This Education Health and Care Plan has been developed solely as a training tool for the purposes of EHC plan training workshops delivered in Spring Term 2016. As such, it does include some good elements but it also has areas for improvement, and therefore cannot be regarded specifically as an example of good practice.
Education, Health
and Care Plan:
Joe (aged 16 years)
Personal Details
Section A - All about Joe
· How have Joe and his family participated in the development of this plan?
· Joe’s story
· Joe’s views, interests and aspirations
· The views of Joe’s parents
· How to communicate with Joe and engage him in decision making
· Joe’s support network
Section B - Strengths and Special Educational Needs
- Summary of Special Educational Needs Section C - Health Needs which relate to SEN Section D - Social Care Needs which relate to SEN Section E - Outcomes and Provision
Section F - SEN Provision
Section G - Health Outcomes and Provision
Section H1 - Social Care Outcomes and Provision Relating To S2 Cs&Dp Act 1970
Section H2 - Social Care Outcomes and Provision Section I - Education Placement
Section J - Personal Budget Section K - Advices
This Education Health and Care Plan has been developed solely as a training tool for the purposes of EHC plan training workshops delivered in Spring Term 2016. As such, it does include some good elements but it also has areas for improvement, and therefore cannot be regarded specifically as an example of good practice.
Personal Details
Name / JoeAddress
Date of birth / 15.02.99
NHS number
Current Setting/School/ College
Person/people with parental responsibility
Contact number
Email address
Social Worker / yes
Contact number
Email address
Is this young person a Looked After Child? / No
Full Care Order, Interim Care Order or Section 20 / N/A
This Education Health and Care Plan has been developed solely as a training tool for the purposes of EHC plan training workshops delivered in Spring Term 2016. As such, it does include some good elements but it also has areas for improvement, and therefore cannot be regarded specifically as an example of good practice.
Section A: All about Joe
This information has been given by Joe and his parents and the professionals working with him
How have Joe and his family participated in the development of this plan?
Joe and his parents have provided advice, contributed to the Transition Plan and attended the Transfer Review Meeting. Joe has also completed a One Page Profile.Joe has been assessed by a Community Paediatrician and an Educational Psychologist who provided advice as part of the statutory assessment process for an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Joe’s story
Joe was born healthy at term, his early motor development was age appropriate but there were concerns since 2 years of age with delayed speech, development and reduced understanding. He has been seen by the community paediatrician since 2002 and was diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder at the age of 5 years. Subsequently Joe has been identified as having further difficulties including anxiety issues, motor Tic disorder, sensory issues, and difficulties with fine motor and balance coordination difficulties.
Joe has recently been discharged from Speech and Language Therapy Services, but continues to have an annual appointment with the Community Paediatrician. There are no concerns regarding Joe’s general health. He is prescribed glasses for short sightedness.
Joe currently attends special school.
Joe is sensitive, polite and funny; he is well behaved, honest, friendly and helpful. Joe tries hard and is enthusiastic. His peers say that he is a great role model; he is interesting and knowledgeable, friendly and great to talk to.
Joe’s views interests and aspirations
Family and pets are important to Joe. He loves animals, he thinks they are beautiful. He enjoys going on nature walks, bird watching and visiting the Zoo, he also likes watching nature programmes on the TV and learning about animals from the internet. Joe says that he would like to go to college to study animal care; he really enjoyed the work experience that he did with college recently and, as a result, he would like to work with reptiles in the future. He would like to learn how to handle snakes and lizards, and how to take care of reptiles and treat their health problems.
Joe would like to be able to continue with work experience when he starts at college. He would like to learn more about money and time, because no matter how much he is taught about money he does not understand it.
Joe feels nervous about going to college, getting lost and the older students there. He is worried about being late for lessons because he cannot tell the time. Joe says that he likes to be told “exactly what to do”, he feels he will struggle to be able to do things by himself.
Joe gets worried about being at home on his own, and does not like to walk to places on his own, such as the shops.
Joe says that he really enjoys being at his school, he enjoys Global Dimensions, ICT, English and History. He liked working at ‘Creepy Crawlies’. Joe has won the ‘George Brown’ award at school (an award given to students for outstanding contribution to school), and feels that being at the school has helped him with his confidence. It is important to Joe to be happy.
The views of Joe’s parents
His parents would like him to achieve an NVQ in animal care, and to be able to work with reptiles in full-time employment. They would like him to have a good understanding of money and finances and how to use a bank account. They would like Joe to be more independent with shopping tasks, travel and communication. It is important to Joe’s parents that as he gets older he is able to live within his community, cook meals for himself and to be able to socialise. (Reference:K2a)
His parents would like him to have the skills to be able to read, understand and interpret information in letters, emails, bank statements, community signage, public announcements and verbal directions and instructions to enable him to move into adulthood and further independence.
How to communicate with Joe and engage him in decision making
Joe takes things literally, so it is important to be aware of the language used. It is also important to give Joe time to speak. He does not like to be put on the spot, and he needs time to process his thoughts. Joe feels that one of his weaknesses is that he is not confident doing things himself and needs to be encouraged and supported to do so.
Joe’s support network
Joe is supported by his parents, grandparents and his older brother. He also has support from his social worker, his carer and staff at school.
Section B: Strengths and Special Educational Needs
The needs that have been identified in the EHC assessment (in priority order, where possible) in the following areas:
(1)Communication and Interaction / Strengths
· Joe is able to express himself in areas where he feels confident in front of peers and adults.
· Joe is beginning to talk to another pupil in the class with similar interests.
· He is able to discuss and ask questions about events.
· Joe will often put forward his own points of view within a discussion.
· He is starting to talk more in group work and at social time.
· Joe is able to follow and join in lengthy conversations in an appropriate way with adults, especially if they involve topics of particular interest to him.
· He is able to use language for a range of functions, including for verbal reasoning, such as explaining or justifying. (Reference:K6)
Special Educational needs:
Joe has the following Communication and Interaction difficulties:
· Joe struggles to interact with others when the topic is something that he is not overly familiar with.
· Joe’s responses to discussions may not always be relevant to the conversation and may be based around his own areas of comfort.
· Joe can have difficulty understanding the meaning of language and can take things literally.
· Joe’s descriptions can be vague at times and this may reflect his organisational skills or his understanding of his listener’s needs.
· Joe needs help to develop his social communication skills.
· His good spoken language sometimes masks restricted concepts.
· Joe appears to be very eloquent but clearly has a set agenda of things he prefers to talk about.
Social Emotional and Mental Health / Strengths
· Joe is a very happy, hardworking young person.
· He still needs prompts to ask for help when required, but his confidence is improving.
· Joe has become confident enough to work in the school coffee shop.
· Joe has made progress in dealing with his emotions.
· He has shown that he is able to understand when issues raised are not directed at him.
· Joe has shown himself to be a strong member within ‘Enterprise’ lessons.
· He has shown success with handling the pressure of shopping trips with the class.
· Joe is well-behaved in all settings and tries hard to follow instructions and adhere to expectations.
· Joe is keen to be helpful and he approaches other people in a friendly and caring way.
· Joe is an engaging, chatty and very likeable young man.
Special Educational needs:
Joe has the following Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties:
· Joe needs prompting to openly say how he feels about a situation.
· Joe has a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder.
· Joe suffers from a number of anxieties if the routine is changed or anything unexpected happens during the course of the day.
· Joe can suffer from panic attack type symptoms if in a noisy, crowded place or if he is rushed.
· Joe suffers from vocal and motor tics in the form of blinking, winking and throat clearing noises.
· His understanding can be reduced when he is anxious.
· Joe has no particular friends at school. “He is content to play alone in the playground”
· Joe is comforted by routine and familiar places/people.
· He will become anxious if he senses stress in another person.
· Joe is not confident when he is asked how he feels
about things.
· He is very anxious about going into town.
· When Joe gets stressed his breathing becomes heavy.
· He does not like to be rushed and has to follow his routine regardless of time.
· Joe could become isolated if not encouraged to go out as he has few friends and is not interested in mixing with them outside of school.
Cognition and Learning / Strengths
· Joe has achieved ‘Student of the Week’ award, First Aid, and ‘Food and Hygiene’ qualifications. He has completed a taster course at college, and a course with City School Games.
· He has worked hard with the functional skills in English work.
· Joe is working well within comprehension lessons, he is able to read with understanding.
· Joe has worked hard on word, sentence and text objectives through reinforced work on the ‘Dockside’ scheme and has succeeded with all the targets.
· Joe is beginning to use certain skills in other areas to help solve problems.
· Joe tries very hard and is a conscientious learner.
· Joe is very interested in animals and has accrued a detailed knowledge about reptiles.
· Despite his difficulties with learning, Joe has developed a useful range of basic literacy and numeracy skills.
· Joe demonstrates some understanding of his difficulties and limitations.
· Joe enjoys school.
Special Educational needs
Joe has the following cognition and learning difficulties:
· Joe finds it difficult to relate his numeracy and literacy skills to real life situations.
· Joe can find the comprehension of written language difficult, and can sometimes read without full understanding of meaning. His handwriting skills are slow and his letters can be ill formed.
· Joe has a poor auditory and working memory, he can find it very difficult to retain basic academic skills despite them being taught multiple times.
(Reference K7)
Sensory and/or Physical / Strengths
· There are no concerns about general health or hearing. (Reference:K5a)
Special Educational Needs:
Joe has the following sensory and physical difficulties:· Joe has sensory integration dysfunction.
· Joe is short sighted and is prescribed glasses.
· Joe can have occasional wetting accidents.
· He has difficulties with general balance and coordination.
· Joe struggles with his handwriting.
· He needs reminders to drink water regularly as he can easily forget for the whole day if he is not reminded to drink. (Reference:K5a)
· Joe has Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID), he is very sensory orientated.
· He prefers baths to showers because he does not like water falling onto his head.
(Reference: K7)
Preparing for Adulthood / Strengths
· Joe has a wealth of knowledge regarding animals particularly reptiles, due to his keen interest in them. Joe can sustain a weekly work placement in the community working with animals.
· He would like to work with animals in the future, especially reptiles.
· Joe demonstrates a desire to be more independent in the future. He understands that in order to fulfil his aspiration of working with reptiles, he needs to be more independent. (Reference:K1)
· Joe enjoys the responsibility of taking orders, making hot drinks in the school coffee shop and talking to the customers.
· He is willing to take on different roles in the coffee shop confidently when they are explained to him.
· Joe is willing and able to do simple household jobs at home for pocket money e.g. vacuuming, filling the dishwasher, clearing the table.
· Joe is already successfully attending a weekly work experience placement at both at ‘Creepy Crawlies’ and ‘Bugtopia’
· (Reference:K7)
Special Educational Needs:
Joe requires advice and support in choosing what he wants to do at Post 16, he has the following difficulties:Joe struggles to organise himself in a way that allows him to be ready on time for important events and would be late if not prompted and supported.
(Reference: K2c)
· Joe needs lots of prompting and some assistance to complete personal care tasks.
· Joe has no sense of danger and requires constant and close supervision to ensure his personal safety, particularly when outside.
· He has to be told when to get up and prompted to wash and dress.
(B) Summary of Special Educational Needs