1. I noticed there is a new Educational Assistance Policy. What has changed in the new policy?

Answer: First and foremost, there is now a single policy for all AHS facilities regarding Educational Assistance. The policy now allows for all degree levels (upon approval), individual academic courses, Certificate and Certification Programs, and prior learning assessments. Here is the link to the policy: AHS Policy CWHR258 Educational Assistance to Employees


Must be a full-time or benefit eligible part-time employee

Must have been employed with AHS for at least six months

No disciplinary action in the past 12 months

Degree must be job related, provide relevant skills to FH or be related to healthcare

School must be regionally accredited (Nursing degrees must be either ACEN or CCNE accredited as well)

Annual caps have changed:

Benefit eligible part-time employees may receive up to $2,625 per year for Bachelor’s degrees or lower.

Benefit eligible part-time employees may receive up to $5,250 per year for Master’s degrees or higher.

Benefit eligible part-time and full-time employees may receive up to $5,250 for Certification programs.

Full-time employees may receive up to $5,250 per year for Bachelor’s degrees or lower.

Full-time employees may receive up to $10,500 per year for Master’s degrees or higher.

Full-time employees enrolled in the ADU RN to BSN program and Pharmacy Residents in the ADU MHA program may receive up to $10,500 per year.

The lifetime cap of $21,000 remains unchanged.

Reimbursement has changed:

100% reimbursement for grades of C or above for Bachelor Associate degrees.

100% reimbursement for grades of B- or above for Master and Doctorate degrees.

Books are now paid when grades are received, the same as tuition and fees.

Contract has changed:

1-year contract for Certification/Certificate Programs and individual courses.

2-year contract for Associate/Bachelor degrees

3-year contract for Master/Doctorate degrees

Departure from AHS prior to end of commitment results in 100% payback in year one, 50% payback in year two, and 25% payback in year three.

Process has changed:

New applications and reimbursement requests are submitted, approved, and processed online

Educational advising is available, at no cost, to help choose the best school to meet your needs

EdAssist has a network of over 200 schools that offer discounts or other incentives

2. Why have we changed the system for applying for and being reimbursed for educational assistance?

Answer: The previous system was cumbersome and difficult to manage. New applications were routed by hand, and it was difficult to track where they were. Reimbursements were processed by hand and prone to errors due to the sheer volume of reimbursements submitted. In addition, this new platform gives AHS a single source to view a wide range of metrics regarding educational assistance. This single system allows employees to transfer within AHS with little or no disruption in service.

3. Are there any tutorials to show me how to use the new system?

Answer: There are indeed. Please go to FH Insite, Employee Resources, Education and Learning, and click on Employee Education Portal. Go to My Learning Center, scroll past the graphic under Using Your Benefit, and click on AHS Employee Education Program Video Tutorials. If you still need assistance, please call EdAssist at 800-410-5563.

4. How do I apply for Educational Assistance?

Answer: There are two possible routes to take.

The vast majority of applicants will take the following path:

Please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose Program Approval. Fill out the information and submit. Please remember your Field of Study, as you will need to enter the exact name when you submit for reimbursement.

Your application will be electronically routed to your director and VP for approval. You can see the status of your application in the My Dashboard section of the site. If you have an issue, please contact the help desk at EdAssist at 800-410-5563.

Employees taking Employer Required courses will use the following path:

Please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose Program Approval – Employer Required Education. Fill out the information and submit. Please remember your Field of Study, as you will need to enter the exact name when you submit for reimbursement.

Your application will be electronically routed to your director and VP for approval. You can see the status of your application in the My Dashboard section of the site. If you have an issue, please contact the help desk at EdAssist at 800-410-5563.

NOTE: Please ensure you leave enough time for approval before committing to start school. We recommend applying at least three months prior to when you plan to begin school. If you begin school prior to approval, any courses taken prior to approval will not be reimbursed.

5. How do I apply for Reimbursement?

Answer: There are three possible routes to take.

Most employees will use this route:

Please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose Course and Document Approval. Fill out the information and upload your documents. Remember: Your Field of Study must match the Field of Study you selected in your Program Approval. If they do not match, your application will be rejected.

If you experience difficulties, please contact the EdAssist help desk at 800-410-5563.

Within 30 days of the start of each new term, you will need to create a new Course and Document Approval application and add your courses. No later than 60 days after each term ends, go back to that application and submit your grades, tuition, and fees, then upload your documents. All documents must have the name, logo, or URL of the school. In the case of book receipts, they must include the name of the place purchased and your name as the purchaser. Your tuition and fees need to be itemized. Per policy, not all fees are reimbursable.

For those employees enrolled in the RN to BSN program at ADU:

Please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose RN – BSN at ADU Course and Document Approval. Fill out the information and upload your documents. Remember: Your Field of Study must match the Field of Study you selected in your Program Approval. If they do not match, your application will be rejected. Note: This payment will be made directly to ADU.

To be reimbursed for your books, please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose Book Reimbursement for RN to BSN at ADU. Fill out the information and upload your documents. Remember: Your Field of Study must match the Field of Study you selected in your Program Approval. If they do not match, your application will be rejected. Note: This payment will show up in your paycheck.

If you experience difficulties, please contact the EdAssist help desk at 800-410-5563.

Within 30 days of the start of each new term, you will need to create a new RN – BSN at ADU Course and Document Approvaland a Book Reimbursement for RN to BSN at ADUapplication and add your courses. No later than 60 days after each term ends, go back to that application and submit your grades, tuition, and fees, then upload your documents. All documents must have the name, logo, or URL of the school. In the case of book receipts, they must include the name of the place purchased and your name as the purchaser. Your tuition and fees need to be itemized. Per policy, not all fees are reimbursable.

For Residents and others taking employer required courses:

Within 30 days of course start date please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose Course and Document Approval - ADU. Fill out the information and upload your documents. Remember: Your Field of Study must match the Field of Study you selected in your Program Approval. If they do not match, your application will be rejected. Note: This payment will be made to the school.

To be reimbursed for your books, please go to FH Insite – Employee Resources – Education & Training and click on Employee Education Portal. Once there go to My Dashboard and click on Add New Application. Choose Book Reimbursement for Employer Required Program. Fill out the information and upload your documents. Remember: Your Field of Study must match the Field of Study you selected in your Program Approval. If they do not match, your application will be rejected. Note: This payment will show up in your paycheck.

If a resident, not attending ADU, you would select Course and Document Approval – Immediate Reimbursement. Fill out the information and upload your documents. This also includes your books. Remember: Your Field of Study must match the Field of Study you selected in your Program Approval. If they do not match, your application will be rejected. Note: You are responsible for paying the school.

If you experience difficulties, please contact the EdAssist help desk at 800-410-5563.

Within 30 days of the start of each new term, you will need to create a new Course and Document Approval – ADU orCourse and Document Approval – Immediate Reimbursementand a Book Reimbursement for Employer Required Programapplication and add your courses. No later than 60 days after each term ends, go back to that application and submit your grades, tuition, and fees, then upload your documents. All documents must have the name, logo, or URL of the school. In the case of book receipts, they must include the name of the place purchased and your name as the purchaser. Your tuition and fees need to be itemized. Per policy, not all fees are reimbursable.

6. Can I expect a 3% pay increase after I receive my diploma?

Florida Hospital is no longer offering a 3% pay increase for completing your degree program. This was a past practice, however that assumption is no longer valid. Instead Florida Hospital now performs market adjustments based on the position and skills needed to perform in that position.

This is the landing page for EdAssist

For Program Approval (New Application) click here. For Course and Document Approval (Reimbursement) click here.

The RN-BSN at ADU Course and document Approval application will remit the funds directly to ADU. To be reimbursed for books please select Course and Document Approval.