Editor-in-Chief: Dr Irena Benyovsky Latin
Secretary: Dr Zrinka Pešorda Vardic
Publisher: Croatian Institute of History.
Published since 1982.
The journal is published twice a year. It publishes articles in Croatian and other languages (English, Italian, German and others) with abstracts in English.
Address: Opaticka 10, 10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4851 721
Fax: +385 1 4851 725
Historical Contributions (Povijesni prilozi) is a journal the quality of which was acknowledged by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia as equal to that of journals with internationally recognized reviewing process. The journal is published by and edited from the Croatian Institute of History, Opaticka 10, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. The scholarly journal Povijesni prilozi is supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. Between 1982 and 2000, the journal was published annually, and from 2000 twice a year. The journal is in Croatian, but it occasionally publishes articles in other languages. Povijesni prilozi is a scholarly journal publishing results of the research in the field of history and ancillary historical disciplines covering the period from the Antiquity until the middle of the nineteenth century. The journal publishes results of research projects conducted in the Croatian
Institute of History as well as scholarly articles by authors from Croatia and overseas. The journal publishes the following types of articles: original research papers; preliminary communications; reviews; presentations from scholarly meetings; articles; book reviews and notices; interviews, and so on.
Povijesni prilozi is a scholarly journal published twice a year. The Croatian Ministry of Science, Technology and Sport acknowledges the quality of the journal as equal to that of journals with internationally recognized reviewing process (A1). The journal publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles in the fields of history and ancillary historical disciplines. It covers the time period between the Antiquity and the mid-nineteenth century, with an emphasis on the Middle Ages and Early Modern period.
In accordance with the programme of the institution that publishes the journal, Croatian Institute of History, Povijesni prilozi is in the first place a forum for scholars studying various aspects of Croatian national history: politics, society, culture, economy, urban development, demography, and many others.
Prospective authors are encouraged to send their articles by mail to editor-in-chief(and possibly to: Povijesni prilozi, Croatian Institute of History, Opatička, 10, Zagreb 10000). Any submission to Povijesni prilozi must be original work that has not been published elsewhere. Exceptions are studies previously presented at scholarly meetings and published as summaries. Such a pre-publication must be mentioned in a note.
We accept texts the quality of which meets the standards of our journal. The recommended length for an article is 8-10 000 words. Only complete texts are sent to reviewers. The editor has the authority to reject an article without requesting peer review, if s/he thinks that the topic of the article falls outside the scope of the journal;if the article is too similar to another article with the same topic; if the quality of the article is unsatisfactory; or if it does not meet the journal’s criteria. Manuscripts are not returned to the authors.
A paper considered for publication in Povijesni prilozi is sent to two external reviewers. The author may suggest up to four reviewers, but the final decision concerning the selection of the reviewers and the categorization of the article is made by the editors. The author is also free to suggest the exclusion of certain reviewers. If this request is well argued, the editor should respect it. The articles are reviewed ‘double blind’, so that the authorship of the article is disguised from the reviewers, and the authors do not know the reviewers’ identity. It is furthermore recommended that the reviewers should not be selected from among the close collaborators of the author—for instance, former collaborators on publications or colleagues from the same department. The authors should learn the results of the reviewing process within three months of the submission of the article. It is expected that the authors will revise the article as suggested by the reviewers and editors, and that the changes will be tracked. The revised text will be sent back to reviewers, should they wish to see it again prior to the publication. Articles that require substantial changes may be published in the issue following the repeated reviewing process.
The editors, following the suggestions of the referees, categorize the article as one of the following article types: original research article, preliminary communication, review or professional article.Published articles carry a designation of the category assigned during the review. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, the journal publishes book reviews, essay reviews, notices, interviews and other texts. Where appropriate, they may also have bibliography.
All articles are published with an English/Croatian abstract. The journal provides thorough copy editing and proofreading, following which the texts are returned to authors for corrections.
Should the author wish to include a summary in a language other than English or Croatian, s/he must cover the cost of translating, copyediting and proofreading. That summary must be submitted with the rest of the material. We also accept articles in English, German, Italian and French (with a summary in Croatian). In these cases, too, the authors are expected to cover the costs of the translation, copyediting and proofreading. The editors retain the right to evaluate the quality of the translation.
We encourage the submission of texts in electronic format, either by email or by mail on a CD. The preferred file formats for text submissions are MS Word (6.0 or later versions) formats or formats compatible with MS Word. To avoid problems with Croatian characters, we strongly recommend the use of Times New Roman/Times New Roman CE. The font size of the main text shouldbe 12, and of the notes 10. The spacing of the main text should be 1.5 and of the notes single. Notes should be in the footer of the page, and they should contain complete references. We do not require a separate list of literature at the end of the text.
The author will receive one free copy of the journal, ten free hard copy off-prints and electronic (pdf) offprint. We do not pay honoraria.
We also require following information:
- Full first name and family name, academic title, full name and address of the institution to which the author is affiliated (or home address if the author has no institutional affiliation), e-mail and phone. Please specify which contact details may be published with the text.
- Title and a short introductory summary that succinctly discusses the topic and the scholarly contribution of the article.
- Long summary (up to 300 words), which will be translated into English (or, in the case of articles that are not in Croatian, into Croatian). It must contain all the elements necessary for the understanding of the topic and of the author’s contribution. If the article is written in a language other than Croatian, then the authors should send a summary in Croatian, along with the summary in the language of the article.
- Six or seven keywords.
How to cite
First name and surname of the author: regular font
Title of a book: italic
Title of a journal article: regular font in quotation marks
Title of a journal: italic
Idem (when referring to the same reference as above): italic
Idem (when referring to the same author as above): regular font
Basic form
Name Surname, Title. Place: Publisher, Year, Pages.
Tomislav Raukar, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovlje - ljudi, prostor, ideje. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1998, 125–140.
When the same title is used in a later footnote, please abbreviate:
Raukar, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovlje, 321.
Articles in periodicals (journals, almanacs)
Basic form
Name Surname, "Article Title", Journal Volume (Year): Pages.
Zdenka Janeković-Römer, "Dubrovački noćni život u srednjem vijeku",Otium 1 (1993): 9–10.
Chapters in books and edited volumes
Basic form
Name Surname, "Chapter Title" inBook Title. Place: Publisher, Year, Pages.
Robert Hammel-Kiesow, "Property Patterns, Buildings and Social Structure of Urban Society" inPower, Profit and Urban Land. Landownership in Medieval and Early Modern Northern European Towns, E. Finn-Einae – E- Geir Atle, eds., Suffolk: Ashgate, 1996, 39–61.
Newspaper articles
Basic form
Name Surname, “Article Title”, Newspaper, Place, Full Date, Pages.
Ljubo Karaman, "O negdašnjim upravnicima i staroj vijećnici grada Splita", Novo doba, Split, 24 December 1927,11.
Unpublished archival sources
Basic form
Archives (further: Abbreviated Name), Archival Fund (further: Abbreviated Name), Box/Folder, Page/Folio.
Državni arhiv u Zadru (State Archive of Zadar) (further: DAZd), Curia maior civilum (further: CMC), box IV, folder 14, fol. 12v.
Masters and PhD dissertations
Basic form
Name Surname, "Title", PhD dissertation (or: Masters dissertation), University, Year.
Gordan Ravančić, "Crna smrt 1348.-1349. u Dubrovniku. Srednjovjekovni grad i doživljaj epidemije", PhD dissertation, University of Zagreb, 2006.
Articles in encyclopaedias
Basic form
"Article Title", Encyclopaedia Title (further: Abbreviated Name), Volume, Place: Publisher, Pages.
"Austro-ugarska nagodba", Hrvatska enciklopedija (further: HE), vol. 1, Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleža", 1999, 477.
Signed encyclopaedia article
Basic form
Name Surname, "Article Title", Encyclopaedia Title (further: Abbreviated Name), Volume, Place: Publisher, Year, Pages.
Bernard Stulli, "Dubrovačka Republika", Enciklopedija Jugoslavije (further: EJ), vol. 3, Zagreb, 1984, 615.
Web-based texts
Please include as much information about the cited reference as possible information.
Basic form
Ime Prezime, „Article Title“,Page Title. URL (Accessed Date)
Emanuela Marchetti, "Viking Denmark and Early Medieval Italy: a possibility for a comparison", 31 May 2010)
Instructions for book notices and reviews
A book notice is short, informative description of a scholarly piece that contains the information about the full title, length of the book etc. Notices should be written in a neutral manner. They may not have footnotes and should not exceed 2000 characters.
A review is a critical discussion of a scholarly piece (book, journal). The review may contain footnotes and may be up to 10 000 characters.
The chief responsibility of the reviewer is to evaluate the article in a critical yet constructive manner, and to provide detailed comments about the paper under review to help the author improve it. The review of the article includes an assessment of the originality and the significance of the research conducted; the structure of the study; the methods applied; the presentation of the results; the strength of the argument; and the overall quality of the article. The reviewers must let the editors know of any possible conflicts of interest concerning the authors or the article for which the review was requested. In the majority of such cases the reviewers should abstain from accepting the review. Other responsibilities of the reviewer include confidential treatment of the article and submission of the review within the requested deadline. The reviewer should not show the article to anyone without explicit approval of the editor. Reviewers’ comments should be courteous. The editor reserves to right to refuse to communicate any inappropriate comments to the author. The reviewers must not use information from the reviewed article in their own research. They should also abstain from direct communication with the author directly. They should not reveal their identity, except by signing the review. The only exception is if direct communication with the author has been agreed upon by the editor.
The review must be based in a thorough analysis of the article and the reviewer’s good knowledge of the field and the relevant literature. The review should also point out any gaps and problems in the article and contain, if possible, proposals on how to change and improve the article in order to move it into a higher category (see below). The reviewers should also propose the category of the article, as prescribed by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
1. Original research paper: contains hitherto unpublished results of original research studies. These results should be presented in a way that allows testing of their accuracy as well as the accuracy of the analysis and conclusions based on these results.
2. Preliminary communication: contains new research results but without sufficient detail to allow verification. A preliminary communication may communicate results of a research study in progress, the timeliness of which demands fast publication. It is expected that a full version of the article will be published at a later date.
3. Review: contains a thorough overview of the state and developmental directions of a field, including critical evaluation and assessment. The bibliography must be sufficiently comprehensive to allow a proper insight into the state of the field.
4. Professional paper:may contain a discussion of an original solution or important practical exercises. A professional paper contributes towards the spread of information and knowledge.
Povijesni prilozi, Croatian Institute of History, Opatička 10, 10000 Zagreb;
Phone +385 1 4851-721
Fax +385 1 4851-725
E-mail: OR
Title of the manuscript: ______
Number of words ______Number of notes: ______
Is the article original?YES____ NO____
Has the author sufficiently supported their argument with evidence?YES____ NO ____
Has the author based their argument(s) in the current scholarship?YES____ NO____
I recommend revision of the text.YES ____ NO ____
General comments about the quality of the manuscript:
Suggestions for improvement of the manuscript (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary):
I suggest to:
_____ publish the manuscript in the (overall) unchanged form.
_____ publish the manuscript following the suggested changes.
_____ take the manuscript under consideration after suggested, comprehensive changes
_____ reject, for the reasons described.
I wish to see the revised version prior to the acceptance for publication.
YES____ NO ____
I recommend categorizing this article as:
original research paper____ ; preliminary communication____; review____; conference presentation____; professional paper_____
Your name and academic title:______
Date: ______
Signature: ______