MONDAY 18 JANUARY 2010 AT 2.00 p.m.

Proposal to enlarge the premises at SummerswoodPrimary School Borehamwoodfor the academic year 2010/11

Report of the Director of Children, Schools and Families

Authors: Kate Maguire, Senior Planning Officer West

Tel: 01992 555864

Janet Rees, Planning Officer West

Tel: 01992 555813

Executive Member:Richard Thake (Education and Skills)

Local memberMorris Bright (Borehamwood South)

  1. Purpose of report

1.1To report on the outcome of public consultation on the proposal to enlarge the premises at SummerswoodPrimary School, Borehamwoodon a temporary basis, from 1 September 2010 to enable Cabinet to decide whether to:

(i)authorise the Director, ChildrenSchools and Families to publish statutory proposals for the enlargement of the premises;or

(ii)take no further action; or

(iii)defer a decision and initiate fresh consultation on an alternative suggestion.

  1. Summary

2.1It is proposed to enlarge the premises at SummerswoodPrimary School on a temporary basis to accommodate the previously agreed increase in published admission number (PAN)from 30 to 60 for 2010/11.

2.2The Director, ChildrenSchools and Families has consulted on the proposal outlined above. A public consultation was held between 15 September and 8 December 2009. A total of 50responses were received.

2.3The majority of respondents agreed with the proposal. Please see section 5 for a breakdown.

  1. Recommendation

3.1The Education and Skills Cabinet Panel will consider a report on this matter on 13 January. The recommendation being made to the Panel is as follows:

“That the Director of Children, Schools and Families be authorised to publish statutory proposals for the enlargement of the premises from 1 September 2010.”

3.2The Panel’s recommendation to Cabinet will be reported at the meeting and circulated to members in the order sheet.


4.1PANs for 2010/11 were determined by the County Council in March 2009 and included an increase from 30 to 60 places for SummerswoodPrimary School, in line with reception pupil forecasts at that time, as follows:

2010/11 / 2011/12 / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / Total
April / 353 / 396 / 364 / 365 / 370
deficit (%) / +1.9% / -10% / -1% / -1.3% / -2.7%
deficit (places) / +7 / -36 / -4 / -5 / -10

The above forecast shows that if no action is taken, there would be a very low surplus in 2010 of only 1.9%, and from 2011 onwards there would be a deficit of places.

4.2Thepublic consultation referred to in this report sought views on the proposal to enlarge the accommodation with two temporary classrooms, to cater for the increased number of children. Increasing the PAN by 30 and adding these classrooms means that the school premises will be enlarged by more than 25%. Therefore, theCounty Council has a duty to publish statutory proposals for the enlargement of the premises.

4.3The County Council is consulting on proposed PANs for September 2011 through the normal annual admissions consultation process that takes place in January 2010. It is intended that acontinuedPAN of 60 will be proposed for SummerswoodPrimary School.

4.4A twelve-week public consultation was held between 15September and 8December 2009. Consultation letters were sent to all parents/carers, governors and staff of SummerswoodPrimary School, as well as to other schools in the area and to all other statutory consultees. Letters giving details of how to obtain further copies were also sent to local libraries and CABsin the area. The letter and response form were also available on HCC’s website. A copy of the consultation letter is attached as Appendix 1.

4.5The provision of the temporary classrooms will accommodate the forecast pupil numbers in 2010-11 and 2011-12. From 2012-13 a small deficit of places is forecast. Pupil numbers will be carefully monitored to establish whether a permanent expansion of Summerswood Primary is required to meet this forecast demand. Any permanent expansion would require additional capital investment.

5.Response to the consultation and key issues raised

5.1A total of 50 responseswere received during the consultation period, the majority of which were in favour of the proposal, including the Headteacher of Summerswood Primary School. An analysis is provided below and a copy of each response is available in the Members’ Room in County Hall.

Respondent / No. of responses / Agree / Disagree / Don’t
Parent/carer / 27 / 13 / 9 / 5
Governor (Summerswood) / 5 / 5 / 0 / 0
Governor (Kenilworth and Saffron Green) / 4 / 0 / 4 / 0
Staff member / 3 / 3 / 0 / 0
Pupil / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Other / 11 / 5 / 5 / 1
Total / 50 / 26 / 18 / 6
% / 52% / 36% / 12%

5.2Copies of the responses from key stakeholdersare attached as Appendix 2.

  • Joy Cox, Extended Schools Co-ordinator
  • Mrs D Purrett, Headteacher of SaffronGreenPrimary School
  • Mrs R Landa, Headteacher of KenilworthPrimary School
  • Rev A M Renshaw, on behalf of governors of both schools
  • Patricia Strack, Town and Borough Councillor
  • Response on behalf of Oak Farm Residents
  • Elaine Sadler, Headteacher of SummerswoodPrimary School

5.3Those disagreeing with the proposal raised the followingconcerns, which are followed by an officer response.

5.3.1The ability of existing buildingsto cope with increased numbers and the impact of the expansion upon the playing fields and green space within the school grounds

Summerswood has the site capacity to expand to 2FE. In order to expand the school’s published admission number on a temporary basis, priority has been given to providing adequate teaching and ancillary space at the school, which includes additional toilets. However, it is appreciated that increased pupil numbers may put pressure on current core facilities.

5.3.2Investment in other schools in Borehamwood as an alternative to the Summerswood expansion

Summerswood is situated in the area of greatest increase in demand for primary places in the town. Expanding the school will provide additional places where they are required.

5.3.3Impact on, and lack of consultation with, other local schools

As described above, the forecast is showing increased pupil demand at reception in Borehamwood, and GP data shows the greatest increase to be in the area of Summerswood. If no action is taken, this would result in a very low surplus of primary places in the town for 2010 (see point 4.1 above), and a deficit of places from 2011.

All schools in the town were consulted as part of the public consultation process, described above, and feedback has been received from some. In addition, officers attended a meeting of the Borehamwood primary headteachers in April 2009 to explain the situation and what was proposed.

5.3.4Traffic management, parking and safe crossings

It is understandable that traffic will be of concern to parents and local residents, especially in an urban area. The County Council has commissioned a traffic survey by a civil engineering consultant, in order to understand the impact of expansion on the existing road infrastructure. It will also be addressed by the town planning system, when planning permission is sought for the temporary classrooms. In addition, the school will need to revise its Travel Plan to incorporate the increased pupil numbers, and assistance is available for this from the County Council’s Travel Plan Adviser.

5.3.5Uncertainty about whether the expansion is to be temporary or permanent

Demographics are changing rapidly at the present time in many places across the county, including Borehamwood, and this is also reflected nationally. The provision of the temporary classrooms will accommodate the forecast pupil numbers in 2010-11 and 2011-12. From 2012-13 a small deficit of places is forecast. Pupil numbers will be carefully monitored to establish whether a permanent expansion of Summerswood Primary is required to meet this forecast demand. Any permanent expansion would require additional capital investment.

5.3.6Disruption to the children’s education during construction

It is proposed to provide two temporary classrooms, and their position will be agreed with the school. The relatively short installation period for temporary accommodation provides little disruption to the school. If a permanent expansion is required at a later date, this could cause some disruption. However, the county council’s property partners and their contractors are experienced in working on school premises and in liaison with school staff to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum.

5.3.7The impact a temporary increase could have on the ethos and organisation of the school

Summerswood is a popular 1FE school that is well placed to expand its PAN to 2FE. The County Council has every confidence in the leadership and governance of the school to manage this change. Support would be available also from the CSF School Effectiveness Service, if required.

5.3.8Will fundingbe adequate?

SummerswoodPrimary School would receive the same revenue funding as other schools in this context, generated through the usual formulaic method in relation to pupil numbers and floor area.

5.3.9How willthe community be kept informed about the progress of the expansion?

The public consultation provided a timetable showing dates for Education Panel and Cabinet meetings, which are open to the public. Papers submitted to these meetings will be available on the HCC website. In addition, officers will continue to liaise closely with the school and keep the headteacher informed. If the statutory proposal is progressed, notices will be placed on the school gates and published in the local paper. The school may wish to keep their community informed through newsletters or events.

5.3.10Past reduction of Borehamwood school places

Each school re-organisation and related school closure/amalgamation that has taken place in the past would have been in response to a surplus capacity at the relevant time. Hertfordshire County Council, like all local authorities, is expected to reduce surplus capacity to ensure the effective and efficient use of resources. All closures would, of course, have been the subject of full public consultation and statutory procedures in place at the time. Since that time there has been a change in the demographics in Borehamwood, and it is necessary to increase the number of places in order to meet demand.

5.3.11Those agreeing with the proposal raised the following points:

  • expansion of Summerswood to 2FE on a permanent basis would benefit the pupils and community. It would need to be well planned and properly funded, not provided for by more temporary accommodation;
  • the school would benefit in terms of organisation, teacher expertise, curriculum and other areas.

6.Financial issues


6.1The impact on per pupil funding of the overall change in the number of pupils in Hertfordshire is reflected in the annual demography adjustment to the Schools Budget.

6.2As a result of the additional accommodation that will be required it is estimated that additional costs in premises funding in the school’s budget share would be approximately £4,000 per annum.


6.3The estimated cost of providing the appropriate temporary accommodation is approximately £200,000. A bid for capital has been submitted to the County Council for consideration in February 2010. As this is an absolute priority, should this bid be unsuccessful the classrooms would be funded from annual provisions.

7.Next steps

7.1If Cabinet authorises the publication of statutory proposals for the enlargement of the premises, a four week representation period will follow between 22 January and 19 February, during which time comments and objections may be made to the proposals.

7.2The County Council is the decision maker. If there are objections the proposal will be determined by Cabinet on 22March 2010.If no objections are received the Director, ChildrenSchools and Families is authorised to approve the proposal.


Appendix 1-Public consultation letter

Appendix 2-Responses from key stakeholders

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