2004 Chicago Open

Editor Packet 3 – Tossups by Subash Maddipoti

1. In his art criticism, published in L’Art moderne and Certains, he moves from a celebration of technological art back to the mysticism and terror of Odilon Redon and Gustave Moreau. He evokes his later devotion to the Virgin Mary and the edifice at Chartres in La Cathedrale, but it is for novels that he is best known. He began with works like En Menage and Marthe, attempting to copy the style of Zola, but adopted a different genre in his two premiere novels, one of which features the aristocrat Das Esseintes. FTP, name this French author of the decadent novels La-bas and A rebours, or Against Nature.

Answer: Joris-Karl Huysmans

2. Its last major engagement occurred at the siege of Bayonne, which was heroically defended by Marshall Soult. Soult had earlier attempted to join Andre Massena but was prevented from doing so by the forces of William Carr Beresford. The conflict had begun with an invasion by Andoche Junot, forcing King John VI and his family to flee. The next year an invading army under Marshal Joachim Murat occupied Madrid, which prompted British intervention and the arrival of aid under Arthur Wellesley, the duke of Wellington. FTP, identify this 1808 to 1814 war so named because the fighting all took place in Iberia.

Answer: Peninsular War

3. In 1969 Ray Davis began the Homestake Experiment to try and catch a few of them per year. It is quite difficult to see when they are deflected by exchanging a Z-boson with a proton or neutron, but we do known that since our body contains about 20 milligrams of Potassium 40, we emit 340 million of these particles every day. Bethe and Peierls showed that the probability of interaction between them and matter should be small and they were finally detected in 1956 by Cowan and Reines. In 1998 the Super-Kamiokande Experiement announced that evidence for those with non-zero mass was found. FTP, name this type of lepton with no electric charge and which was first predicted by Pauli.

Answer: neutrino

4. The chorus sings in unison or octaves throughout this musical work except for a passage near the end of the third movement. Its last movement begins with a slightly sad waltz and offers text praising those with integrity in their careers. Subtitles such as “Fears,” “Humor,” and “In the store” are given to each of its five movements and are drawn from the literary work that inspired it. It is the subtitle of the first movement, which identifies a ravine near Kiev, that gives this work its nickname. FTP, identify this symphonic work by Dmitry Shostakovich that takes its name from a Yevgeny Yevtushenko poem about the massacre of more than 30,000 Jews.

Answer: Babi Yar or Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 13 in B flat Minor (don’t need composer’s name after it is mentioned)

5. Its third and final essay includes two sections with such chapters as “Latency Period and Tradition,” “Renunciation Versus Gratification,” and “The Return of the Repressed.” Its first essay partly borrows from Otto Rank’s The Myth of the Birth of the Hero and begins by deconstructing the etymology of the title character’s name and offers up a different theory as to the name’s origin. Its final portion was during the time when the author was forced to emigrate to England. The central argument is that the titular figure was an Egyptian nobleman and that Judaism was an Egyptian import to Palestine. FTP, name this last book by Sigmund Freud.

Answer: Moses and Monotheism

6. Its carefully plotted time scheme is orchestrated around the date of August 4, which was both the wedding day and the death day of one of this book’s central characters. Among the doomed female characters is Nancy Rufford, who we first meet in Nauheim, and who goes mad after leaving for India. Part of the novel was published in Blast as “The Saddest Story,” introducing the protagonist and his wife Florence and the couple they meet, Leonora and Edward Ashburnham. FTP, name this novel subtitled “A Tale of Passion,” which is narrated by John Dowell and which was written by Ford Madox Ford.

Answer: The Good Soldier

7. Several people identified Rudolf Schnaubelt as the chief instigator, but it was later determined that he was an undercover agent. The ringleader warned of this event in his magazine Arbeiter-Zeitung, evidence that the State’s Attorney Julius Grinnell used to prosecute him. One of the participants, Louis Lingg, committed suicide by exploding a dynamite cap in his mouth, while the main plotters, including Albert Parsons and the leader August Spies, were sentenced to death. Beginning around 10 AM outside the McCormick Harvester Works, this was, FTP, what 1886 labor riot in Chicago?

Answer: Haymarket Square Riot

8. These structures are the site of synthesis for certain membrane lipids, including sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids. The exact mechanism of their primary function is still unknown but involves COP1, or coat protein 1, in some way. The best understood of the reactions that they carry out is the remodeling of oligosaccharides that are attached to glycoproteins. Yeasts contain individual portions of them scattered throughout the cell, but usually their cisternae are highly ordered. FTP, name this organelle composed of stacked sacs that distribute proteins and lipids to the endoplasmic reticulum.

Answer: Golgi apparatus or Golgi body

9. Jonathan Swift made a burlesque out of the their story in which he changed them to two wandering saints. Their amazement initially arises when one of their jugs of wine continues pouring a never-ending stream. The amazement continues when they attempt to capture their only goose for a sacrificial dinner. This is due to the influence of their two disguised visitors, actually Jupiter and Mercury in disguise. As a reward for their piety, Jupiter turns their house into a temple. FTP, name this peasant couple from Phrygia who grew into an oak and linden tree that became attached for eternity.

Answer: Philemon and Baucis

10. Among the main tributaries always leading off to the right of this river are the Cher and Indre Rivers, both of which come off before the series of large dikes that protect its lower course. It is canalized for many miles of its passage and is connected by canals to the Saone River and the harbor of Brest. It rises in the Cevennes Mountains and flows 634 miles before flowing through a 35-mile estuary into the Bay of Biscay. FTP, name this longest river of France.

Answer: Loire River

11. The protagonist of this novel has received an honorary award from the French government and two Pulitzers, one for a play and the other for a biography. By the end the protagonist becomes rich from his script for Caldofreddo, a comedy of sorts about cannibalism, which he co-wrote with the title character. By then he has given up his co-editorship of The Ark with Pierre Thaxter and uses the script money to repay the hoodlum Rinaldo Cantabile, whose wife is writing a dissertation on this book’s literary title character, a figure modeled on Delmore Schwarz. Thus goes the tale of Charlie Citrine, a disciple of the titular poet in, FTP, what novel by Saul Bellow?

Answer: Humboldt’s Gift

12. In 1974 Hopcroft and Tarjan obtained an extremely fast test for this property. More recently another test has been developed by Lempel, Even, and Cederbaum. According to that test, if this property exists, then an embedding is obtained. Most famously Kuratowski proved that a graph possesses it if and only if the graph contains no subgraph homoemorphic to either of those two graphs. FTP, a graph possesses what property if it can drawn on a flat surface with no crossed edges?

Answer: planarity

13. He was the man who organized the League of Heilbronn, a mutual-assistance organization for the Protestant princes of Germany. His final achievement was the orchestration of the Peace of Bromsebro, by the terms of which his country gained hegemony over one of its bitter rivals. After being appointed legate plenipotentiary to Germany, he negotiated the Treaty of Wismar with France and represented his country at Westphalia. By then he had already served for four years as the regent of Queen Christina. FTP, name this powerful Swedish statesman and key figure in the Thirty Years’ War.

Answer: Axel Oxenstiberna

14. According to the artist, the figure on the left was of mixed race. The figure on the right also stares at the viewer and is marked by an odd triangular, yellowish-red cap that he wears. The figure on the left rests on a box draped by a blanket with a rifle in the crook of his arm, and to his immediate right lays a dead duck that he had recently shot. His bright blue shirt contrasts with his father’s red shirt on the right and with the tied-down black cat on the left, all of which appears in the water’s reflection. FTP, name this 1845 painting by George Caleb Bingham.

Answer: Fur Traders Descending the Missouri

15. Before this group hit it big, its two lead vocalists would sing in church choirs together. Fame came with the release of the single “Wheel of Fortune,” followed by their debut album, which was bolstered by the strength of the title track “Happy Nation.” The group attempted a comeback in 2000 with a cover of Bananarama’s “Cruel Summer,” but that quickly ended. Three of its four members were all from the same family – one brother and two sisters – with the lone standout being the man who wrote one of their top ten singles, “Don’t Turn Around.” FTP, name this group that hit it big with the singles “All That She Wants” and “The Sign,” a pop band from Sweden.

Answer: Ace of Base

16. The title character dies two-thirds of the way through this novel, which then follows the lives of his two sons, one of whom is revealed to be illegitimate. The fourth chapter, “Evening Faces,” is linked with a later chapter, “Fireflies,” in that they feature respectively a mother and daughter pursued by the title character, who is unaware of the relationship. That title character has a second wife named after the author, but is first married at the age of 12, to Aio [EYE-oh]. FTP, identify this work in 54 chapters, considered the first novel in Japanese and written by Lady Murasaki.

Answer: The Tale of Genji or Genji Monogatari

17. It can be written mathematically as F equals C minus P minus M plus 2, but only applies in the absence of electric, magnetic, and gravitational phenomena. The C represents the number of chemical species, M is the number of independent chemical reactions, and P represents all homogeneous, mechanically separable portions of the system. Simply put, it can be used to calculate the number of degrees of freedom in a chemical system. FTP, identify this relationship used to determine the number of state variables in a system and which was derived by a man better known for his free energy.

Answer: Gibbs Phase rule (prompt on “Gibbs”)

18. Under this empire architecture experienced a renaissance as seen in the innovative techniques used in its domed palaces at Girra and Sarvestan, and the remnants of its great trading center at Avaz. Under a king nicknamed Anushirvan its territory reached its greatest extent and despite a brief collapse, the empire rebounded under Parvaez. That duo, who ruled as Khosrau I and II, would be the last great rulers in a line of succession that dated back to Ardashir I more than 350 years earlier. FTP, name this empire that established Zoroastrianism as the state religion of Persia, which it ruled for most of the third through 7th-century AD.

Answer: Sassanids or Sassanian Empire

19. Their second incarnation included such members as Aspasius and the delightfully named Alexander of Aphrodisias. The first group included a Lampascan who championed mechanism in nature, Strato, and a philosopher of ethics, Eudemus of Rhodes. Perhaps the most famous of the group was a man known for his series of sketches entitled Characters – Theophrastus. FTP, identify this group of that initially grew out of students and followers at the Lyceum and which was named for Aristotle’s custom of walking about while lecturing.

Answer: Peripatetic School

20. In a letter to his Polish translator Witold Hulewicz, the author said that the holy figure referred to in this work “stands for the idea of recognizing a higher order of reality in invisibility.” The penultimate one ends “Look, I am living. On what? Niether childhood nor future / grows any smaller . . . Superabundant being / wells up in my heart.” During its eventful composition, the author was evicted after writing the third of them and drafted after writing the fourth in 1915. The first begins, “Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels?” and was written at a castle at the titular locale. FTP, name this set of ten poems by Rainier Maria Rilke.

Answer: Duino Elegies

2004 Chicago Open

Editor Packet 3 – Bonuses by Subash Maddipoti

1. Name these things about Ed Cohn’s least favorite British general, Thomas Gage, FTP each:

A. Gage came to America with this general who led the ill-fated expedition against Fort Duquesne. A young George Washington was present.

Answer: Edward Braddock

B. In 1774, Gage was chosen to replace this man as governor of Massachusetts.

Answer: Thomas Hutchinson

C. After his failures at Lexington and Concord, Gage resigned in October 1775 and was succeeded by William Howe as commander-in-chief of the colonies and by this man as commander in Canada.

Answer: Guy Carleton

2. Name these literary works in which prisons appear, FTP each:

A. In Section 8 of this novel, the title character briefly spends some time in Newgate. In the next and final section, she marries Jemy in Virginia and is reunited with her son Humphrey.

Answer: Moll Flanders

B. Macheath, the roguish hero of this work, is also imprisoned in Newgate prison.

Answer: The Beggar’s Opera

C. The title character of this 1794 novel is falsely accused of robbing his employer by Squire Falkland and is imprisoned for the charge.

Answer: The Adventures of Caleb Williams

3. Name these things about the life of a blood cell, FTP each:

A. As its etymology would imply this is the technical name for the process of blood cell formation.

Answer: hemopoiesis

B. The protein fibers and the developing blood cells in the red marrow are collectively known by this name.

Answer: stroma or extravascular component

C. Worn out red blood cells are removed from the blood by this organ.

Answer: spleen

4. Answer these questions whose answers one should know to enjoy his or her sushi-eating experience, FTP each:

A. What is served with nigiri that is not served with sashimi?

Answer: rice

B. chutoro and otoro are higher grades of what type of fish?

Answer: tuna

C. Certainly sea urchin roe is prized, but perhaps tastier is salmon roe, which is known by what name?

Answer: ikura

5. Name these Indian dynasties:

A. For 15 points, This South Indian dynasty, had its kingdom on the Coromandel Coast in and around the present day state of Tamil. It reached its height in the late 10th and early 11th-centuries under Rajaraja I and Rajendra I.

Answer: Chola dynasty

B. For 10 points, Vikramaditya [vik-raam-uh-dith-yah] was the greatest ruler of this dynasty, which was in power from AD 320 to 550, at which point it was overrun by the White Huns.

Answer: Gupta dynasty

C. For 5 points, Shah Rukh [shah-ROOK] Khan recently made a Bollywood movie starring as Asoka, the third ruler in this dynasty, which was founded by Chandragupta around 325 BC.

Answer: Mauryan dynasty

6. Name these things about a literary movement, FTP each:

A. Borrowing in part from French symbolism and the Parnassian school, this movement is said to have begun in Jose Marti’s poetry, though it is the publication of Ruben Dario’s poetry volume Azul that popularized it.

Answer: modernismo

B. The leading short story writer of the modernismo movement was this Uruguayan and author of the collections Anaconda and Cuentos de amor, de locura, y de muerte or Tales of Love, Madness, and Death.

Answer: Horacio Quiroga

C. A slightly more extreme and aesthetic version of modernismo was this movement of which Borges became an exponent in Spain and which he popularized in Argentina.

Answer: ultraismo or ultraisme

7. Name these industrial chemical processes, FTP each:

A. This process recovers sulfur from the hydrogen sulfide that occurs in oil and natural gas wells.

Answer: Claus Process

B. Sulfur is more commonly extracted via this process, in which superheated water is pumped down the outer most of three concentric pipes and compressed air is pumped down the innermost pipe. This causes a mixture of hot water, air, and molten sulfur to come up the middle pipe.