Energy Data Management Center

Annual Questionnaire

Exercise EDMC.7: Transfer from Excel to the website

On Excel

  • Open the Annual Gas questionnaire located on your desktop (GasQues.xls)
  • In the Default spreadsheet, press
  • You are directed to the “Cover” spreadsheet, press
  • You are now on the “Menu” spreadsheet, scroll down and press
  • Choose the ISO codes option
  • Export only 2013 by filling the time range :

From 2013

To 2013

  • Save the csv file on the desktop, pay attention to the automatic name.

On the website

  • With the login and password you have, please go to the following address for the connection

(Also available by clicking on Internet Explorer’s/Mozilla Firefox’x Favorites; if you are already logged in please go to home page under the home tab)

  • Click on the Joint Questionnaires button to access the annual questionnaires module.
  • Click on “Data Transfers / Data Import”, browse the csv file located under your desktop and click on “Import”
  • Choose the full import option.
  • Please note that the import can take a few minutes.


You can click on the menu “Data Transfers / Data Imports in progress” to see the rank of your import. You can refresh the page by pressing F5.

Exercise EDMC.8: Run the checks fix the data and notify

The Energy Data Management Center website allows you to run the inconsistency checks on-line.

The Energy Data Management Center is also a relational database, so it’s possible to run the cross-questionnaire checks. For instance:

Inputs of Natural Gas into Power plants must be reported in both Electricity and Natural Gas questionnaires.

  • Click on “Checks / Run the checks”, in the settings box please choose:

Please run the Natural Gas questionnaire internal checks

The Natural Gas and Electricity cross checks

For 2013 only

  • Regarding the error report, could you fix them on-line? Knowing that:

The Imports table shows the accurate total (Table 3 Imports by origin)

The Electricity and Heat questionnaire has been validated; the data in this questionnaire are reliable.


At any moment you can go back to the inconsistency report by clicking on “Checks / Inconsistency report, make sure to set the year (2013).

Make your modifications on-line !

Menu “Questionnaires / Natural Gas / Forms / 1-Supply of Nat Gas” (balance sheet)

Menu “Questionnaires / Natural Gas / Forms / 2a-Inland Consumption by sector”

  • Run the checks again to make sure your data are fine (for 2013 only), but do not notify us that your questionnaires are completed yet
  • You have some new information: the breakdown of the exports is as follows:

Exports to Japan and Korea remain the same

All the “Non specified/Other” destination has to be reported under India

  • Could you fill the table 4 with the help of this information above?
  • Now you are done with your data, could you let us know it by notifying us?

Menu “Questionnaires / Notify quest. completed/…”


You can also notify us by running the checks, if you have no inconsistencies a marked button appears

Exercise EDMC.9: Update your Excel file

  • Still on the Energy Data Center website, click on “Data Transfers / Data Export”:in the settings box please choose:

Questionnaire: “Natural Gas”

Cycle: 2014/2015

Time range: from 2013 to 2013

Version: most recent values

  • Click on “ASCII Export”
  • Save the csv file on the desktop, pay attention to the automatic name.
  • Go back to the Excel questionnaire, on the “Menu” spreadsheet and the new csv file (full import)
  • Make sure the data on the Excel file are the same as the ones on the website.