Piotr Mikiewicz

Assistant Professor in the International Institute for Study of Culture and Education, University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw

Education and work

From 12.2006 Assistant Professor in the International Institute for Study of Culture and Education, University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw AAE, Deputy Director

10.2005 - 12.2006 Assistant Professor in Sociology of Education and Youth Department, Institute of Pedagogy, University of Lower Silesia AAE in Wroclaw

2000 - 2005 Assistant in Department of Structural Changes Research, Institute of Sociology, Nicolas Copernicus University in Torun

01.2005 Ph.D. dissertation.: Social World of the Secondary Schools - from trajectory of margin to trajectory of elite; (Społeczny świat szkoły - trajektorie marginesu i trajektorie elit),

06. 2000 MA dissertation: Life strategies and life space of youth. Socialization conditions of activity and passiveness (Strategie życiowe a przestrzeń życia młodzieży. Socjalizacyjne uwarunkowania aktywności i bierności)

1999/2000 Trainee teaching staff in Department of Structural Changes Research, Institute of Sociology, Nicolas Copernicus University in Torun

1995 - 2000 Sociological study at Nicolas Copernicus University in Torun

Sociological Research Activities

  • Social capital on the educational market (ongoing project) -research project on different forms of social capital in different social strata and the consequences for educational attainment; The case of Poland in comparative perspective
  • Abandoned Generation - educational paths and enter into adulthood (ongoing project) ("Porzucona generacja" - ścieżki edukacyjne i wchodzenie w dorosłość). The team research project on educational mechanisms of trajectorisation of individuals' social fate. Inquiry covers selected schools on primary, secondary and tertiary level and young adults (30 years olds) in Dolnoslaskie and Olsztynskie Regions.
  • Graduated 2005 (Maturzyści 2005) , 2005, research on outcomes of functioning reformed school in Poland, quantization of the new "matura" exam. Research had been carried out in Torun and Torun region, in cooperation with Jarosław Domalewski and Krzysztof Wasielewski (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Science)
  • Social World of the School - form trajectory of margin to trajectory of elites (Społeczny świat szkoły - trajektorie marginesu i trajektorie elit ) - realized from the December 2003 till January 2005, nonparticipating observation of social world of three secondary schools in Torun - elitists liceum, liceum of new type (built in the foundation of former vocational school) and basic vocational school;
  • Academic Gymnasium in Torun. Diagnosis of school functioning between 1988/99-2002/2003 (Gimnazjum Akademickie w Toruniu. Próba diagnozy funkcjonowania w latach 1998/99 - 2002/2003) , 2003, in co-operation with Prof. Włodzimierz Wincławski;
  • Young People in the Reformed School System (Młodzież w zreformowanym systemie edukacji) , 2003, research on social differentiation of the post-gymnasium educational structure, in co-operation with Jarosław Domalewski (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Science);
  • Life-trajectories of graduated (Losy absolwentów) , 2003, research in social trajectories of certain cohort of graduated form one of primary schools in Torun in 1988; in co-operation with Krzysztof Wasieleski (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Science);
  • The threshold of adulthood- the portrait of young generation (Na progu dorosłości - portret młodego pokolenia), 2001, the team research project in co-operation with Krystyna Szafraniec, Zbigniew Kwieciński, Ryszard Borowicz, Monika Kwiecińska-Zdrenka;

International co-operation

  • International Research Network of Sociology of Education
  • International Research Network on Youth Education and Training - Comparative research in education and Training of 15-20 year olds.;
  • From January 2006 coordinator of the project ELLABO - Improving the participation of elderly on the labor market. The project realized within the Hanse Passage Program Framework, INTRERREG IIIC
  • 09.2002 -11.2002 the scholarship in School of Educational Foundations and Policy, Institute of Education, University of London.

Institutional activity

  • From 09.2005 member of Coordinating Board of Sociology of Education Research Network, European Sociological Association;
  • 02. 2004 to X 2005 vice-president of Polish Sociological Association - Department in Torun;
  • 2002 - 2005 supervisor in Research Realization Team in Institute of Sociology, Nicolas Copernicus University in Torun;

Teaching experience

  • Methodology of social sciences
  • Macro-sociology
  • Social psychology
  • Qualitative research methods in social sciences
  • Sociology of education



  • The Social World of Secondary Schools - from Trajectories of Margin to Trajectories of Elite (Społeczne światy szkół średnich - od trajektorii marginesu do trajektorii elit), Wrocław 2005, DSWE;
  • Young People in the Reformed School System (Młodzież w zreformowanym systemie szkolnym), written in cooperation with Jarosław Domalewski, Toruń - Warszawa 2004, IRWiR PAN;


  • Young People in the Reformed Educational System , Kultura i Edukacja 2006, nr 4, ss. 95-106 (written in cooperation with Jarosław Domalewski)
  • The disaster or standard - problems with 'matura', Człowiek-Teraźniejszość-Edukacja 2006, nr 4, ss. 109-116
  • The Potential Social Mobility of Youth in the Context of Changes within the EducationalSystem (Potencjalna ruchliwość społeczna młodzieży w kontekście zmian w systemie edukacji), Socjologia Wychowania 2006, nr XVI, ss. 61-81; (written in cooperation with Jarosław Domalewski)
  • The Social Fate of Excluded. Basic Vocational School as a Medium of Marginalization (Społeczny los "wykluczonych". Zasadnicza szkoła zawodowa jako medium marginalizacji), Socjologia Wychowania 2003, nr XV, ss. 81-100;
  • The Visages of the School. How Education Influences Man's Social Fate (Oblicza edukacji. Od czego zależy wpływ szkoły na człowieka), Kultura i Społeczeństwo 2003, nr 4, ss. 117-134;
  • Social World of The School - Trajectories of Margin and Trajectories of Elite (Społeczny świat szkoły - trajektorie marginesu i trajektorie elit), Przegląd Socjologiczny 2001, nr 1, ss. 41-57;
  • Is This Possible to Lessen The Distance Between The Ends of Social Structure. The Role of School in 'Splitting' of the Reality (Czy możliwe jest zmniejszenie dystansu między krańcami struktury społecznej. Rola szkoły w rozlepianiu rzeczywistości), Kultura i Edukacja 2001, nr 1, ss. 62-76;
  • School and it's Social World (Szkoła i jej świat społeczny), Teraźniejszość-Człowiek-Edukacja 2000, numer specjalny, ss. 233-246;
  • Consumerism and the School. Social Differentiation of Consumption Patterns from the Perspective of Sociology of Education (Konsumeryzm i szkoła. Społeczne zróżnicowanie wzorów konsumpcji z perspektywy socjologii edukacji) in: Tomasz Szlendak (ed), Just to show. Consumption in the capitalism without the capital (Na pokaz. Konsumpcja w kapitalizmie bez kapitału), Toruń 2004, UMK, ss. 81-102;
  • The Researcher Facing the Social World of the School. The Methodological Afterthought (Badacz wobec społecznego świata szkoły. Refleksja metodologiczna) in: Narration - Critic - Change. Research Praxis in Contemporary Pedagogy (Narracja - Krytyka - zmiana. Praktyki badawcze we współczesnej pedagogice), w druku


  • Social segmentation as an outcome of individual educational strategies. The review of the book by Stephen J. Ball "Class strategies and education market. The middle classes and social advantage" (Segmentacja społeczna jako wynik indywidualnych strategii edukacyjnych. Omówienie książki Stephena J. Balla Class strategies and education market. The middle classes and social advantage, RoutledgeFalmer, Socjologia Wychowania 2006, nr XVI, ss. 185-205
  • Sociologists about sociology. Afterthoughts after tje lecture of the book "Sociology in higher education in Poland. Teaching sociology after 1989" (Socjologowie
    o socjologii. Refleksje po lekturze książki "Socjologia w szkołach wyższych w Polsce. Kształcenie socjologów i nauczanie socjologii po 1989 roku"), Kultura i Społeczeństwo 2003, nr 4, ss. 193-198;
  • The review of the book by Lech Szczegóła "Between mystification and unconsciousness. About the concept of false consciousness" (Lech Szczegóła, Między mistyfikacją a nieświadomością. O pojęciu świadomości fałszywej), Teraźniejszość-Człowiek-Edukacja, 2000, nr 2, ss. 161-165;
  • The review of the book by Ernst Cassirer, "Essay on the Man - the introduction to the philosophy of culture" (Ernst Cassirer, Esej o człowieku - wstęp do filozofii kultury), Kultura i Edukacja 1998, nr 4, ss. 141-143;


  • Relieve or muzzle of education (Luz czy kaganiec oświaty), Gazeta Wyborcza z dnia 05.10.2003, ss. 22-23;