Educational Master Planning Committee
Minutes from meeting of October 22, 2009
Members Present: Caroline Ha, Jim Isbell, Randy Scott, Alex Taber, Leigh Ann Unger, Robert Waldren, John Weispfenning, Joyce Wagner
Guests: Nahla El Said (Chemistry) and Marcelo Pimentel (Philosophy)
The meeting started at 2:15pm.
Chemistry Program Review Discussion
Nahla El Said from the Chemistrydepartment discussed its program review with the committee. A copy of the department’s program review was distributed in advance to the members of the committee and committee members had the opportunity to ask questions, share comments and observations, and seek clarification on different points in the program review.
The Chemistry department has faced two significant obstacles. First, the department has been unable to offer organic chemistry curriculum due to facilities constraints. The allotted space in the new Sciences building together with the department’s traditional space in B-201 should fully meet the department’s space needs. Second, at 8.1 LHE for one course plus lab time, full time faculty reach their load with two courses and there is a need for additional full time faculty. The chemistry department has found it difficult to hire qualified part-time faculty.
With regard to technology, the department wishes to invest in software licenses and 16 laptop computers per room plus a DVD library.
The Chemistry department has student learning outcomes in place for all courses and has started assessment of one SLO in each course.
Philosophy Program Review Discussion
Marcelo Pimentel from the Philosophy department discussed its program review with the committee. A copy of the department’s program review was distributed in advance to the members of the committee and committee members had the opportunity to ask questions, share comments and observations, and seek clarification on different points in the program review.
The Philosophy department has integrated student input and assessment of program and course learning outcomes into its planning by keeping in touch with alumni, maintaining an active Philosophical Society, and administering a take home/not-for-credit exit exam assessment to majors. The department has posted its SLO assessment results online.
The department feels that its biggest challenge is basic skills deficiencies among students.
With regard to facilities, the department anticipates that its needs will be met with its allotted space in the future Humanities building. The department’s technology needs are met with MIID media systems such as found in D-217. The department has found that it favors classrooms without student PCs.
Other Business
The committee continued to discuss actions to complete Accreditation recommendations.
The committee looked at the program review template and discussed plans to improve its format and include additional prompts. The committee also looked at a draft of a paper form for ranking funding requests and made suggestions on how to improve the format. Due to the status of the college’s budget, the number of needs requests is very low this year and a prioritized list can be compiled on paper rather than through the DPP website.
The meeting ended at 3:30pm.
Subsequent meetings (2:00pm-3:30pm in B-103):
Fall 2009
11/12 (will meet in E-204 this Thursday only)