Children’s & Young People’s Services

Hill View, Hill View Drive, Welling, Kent DA16 3RY

Tel: 020 8303 7777 Extn: 4259

Fax: 020 8836 8232

m/r / Direct Dial / 0208 836 8245/8087
Date / 27th August 2010
The person dealing with this matter is / Terry O’Dea/Lorna London

To: Head Teacher

All Bexley Schools

Actions to be taken:

1. Assign a school BIG NOISE STEM Coordinator

2. Forward coordinator name and contact details to Lorna London by Wednesday 8th September.

Dear Head Teacher

Re: The Bexley ‘BIG NOISE STEM’ Year 2010-11

Following my ‘advanced notice’ letter (28 June 2010), as promised I am pleased to provide you with the 2010-11 Bexley BIG NOISE STEM programme and resources for school activities, events and enrichments.

As previously mentioned, the opportunities for young people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) are significantly increasing annually, and represent a strategic aspect of the nation’s economic growth policy. The activities and events in this varied programme have been designed to successfully entice, excite, interest, engage, inform and motivate secondary age young people concerning STEM related studies and career opportunities. Importantly as a second outcome, involvement with BIG NOISE STEM 2010-11 will support teaching and leadership colleagues in ensuring that these real opportunities for students are effectively developed within all Bexley schools. Within these arrangements we hope that you will find activities and events that you would like your students to engage in, (details of which are enclosed).

It is our hope that we have produced a quality programme that will enhance and enrich your current provision this year resulting in more students becoming energised and motivated to do even better in those important level 2 subject areas and then elect to study them at post 16.

In order to make this programme a success, we ask that you assign a key individual in your school as a STEM coordinator to manage and oversee those events that best suit your young people, and thus augment your current provision in this area.


Page 2 27th August 2010

The Bexley ‘BIG NOISE STEM’ Year 2010-11

An important briefing meeting for all STEM coordinators and the Bexley BIG NOISE STEM team will be held on Friday 17th September at 3.00-4.00 pm at Hill View (Room H2). As many additional resources will be handed out for each school at this meeting, it will be vital for at least one person to be able to attend. Please see the enclosed application form to attend; the deadline for returning this form is Wednesday 8th September.

As we experience these activities during this year it is anticipated that many new ideas regarding even better school-based STEM enrichment activities for 2011-12 will follow for us to further develop with Bexley secondary schools.

If you have any queries or requests please do contact me.

On behalf of the Bexley STEM team we look forward very much to working with you in what promises to be a very interesting, productive and rewarding year.

Yours sincerely

Terry O’Dea

Science consultant/BIG NOISE STEM 2010-11 coordinator

Felicity Carne – Educational and Business Partnership manager

Beckie Knight – Aim Higher Coordinator

Elaine Lambert – Maths consultant

Lorna London - Administrator

Nicky Warren - Connexions/Prospects Careers manager






3.00 – 4.00 PM


School STEM Coordinator to complete and return by Wednesday 8th September please.

STEM coordinator name
Other school role(s)
Additional person(s) attending

Please email these details to


fax this sheet to Lorna London on

0208 8836 8232

By Wednesday 8th September
