Meeting MinutesAugust 26, 2009


The regular meeting of the Edson Minor Hockey Association was called to order at 7:06 p.m. on August 26, 2009 in Edson & District Leisure Centre by Lisa McCartney.


Jane Anderson, Lisa McCartney, Chuck Williams, Donna Hill, Brent McCartney, Sheryl Wells-Mole, Darrin Staal, Susan Como, Rick Penner, Bob Acorn, Maria Carter, Trina Webb-Butler, Barb Shepherd.

2. Approval of Agenda

Additions: 6. a) transportation to and from game, distribution of funds.

AOB – Town liability form, credit union occupation list.

With additions to accept the agenda as printed

Motion: Darrin Staal

Second: Donna Hill

The agenda was passed as amended.

3. Approval of Minutes

- Tabled to next meeting

4. Reports

Registrar- Susan Como – Registered – Initiation 14, Novice 19, Atom 39, Pee Wee 34, Bantam 28, Midget 28, Girls 13, projected division numbers Atom 54, Pee Wee 41, Bantam 33, Midget 35, Girls 16.

Treasurer – Donna Hill – just had one 2 weeks ago, no reports.

Evaluation Director – Brent McCartney – Joff Kehler has 14 volunteers with the Edson Ice ready to participate. The dates are the same as the paper. Atoms and Pee Wee don’t start till the 21st of September. Ice times will not change for the groups. Coaches are welcome to come out and watch the evaluations. Directors will have a role in the organizing of their divisions. We will also need dressing room captains, Brent will look after this. We have contacted all people who have expressed interest in coaching and asked them to please get their applications in. Anyone who has had someone verbally express interest in coaching please let them know to forward the applications. Next Wednesday Brent will be meeting further with the evaluation team and finalizing drills.

Black Elk Camp – Barb Shepherd – Everything is ready to go, we are lacking in the request of coaches for support on the ice, Barb has some Midget players that will assist, will confirm with Black Elk about equipment. Barb will contact some people on the coaches list for more volunteers.

Ice Scheduler – Chuck Williams – The referees course with be September 26 & 27, Doug Laboucane will be looking after it. SPHL has a draft proposal out, they have moved away from the two round tiering system. Midget AA season will start Sept 25/09, two weeks later the Midget A’s and Bantam AA, everyone else will start the weekend of Oct 17-18. The number of games vary depending on the division, Midget AA’s will play 24 this year all the others are around 20 depending on the number of teams. They are also proposing varied lengths of tiering. This is all okay for our association. There is a proposal to tier the Midget A, as an association we will not support this, our team played Barrhead 9 times last year, at this level this is to much, the familiarity leads to problems which was evident last year. A couple of games against each team works much better. Darrin Staal will be going to the meeting; he will make sure this is voiced. We need to have our commitments for Midget and Bantam AA along with the payments, Chuck will make sure our ice time is submitted, please also ask about game sheets, and referee sheets, we need both. We also have to actively look for some directors in the association to participate in the league. We have to step up. Still working on the draft tournament schedule, the girls will host the first one Oct 3 & 4/09 weekend, hopefully as soon as coaches are selected we can get some other teams prepared to commit to early tournaments.

SPHL Meeting – Changed to Sunday August 30/09, Chuck and Darrin will be going.

5. Old Business

a) Operational

- Coaches Application & Selection Committee – see evaluation report.

- SPHL Rep & Directors – we will go through the players list and approach members about taking some of these positions.

-Pee Wee Checking Clinic – Chuck is working on this, might have more impact before evaluations giving the first time Pee Wee players a little more confidence. Chuck will finalize details and let everyone know. Either way before or after would be beneficial for the kids.

-Player Movement – We will meet with the parents prior to evaluations to explain the process. Once the evaluations are complete the ranking of the player among others in that division, along with other logistics such as team sizes will be considered, at this point it will be determined if the player movement will be facilitated.

- Rep for Zone 3 Meeting – September 27, 2009 – Jane will attend hopefully someone else will be able to also attend.

b) Administration

- Handbooks and packages are close to completion and will be ready to go for the beginning of the season.

- Disciplinary Policy – everyone has been forwarded the revised policy we would like all feed back in writing by Sept 14/09 so a final draft can be completed and we can have this policy in place for the beginning of the season. Jane will forward to John Downer and Doug Laboucane for their opinions, particularly on the sections pertaining to game officials.

6. New Business

-Oilers 50/50- Thursday Oct 29/09 vs Detroit –

A gaming license and bank account be opened for the Oilers 50/50.

Motion: Darrin Staal

Second: Maria Carter


We will need 65 volunteers for this event; it is an excellent fundraising opportunity. We will look into booking busses to transport everyone to and from Edmonton for the game that night; we should also define how the monies will be allocated to individual teams.

- Edson & District Learning Society Town Registration – we have a table booked Susan is aware of the date and times and will handle this. Lisa will talk to Kerri, Sheryl and Susan about notes to the elementary school kids with a registration for the initiation and novice players.

- Provincial Bids – tabled -

7. AOB

Town of Edson Liability Releases – We will try to catch as many parents as we can at evaluations, and if necessary we will complete them with the division directors, Lisa will let Christine know that it is being looked after.

Website – Jane will send an email to Terry asking him to update executive and director positions and the contact information, people are starting to inquire about information for 09-10 season.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. by Lisa McCartney. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on September 23, 2009 in Edson & District Leisure Centre.

Minutes submitted by: Jane Anderson