Personal data:
Name / Surname / Date of Birth / Nationality / Sex / Marital StatusNasser / Arsalani / 23.09.65 / Iranian / Male / married
Tel / Fax / E-Mail
0411-3393101 / 0411-3340191 / and
Educational Background: (Last one First)
Certificate Degree / Field of Specialization / Name of Institution Attended / date ReceivedB. Sc / Pure Chemistry / Tabriz University / 1987
M.Sc / Organic Chemistry (Polymer Field) / Tabriz University / 1990
Dr. der Naturwissenschaft / Organic Chemistry (Polymer Field) / Tuebingen University / 1997
Title of Post-Graduate Thesis:
Study of electrochemical and chemical preparation of electroactive polythiophene in acidic mediums
Title of Doctorate Thesis:
Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Novel Electrically Conductive Polymers based on Polypyrrole
Teaching Experiences:
Title of Course / Study Level of student / Dates / Name of InstitutionFrom / To
General Chemistry / B.Sc. / 1990 / 1992 / Faculty of Sciences
General Chemistry / B.Sc. / 1997 / - / Faculty of Agriculture
Organic Chemistry / B.Sc. / 1997 / - / Faculty of Chemistry
Practical General Chem. / B.Sc. / 1990 / 1992 / Faculty of Chemistry
Practical Organic Chem. / B.Sc. / 1990 / 1992 / Faculty of Chemistry
Practical Organic Chem. / B.Sc. / 1997 / - / Faculty of Chemistry
Practical Polymer Chem. / B.Sc. / 1990 / 1992 / Faculty of Chemistry
Practical Polymer Chem. / B.Sc. / 1997 / - / Faculty of Chemistry
Synthesis of Org. materials / B.Sc. / 1999 / - / Faculty of Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry / B.Sc. / 2002 / - / Faculty of Chemistry
New Aspects in Org. Chem. / M.Sc. / 2001 / - / Faculty of Chemistry
Academic Positions: (last one First)
Title of Position / Field of Specialization / Dates / Name of InstitutionFrom / To
Assistant Prof. / Polymer Chemistry / 1997 / - / Tabriz Univ.
Lecture / Organic Chemistry / 1990 / 1992 / Tabriz Univ.
Publications: (Only Papers Published at Domestic and Foreign Scientific Periodicals , Journals and magazines)
Title of Paper / Place of Publication / Date of PublicationChemical synthesis of conducting polythiophene / Iran. J. Polymer Sci. Technol. (pers. Ed) / 3, 169 (1990)
The application of electrically Conducting polymers / Iran. J. Polymer Sci. Technol. (pers. Ed) / 4, 94 (1991)
Doping of electrically conducting polymers / Iran. J. Polymer Sci. Technol. (pers. Ed) / 5, 64 (1992)
Electropolymerization of thiophenes and some of its derivatives / Iran. J. Polymer Sci. Technol. (pers. Ed) / 5, 112 (1992)
Electrosynthesis of highly conducting polythiophene thin film in perchloric acid / Iran. J. Polymer Sci. Technol. (Eng. Ed) / 1,33 (1993)
Electropolymerization of thiophenes by cyclic voltammetry in aqueous and ... / Iran. J. Polymer Sci. Technol. (Eng. Ed) / 2, 69 (1993)
Effect of electrochemical protonation and doping on the electrical... / Iran. Polymer Sci. Technol. (pers. Ed) / 6, 234, (1994)
Conducting Isopolymers: Preparation, Properties, and Applications / J. prakt. Chem. / 337,1 (1995)
Polythiophenes (Conducting polymers) / Polymeric Materials Encylopedia / 9, 6911 (1996)
Synthesis and properties of hydrophilic polymeres: 4. Preparation of telechelics... / J. Macromol. Sci-Pure & Appl. Chem. / A33(9), 1165(1996)
Radical bulk polymerization of styrene in the presence of fullerene [60] / Fullerene Sci. & Technol / 4(5) 897 (1996)
Kinetik behavior of addition to fullerene [60] / Fullerene Sci. & Technol / 5(1), 127 (1996)
Manufacture of hybrid polymers based on pyrrole / Ger. Offen. DE 19,601,748 (Ger. Ed) / CA 127: 162276n
Novel electrically conducting polymer hybrids with polypyrrole / React. & Funct. Polym. / 33,167 (1997)
Synthesis and properties of hydrophilic polymers, 6. Water soluble polypyrrole graft... / Macromol Rapied Commun. / 18, 503 (1997)
The Influence of the catalytic amouni of 1-(2-Pyrrolyl)-2-(2-Thienyl) Ethylene and… / Iranian Polymer Journal (Eng. Ed) / 10(3), 135 (2001)
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel N-Substituated Polyaniline by Triton X-100 / Iranian Polymer Journal (Eng. Ed) / 12(3), 237 (2003)
Synthesis and Characterization of Water-Soluble and Carboxy-Functional Polyester and Polyamide Based ... / Iranian Polymer Journal (Eng. Ed) / 12(4), 2 91 (2003)
Preparation and Characterization of Conductive Latex Based on Polyaniline-Perlite Composite / J. Appl. Polym. Sci. / In Press
Research Activities:
Title of Project / Place of Work / DatesFrom / To
Preparation of electrically conductive latex based on polyaniline / Tabriz Univ. / 2002 / 2003
Preparation of functionalaized Polyacrylonitrile and its metal complexes / Tabriz Univ. / 2002 / 2003
Preparation of N-Vinylpyrolidone / Tabriz Univ. / 2002 / -
Preparation of biodegradable Polystyrene / Tabriz Univ. / 2003 / -
Research Interests:
Water Soluble Polymers
Electrically Conducting Polymers
Functional polymers
Biodegradable Polymers
Papers Presented at Domestic and Foreign Assemblies:
Title of Paper / Title and place of Assembly / Date of AssemblyElectrosynthesis of highly conducting polythiophene / 5th Iran. Chem & Chem. Eng. Congress(Iran Univ. of Science & Technology) / 27-30 Aug 1990
Chemical synthesis of conducting polythiophene / 5th Iran. Chem & Chem. Eng. Congress(Iran Univ. of Science & Technology) / 27-30 Aug 1990
Radical bulk polymerization of styrene in the presence of fullerene [60] / 2nd International Semposium on Free-Radical polymerization (Italy) / 26-31 May 1996
Novel electrically conducting polymer hybrids with polypyrrole / 7th International Confrence on Polymer Supported Eeactions in Org. Chem. (Wroclaw, Poland) / 24-28 Jun 1996
Synthesis and characterization of poly(oxyethylene) telechelic as... / International Confrence on Recent Advances in Polymer Synthesis (York, UK) / 29-2 Aug. 1996
Neue wasserlosliche Hybridmaterialien auf der Basis von polypyrrol / 26. GDCh-Hauptversammlung und 100-Jahrfeier der GOCH (Wien) / 7-11 Sep. 1997
Synthesis of polymers-Containing Fullerene [60] / 7th Iranian Organic Chemistry Conference (Tehran, Iran) / 12-13 Sept 1999
Preparation of electrically conducting polypyrrole-polyacrylic acid sodium salt by chemical … / 5th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Sci. &Tech. (Tehran, Iran) / 12-14 Sept 2000
Synthesis and Characterization of Carboxy-Functional and Water-Soluble Polyamide Based … / 9th Iranian Seminar in Organic Chemistry (Tehran, Iran) / 16-18 Oct. 2001
Synthesis and Characterization of Benzene Sulfonic Acide-Telechelic Polyethylene Glycol / 9th Iranian Seminar in Organic Chemistry (Tehran, Iran) / 16-18 Oct. 2001
New Complexing Polymeric Materials Based on EDTA for Preconcentration and ... / Asia-Pacific Conference on Analytical Science (Manila, Philippines) / 20-22 Feb. 2002
Electrically Conductive Polymers and Their Location in the Paint Chemistry / 3th Congress of Chemistry of Islamic Azad University(Tehran,Iran) / 10-11 April 2002
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel N-Substituated Polyaniline by Triton X-100 / 39th Intrnational Symposium on Macromolecules (MACRO2002, Beijing, China) / 7-12 July 2002
Preparation and Characterization of Conducting Polyaniline-Perlite Composites / 5th Baku Intrnational Mamedaliyev Petrochemistry Conference(Baku,AZ) / 3-6 Sept 2002
Doping study of Polyaniline by Novel Benzene Sulfonic Acid Telechelic Poly(ethylene glycol) / 7th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress (Tehran, Iran) / 28-31 Oct. 2002
Synthesis and Characterization of Silica-b-Cyclodextrin Composites Containing EDTA and their Metals Complexes / The Second Seminar of Macrocyclic Chemistry (Zanjan,Iran) / 3-4 May 2003
Preparation and Characterization of Metal ions Complexes of b-CD-EDTA1, b-CD-EDTA5, b-CD-EDTA10 / The Second Seminar of Macrocyclic Chemistry (Zanjan,Iran) / 3-4 May 2003
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Water Soluble Polymers based on b-Cyclodextrin and Ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid / The Second Seminar of Macrocyclic Chemistry (Zanjan,Iran) / 3-4 May 2003
Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized Polyacrylonitrile by Ethylenediamine and its Metal Complexes / 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (Tehran, Iran) / 12-15 May 2003
Electrically Conductive Polymer Composites and Blends / 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (Tehran, Iran) / 2-15 May 2003
Preparation and Characterization of Conductive Latex Based on Polyaniline-Perlite Composite / 6th Iranian Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (Tehran, Iran) / 2-15 May 2003
Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized Polyacrylonitriles with Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and Their Metal Complexes / 8th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC8) , Bangkok, Thailand / 24-27 Nov. 2003
Membership to Scientific Associations:
Name of Institution/Association / Position Held / Country / YearIranian Polymer Society / member / Iran / 1998-
Language Proficiency:
Degree of proficiencyLanguage / Writing / Reading / Speaking
Native / Good / Fair / Poor / Native / Good / fair / Poor / native / Good / Fair / Poor
German / * / * / *
English / * / * / *
Turkish / * / * / *