

CALENDAR 2017 / 2018 6


THE SCHOOL DAY-Arrangements for coming to school, absence etc 8

PARENTAL PARTNERSHIP- Communication, concerns and support 12






Chief Officer:Mr Malcolm Nutley

Education Services

The Grange,

St. Peter Port,



Tel: 733000

SCHOOL ADDRESS:La Houguette Primary School

St Pierre du Bois

Guernsey GY7 9LA

Tel: +44 (0) 1481 756020







Twitter: @la_houguette



Mrs Thorogood

YEAR ONE:Mrs Savage

Mrs West
YEAR TWO:Mrs Burke

Miss Pope


Miss Prince

YEAR FOUR:Mrs Bastable

Miss Isabelle

YEAR FIVE:Mr Le Compte

Mrs Feak

YEAR SIX:Mrs Jennings

Mr McDonnell

Mrs Davis Ms Middleton and Mrs Watts,will teach year groups each week. This is in order to provide planning, preparation and assessment time (PPA) for teachers

Mrs Sexton LIS



Mrs Way

Mrs Davis

Miss Lowe

Mrs Hewlitt

Mrs Vaudin

Mrs Gilman

Administration Staff : Mrs Brown and Mrs Redhead


Traffic: Mrs Carre


Juniors: Mrs Carre

Mrs Redhead

Infant:Mrs Brown

Mrs Bourgaize


Deputy David de Lisle Education Board

Mrs Anne Thomas(President)St Pierre Du Bois

Mrs Helen Bonner-MorganSt Saviours

Mrs Tracey CharmleySt Saviours

Mrs Gloria Dudley-OwenSt Pierre Du Bois

Mrs Martina LenfesteyTorteval

The traditional concern of the Parochial Committee is the general maintenance and upkeep of the buildings. However a redefined role is to be addressed in the future. The Parochial Committee is also involved with the appointment of the headteacher and deputy headteacher and they take a close interest in the development plans for the school. Members of the Parochial Committee are elected by the parish and serve for a period of three years. Nominations are submitted to the Constables of the parish following notification in La Gazette Officielle in the Guernsey Evening Press.


The PTA is committed to helping the school in many ways for the benefit of your children. It would be appreciated if the committee could be approached if you have any ideas for enhancing the life of the school or for raising much needed funds. The AGM is held early in the academic year and your attendance would be much appreciated.

You are automatically a member of the PTA as a parent.

CALENDAR 2017/2018



September / Monday / 4th / Staff Training Day
Tuesday / 5th / Children start (not Reception)
October / Monday – Friday / 23th -27th Oct / Half Term
December / Tuesday / 19th / Term ends 1.00pm
January / Wednesday / 3rd / Staff Training Day
Thursday / 4th / Children start
February / Monday – Friday / 19th – 23rd Feb / Half Term
March / Wednesday / 28th / Term Ends 1.00pm
April / Monday / 11th / Staff Training Day
Tuesday / 12th / Children Start
May / Monday / 7th / May Day Holiday
Tuesday / 8th / School Closure day
Wednesday / 9th / Liberation Day
Monday - Friday / 28th – 1st June / Half Term
July / Friday / 19th / Term ends 1.00pm


We think La Houguette should be a school where staff and parents work in partnership to inspire and empower our children to explore, learn and to understand the value of hard work and effort in order to challenge themselves to reach their potential.

Through exciting,creative teaching and learning we strive to develop happy, motivated children who show consideration, respect and understanding for others.

Our Vision

We believe that learning should be fun, purposeful, inspiring and challenging. We aim to equip each child with the skills, attitudes and attributes they will need become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors who are proud of their efforts and achievements and well prepared for modern life.

We believe in the need to develop the whole child, through positive partnerships and attitudes, in a safe and secure environment where our differences and heritage are celebrated.

We believe all members of our school community should be valued, respected and accorded the same politeness- Treat others as we would wish to be treated

We believe that our school community should work together to provide a safe, supportive, clean and stimulating learning environment. This environment extends beyond the classroom to the outside areas and learning opportunities around the Island and further abroad.

We believe that good teamwork and positive partnerships - with children, colleagues, parents and the wider community will lead to effective teaching, high standards and successful learning.



8.45am - 12.00pm All Children

1.00pm –2.45 pm Infants

1.00pm - 3.15pm Juniors


Wherever possible children should not arrive at school until 8.25am. From this time staff are available but do not assume responsibility of playground duty until 8.35am. Parents are invited to stay with their children until they become confident to meet with their friends in the safety of the playground. It is very helpful for us when parents encourage their children’s independence and leave them to play with their friends. This helps to reduce traffic congestion so that all children can be dropped off in good time. In inclement weather the children are invited into school before the start of the morning session to be supervised and engage in quiet activities.


Parents of infant children are invited to meet their children outside the infant entrance. Parents of Reception children may meet their child at the classroom door. Junior children are dismissed via the junior door and into the playground which acts as a car park.

Whilst waiting for older siblings ,your children are your responsibility in what is effectively a car park. NO CHILDREN to play on the equipment or the field in the Junior area. If children are in the Junior car park they should be with you and under your supervision.

We do appreciate that some of you have a half hour wait and therefore we ask that you take your children to the Infant climbing frame and Infant playground and wait there until the Juniors come out , when you will come round and meet them at the usual place . We cannot allow them to play on the hill or by the school as lessons are still taking place in Years 3 and 6.

If you have Infant only children, we ask that you return to your cars and leave the site by 3.00 p.m.

At 3.15 the Juniors will come out and should be taken straight to the cars and then leave the site. I am sure you can appreciate that for every parent who has the time that day for a chat there is another who needs to get to a club, appointment etc .


We are fortunate in having an excellent free bus service which brings children to and from school. This is operated in partnership between the States Education and Transport departments.The children enjoy coming to school by bus and the service contributes significantly to reducing the congestion of cars using the car park. Further details of the three routes are available on request from the school office. We must ask that you sign up for this service termly. Due to increasing numbers we cannot allow friends to travel home on the bus as we have in the past as we simply cannot guarantee a seat.


The safety and happiness of our children is of utmost importance to us and we all aim for the beginning of the day to be a pleasant and happy experience for everyone. For a short time in the morning we have more cars than space and so we are obliged to keep parking to a minimum and ensure a steady flow of traffic. We often experience problems early in the autumn term when we have many Reception children starting school and the cars parked for this time inhibit the free flow of traffic. This explanation is intended to clarify our procedure which, when followed, enables the car park to operate smoothly.

We encourage children to be independent as soon as possible, and most children quickly become confident andhappy to come into the school playground on their own. We encourage you to leave your child as soon as you feel they are settled, the school site is safe and teachers are on duty in the playground from 8.35am. However at the early stages of starting school we understand that some Reception children prefer their parents to stay in the playground to see them into school, and parents may want to stay to see them in. Should you wish to see your Reception child into school we suggest you arrive after 8.40am when most parents have dropped off their children. It is also helpful if parents who want to stay for longer take the healthy option by parking at L’Eree and walking up the hill. Please note it is unhelpful for parents to stay on the school site to chat.

Our system works well when two lanes are clear and parking time is kept to a minimum in the other lanes. The two inside lanes, closest to the school are designated drop-off lanes only. These lanes are also used by staff to access the staff car park and by school buses to drop off the children.

The drop-off lanes work well when children are encouraged to get out of the car and come into school on their own. Our caretaker and traffic assistant do a fantastic job helping the children leave cars quickly and safely whilst keeping the traffic circulating. Please note it is unhelpful to turn into the car park purely to turn the car around.

For clarification, the drop off lane nearest to the path is designated for cars coming up the hill and turning left into the car park, the second is for those coming down the hill and turning right into the car park. It is helpful to indicate your intention to turn by signaling well in advance. This allows the caretaker to direct the traffic safely and keep the system running smoothly.

Parking for parents who have arranged to help in school and for visitors is guided by the caretaker. Please ensure that grandparents and anyone else who may drop off or pick up your child understands the system and our reasons for them. If you are unclear about any aspect of the car park system please talk with our Caretaker, who is happy to assist you.

We thank you for your understanding and co-operation which makes for a safe and pleasant start to the day for everyone.


After school we open up the Junior Playground from 2.30pm to try to ease the parking congestion. This only works if parents collecting Infants only vacate the playground quickly and free up space for cars arriving to pick up Juniors. When the Juniors get out ALL cars must vacate the playground by 3.30 when the chain will be locked across the entrance. If you plan to meet a teacher please do not park in the playground as it invariably blocks traffic and you may get locked in.


If your child arrives after the register has been called they will be given a late mark. Should children be regularly late you will be contacted and asked to bring your child on time. It is important that children are on time because lessons start immediately after the register is taken. Late arrivals will miss the start of a lesson or will disrupt the others. Please get into the habit early and bring reception children on time. Registration is done on the computer and you will be given an absence or late mark when necessary. All children who are late must report to the office.


Most children bring a packed lunch to school which they have in their classroom. Any uneaten food should be brought home so you are aware of what has been eaten. Please be aware that we have some children with nut allergies so please avoid products with nuts in if at all possible.

We have lunchtime supervisors and teachers on duty. The school provides this lunchtime cover, but if a child is unable to behave or manage lunchtimes at school a letter will be sent to parents requesting that they make alternative arrangements.

Parents should ensure that their children are prepared for the elements outside, as children will be outside unless the weather is very poor. This includes coats, sun hats and the application of sun cream at home if required.

Some children go home for lunch. The school should be made aware of this and any occasion where this arrangement changes.


During playtimes and lunchtimes, equipment is provided for the Infants. No toys should be brought from home. In the Juniors children are allowed to bring certain items to school and the children will be informed what these are. These items remain their responsibility.


Children are encouraged to bring named water bottles into school and may refill them during the day. Children should not bring fizzy drinks of any description, although they may bring a still drink to have with their lunch.


The key principles which underpin La Houguette’s procedures for managing attendance are that:

  • Parents and carers have a duty to ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually in order to get the most benefit from their education
  • Regular and punctual attendance at school is key to the academic and social development that will improve the life chances of learners
  • Learners who attend school regularly and punctually are less likely to be at risk, both in terms of engaging in anti-social behaviour and in terms of their own health, safety and welfare.

Any absence from school should follow the school’s Attendance and Punctuality Policy which is available on the school website.


Please let the school know as soon as your child is absent for any reason. Please telephone before school starts, any time after 8.00am. Alternatively you could send an email to

Unexplained absences may lead to an investigation by the Educational Welfare Officer.

If your child has a particular medical or physical complaint, please ensure that the school is informed, preferably in writing, addressed to the Headteacher.


Very occasionally we have bad weather, usually snow which would make it difficult or dangerous for children to try to get to school. If this happens please listen to Guernsey Radio or Island FM as the Education Department will make the decision if the schools will be closed and they will contact the radio stations. The school also has Twitter feed @la_houguette where up to date messages will be posted. We will also Groupcall where possible



To help your child settle easily into school it would be helpful if they can achieve the following:

  • can dress themselves with minimal help
  • go to the toilet without assistance;
  • have established good sleeping habits;
  • have confidence in being separated from their parents;
  • have the ability and confidence to play and share with other children and to communicate with them;
  • can talk confidently with adults and follow simple instructions.

Prepare your child for school well in advance and make this a happy experience. Talk to your child about school and make it sound a happy and exciting place and something they can look forward to experiencing.

During your child’s first half term initial assessments are made of their developmental levels in different areas of learning. You will be asked to help to compile this by filling out a questionnaire and through discussions with the teacher.


Concerns of a minor nature may be dealt with by reference to an individual teacher at the end of the day after checking with the administration staff that the teacher does not have prior meetings arranged.

Concerns of a more serious nature will be dealt with by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If possible contact the administration staff or the Headteacher and make them aware of your concerns. This way your concern will be directed to the person in the best situation to help you.

Concerns of a very serious or personal nature should be directed to the Headteacher in the first instance.

If the matter remains unresolved, parents may contact the Education Services where it will be dealt with by the Administration Officer -Education, who will report it to the Director.

As a last resort, parents have the right of appeal to the President of the Education, Sports and CultureCommittee.