (with checkboxes) to their letter. Provide them with the link when you make your request. Unless otherwise specified, use the form in our Dept website forms cabinet under the Faculty Member section, or else the one on the FGSR website in the Awards section. The form asks referees to complete checkboxes and attach a letter. Ask referees to send the signed original in a sealed envelope with signature across the back flap and addressed to the Chair’s Secretary by the department deadline. If off campus, they may fax or email the appraisal to start, then mail the signed original.
¨ Program Description/Research Proposal: Attach a detailed one-page (maximum) research proposal (not including references/citations) UNLESS instructed by award description or dept instructions to provide a longer one. Note: Some awards allow up to 3 pages including references (see list below). If applying for any of those, submit only a 3-page proposal including citations; do not submit both a three-page and one-page document. There is a sample proposal binder in the General Office if you wish to view that for tips. Work with your Advisor or Supervisor on your proposal. If you do not have one, contact the Graduate Coordinator for suggestions.
¨ Curriculum Vitae (CV): Include the following, plus any other relevant information. If you receive confirmation of new publications, presentations or awards before the FGSR posted deadline, notify the Chair’s Secretary in case it can still be included.
¨ Publications, presentations: Unless otherwise specified, use APA format. Categorize publications and presentations (paper, poster, or other as “refereed” and “non-refereed” and by International, National, Regional. If you were a Keynote or Invited author or speaker or a Panel Chair/Facilitator, indicate so. You may list work “accepted” or “in press” but not yet published, but must indicate status. indicate whether and attach a copy of the notice of confirmation you received from the editor (email is fine). Unless otherwise instructed, work submitted but not yet accepted is not counted in award adjudication, and is generally not listed. You can ask your Supervisor to mention it in his/her letter or, if the work is related to your proposal, you could mention it briefly in your proposal.
¨ Awards & Recognition: List if relevant to academic, research, teaching or award criteria. Include approximate amount and date. List assistantships as work experience, not awards.
¨ Work Experience: particularly academic, research or specialization-related, including teaching and research assistantships, internships, related volunteer, community service and committee work.
¨ Other evidence of scholarly activity: other related activities (eg conferences organized, volunteer involvement, committee service, training, anything else that does not fit under the previous categories. If in doubt whether to list, check with Awards Secretary, your Supervisor.
¨ OTHER ATTACHMENTS: !!ATTENTION!! Some awards require extra attachments. Check FGSR award descriptions and instructions from your dept for any new or additional requirements, but here are a few:
¨ Brief statement(s) addressing any specialized award-specific criteria: Only if the award lists specialized criteria besides the standard of academic excellence (eg, communications, peace ed, leadership potential, community development, etc), then very briefly address the specialized criteria in a few lines to one paragraph (maximum) per award, stating how your research fits the focus of that award or how you meet that specific criteria. If addressing specialized criteria for more than one such award, include statements on one page, clearly labeled. Only address if award cites specialized criteria; do not write for all awards.
¨ Bain: attach CV. Research proposal can be up to 3 pages including references. Address criteria of cross/inter-cultural.
¨ Camrose: attach CV. Research proposal can be up to 3 pages including references.
¨ Carson: attach your letter to the Chair addressing criteria. Proposal may be up to 3 pages including refs; plus you need THREE (3) references. Name refs here: (1)=Your supervisor:______(2)______(3)______.
¨ Gandhi: address: study of world peace, demonstrated commitment to Gandhian principles.Research proposal can be up to 3 pages including references.
¨ Lazerte: add CV and your letter to Chair (address leadership potential, academic excellence); NB: research proposal will not be attached to this nomination, so any info in your proposal must be in your CV or covering letter.
¨ MacPhail Career Development: complete the additional form from EPS department website and any attachments listed there.
¨ For financial-needs based awards (ie, Horowitz, Faculty Club, Friends of FGSR), on a separate page by itself, provide a list of all sources of PROJECTED income for upcoming Sept-June academic year only (not current or past). Include each source, dollar amount and duration (eg, Research Assistantship: $9,000 Fall term). Include all sources (eg employment, assistantships, tuition assistance, sabbatical pay, loans, bursaries, family income and any other). Optional: You may, but are not required to list expenses, and you are welcome to note any situation causing considerable financial impact (eg being a single parent).
¨ Exceptional/extenuating circumstances: You may submit a very brief statement addressed to the Awards Panel (1 paragraph max) but only if truly major, exceptional circumstances had a bearing on your ongoing academic performance or progress (eg, loss of child or spouse, long-term hospitalization). Do not include specific personal details, only a brief sentence or two.
The personal information requested on this form is collected under authority of Section 33 (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of assessing/processing the application. Questions concerning collection, use or disposal of this information should be directed to the Educational Policy Studies FOIPP Liaison Officer.
Educational Policy Studies
Attention: Chair’s Secretary, Department of Educational Policy Studies, 7-104 Education North • University of Alberta • Edmonton • Canada • T6G 2G5
Telephone: (780) 492-2769 • Fax: (780) 492-2024