Education Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2010
Members Present
Committee Chair, Kim Shelton from Lutheran Social Service of Illinois welcomed committee members and called the meeting to order.
II. Identification of Note Taker
Lucy Taylor, Support Services Coordinator for DFSS, was identified as the note taker.
III. Reading and Approval of Meeting Minutes
The minutes from September, 2010 Education Advisory Meeting were distributed and reviewed. The following corrections were noted: the spelling of Samuel Deramus, HBH. Bridgett Scarborough, Easter Seals approved the minutes and Tracy Boyd Sandidge, HBH second the motion.
IV. Administrative Update – Denise Jordan, DFSS
GOLD Assessment System: Agencies need to complete their fall assessments. Teachers should be encouraged to collect evidence that include portfolios and observations. Some of the concerns agencies are facing using the GOLD system were discussed and Teaching Strategies is in the process of working on the system to make it more user friendly.The system should reflect that teachers are completing the training modules which are found under the professional development tab on the GOLD system.
Chicago Children’s Museum: Back to the Basics will begin January 2011 (TBA). DFSS met with the staff from CCM to share some the outcomes and recommendations to improve the next series of trainings. CCM is invited come and speak at the November Education Advisory Meeting
Teacher Preparation Program: Denise Jordan, DFSS…, attended training @ UIC that discussed Teacher Qualifications. The training focused on the importance of teaching preparation
Literacy Day: DFSS provided a Literacy Day for Teachers on October . The event provided teachers a day of training, books and guest appearance by popular children’s author Mem Fox.
Other News: The 2011 Office of Head Monitoring Protocol is available via Office of Head Start website or ELCKODFSS Education Team is currently working on revising the monitoring tool, based on the 2011 protocol, agency and site visits. Margaret Jordan, DFSS Support Service Coordinator, shared some of the changes with the committee.
The department is in the process of developing an electronic system via, The system will store class schedules, final grades, transcripts and certificates. All of the information needs to be available for teachers, TA, Education Coordinators, Site Directors, FCCH providers and Network Coordinators.
This will be start January-July, 2011.
Head Start Act 2007: Head Start Re-Competition
Head Start Re Competition is a regulation that focuses improving Head Start for School Readiness Act 2007. The system is to determine if Head Start/EHS are delivering high quality and comprehensive programs. Participants were encouraged to go to the National Head Start website to learn more information and how this renewal/re-competition will affect your program.
VI.CLASS- Professional Development Project
Patty Oji, Project Manager, presented on the following components of the CLASS professional development project:
Results of the CLASS: 700 classrooms were assessed (Chicago Head Start classrooms).
63% Practicing skill-set
20% Building of Foundation
17% Expanding skill-set
Project Goals: The purpose of the project is to improve the quality at the site level by providing developed support to head start teachers.
Major Components Include:
Professional Development Planning:
- CLASS PD Specialist
- 3 tracks & Corresponding PD offering
Practicing Skill-sets
- Looking at the CLASSrooms & CLASS courses Module
- Classroom Substitutes
Building on foundations
- My Teaching Partner (Coaching)
Expanding skill-sets
- Understanding CLASS framework
Professional Development Specialist will be contacting agencies. For further questions Paty can
be reached at (708) 715-6954 or
V. Early Head Start
No announcements at this time, however Support Services Coordinators will meet with Early Head Start/Family Child Care Network Coordinators for an hour after the meeting.
VII. School-Age
SA meetings are on every 3rd Tuesday of every month @ Salvation Army 1548 W. Adams. Calendar of upcoming trainings can be found on COPA.
VIII. Other Items
The committee shared some of their concerns regarding the GOLD and the collaboration between DFSS and CPS. How will the children will be filtered by funding sources.
Meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting will be on Wednesday, Novmeber17th, 2010 (every 3rd Wednesday) @ the KingCenter.