March 2010

Education Report

Deb Offerdahl

Greetings to all,

The winter is slowly fading and spring will soon be upon us. For those adventuring out to trap spring beaver, good luck and be safe.

This will mostly be reminders for everyone:

For anyone wishing to apply for a scholarship, all completed applications must be postmarked by July 1st. The amounts for this year’s scholarships will be determined at our March board meeting. Please contact me if you would like an application.

The Youth Photo Contest: remember to take photos of your youth 17 and under participating in some form of trapping and enter the photos in the contest held at the summer convention. Please limit photos to only 3 per child and no more than 4x6 in size. I would also ask that all photos be to the summer convention NO LATER than noon on Friday. This is to ensure all photos get viewed equally by the membership.

I would like to encourage all certified instructors to continue in their efforts to educate all new trappers and let Shawn know when you will be offering a trapper education class. We can then get in on the website as we get requests for classes around the state. I also want to take this opportunity again, to thank everyone who offered classes last year and to those who assisted in the field training for the correspondence course.

Once again, there will be a USSA Trailblazer Day at Camp Ripley and I am looking for 4-6 people to help. We are expecting 500 participants. The date is Saturday, April 24, and the event runs from 8 AM to 4 PM.. If you are interested in helping, please let me know.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With that, I will close for now. Be safe and remember to introduce a new person to trapping, as they are our future.

Deb Offerdahl