Southend on Sea Borough Council


Education, Health and

Care Plan

Personal Details

Details of Child or Young Person
Surname: / Other names:
Date of Birth: / Gender:
Home Address: / Religion:
Ethnic origin:
Home Language(s):
UPN / NHS No / ID No.
Details of Parent(s) /Guardian(s) with Parental Responsibility
Name: / Relationship to Child/Young person:
Home Address: / Home telephone:
Work telephone:
Name: / Relationship to Child/Young person:
Home Address: / Home telephone:
Work telephone:
Who I live with:
(if different from above)
Additional information:
Current school/setting:
Admission date:

How have Firstname and his/her family been involved in the development of this plan?

Section A

All about me

Information about my immediate family and other people who are significant to me

My journey so far

How others describe me

What I like doing

My preferred ways of communicating and being addressed

Things that are important to me now and in the future

Things that are important for me now and in the future

Things that are working for me

Things that I need help with


My family’s views

Firstname’s Family’s journey so far

How things are going

What is working well

What Firstname needs help with

What we would like to see happen in the future.

Section B

My Special Educational Needs

Communication and interaction



Special educational needs


Cognition and Learning



Special educational needs


Social, emotional and mental health



Special educational needs


Physical or sensory



Special educational needs


The reports and assessments listed in section K have been used to help write my plan

Section C

My Health Needs

C1.  A summary of my health needs resulting from my special educational needs


C2.  A summary of my other health care needs



Section D

My Social Care Needs

D1.  A summary of my social care needs as assessed under section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Person Act 1970



D2.  A summary of my social care needs related to my special educational needs



Section E

My outcomes

My outcomes– the things that are important to me and for me

Desired Outcomes / Timescale to achieve
Communication and interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, emotional and mental health
Physical or sensory
Social Care

Arrangements for monitoring progress and reviewing my outcomes

I should have an Individual Support Plan (ISP) or equivalent with short term targets, achievable within a term (or less for younger children) linked to the outcomes on this EHC Plan. The ISP should use strategies provided by professionals that contributed to this plan and any further advice which might be provided by relevant professionals, to advise the short term targets.

The ISP targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based and should be regularly monitored and evaluated, with involvement and in close consultation of me and my parents.

I should be closely involved in reviewing my progress and setting my targets and desired outcomes with the help of my teacher and other adults as appropriate.

There should be regular review meetings to monitor and evaluate my desired outcomes, identify and continue with successful strategies and to modify less successful approaches.

There should be close liaison between all involved adults (parents, staff in education setting and supporting agencies) to exchange information and ensure a consistency of approach and implementation of programmes to meet my desired outcomes.

Section F

Special Educational Provision

The provision I need to achieve my outcomes

A broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, which ensures that tasks and activities are commensurate with my level of attainment and which takes full account of my needs.

The following table provides specific details about the help required to meet my desired outcomes. It also describes the help I need from health and social care that is reasonably required by my special educational needs.

What provision do I need to achieve my outcomes? List equipment or support. If this is intervention include how often. / Who will provide the support? Include funding source where appropriate / Who will review it and by when?

Funding Arrangements

Section G

Health provision

G1.  Health provision required by my learning difficulties and/or disabilities which result in me having SEN

What provision do I need to achieve my outcomes? / Who will provide the support? / Who will review it and by when?

G2.  A summary of my other Health Needs

What provision do I need to achieve my outcomes? / Who will provide the support? / Who will review it and by when?

Section H

Social Care provision

H1.  Social Care provision resulting from section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Person Act 1970

What provision do I need to achieve my outcomes? / Who will provide the support? / Who will review it and by when?

H2.  Social Care provision linked to my learning difficulties or disabilities which result in me having SEN

What provision do I need to achieve my outcomes? / Who will provide the support? / Who will review it and by when?

Section I


Name of setting
Type of setting

Section J

Personal budget

yes / no
Has a personal budget been agreed for Firstname?
Outcome to be met / How will the personal budget be used / Funding source and type / Proposed allocation / Review arrangements
Personal budget
Total / £
Outcome to be met / How will the personal budget be used / Funding source and type / Proposed allocation / Review arrangements
Personal budget
Total / £
Social care
Outcome to be met / How will the personal budget be used / Funding source and type / Proposed allocation / Review arrangements
Personal budget
Total / £

Section K

Advice and Information

When assessing Firstname’s special educational needs the following reports, evidence and advice were taken into account and form the Appendices to this plan:

Source / How did they contribute / Report attached? (include date)
Educational setting
Educational Psychology
Social Care

Annual Review of this Plan

The lead professional responsible for convening the annual review meeting for this plan:
People to be involved in review:
Frequency of review:
The local authority will review my EHC plan at least annually. The first review will be completed within 12 months of the date of issue of my EHC plan. Subsequent reviews will be completed within 12 months of the previous review.
An annual review can be requested at any time if there is, or is likely to be, a significant change in my circumstances such as a move out of the area or the possibility of permanent exclusion. My school or education setting should inform the local authority of the proposed date and reasons for the request.
My school or education setting should hold a review meeting within 11 months of the date of the issue of the EHC plan or the local authority’s decision following a previous review. The setting must request my views, my parent’s views and reports from involved professionals 8 weeks before the meeting and circulate to all attendees 2 weeks before the meeting. The report of the meeting must be sent to the local authority within 10 days of the meeting.
There should be clear recording and monitoring so that at each Annual Review consideration can be given to the rate at which I am learning over time and this should inform my outcomes and levels of support I require for the following year. Consideration should also be given at each review as to whether I continue to require an EHC plan to provide the support I need to make progress.

Agreeing the plan

The below agencies agree to this plan and to deliver the provision detailed

Duly authorised officer (Education) / Signed:
Duly authorised officer (Health/CCG) / Signed:
Duly authorised officer (Social Care) / Signed:

I agree this plan will meet Firstname’s needs

Please print name / Signed:
The date this plan was proposed:
This plan was completed on:
The first review of this plan will be by:

Page 9 of 9EHC Template July 14