Edinburgh Network of Organisations working with
Children, Young People and Families
Network Meeting Minutes
3rd August 2017
Niki Powers (Chair) / Health Opportunities TeamPaula Swanston / HLFS
Gaby Nolan / Move On
Judith Woodward / SLCO
Rhona Hunter / Circle
Anne Nixon / Home Start Leith
Louise Young / Edinburgh Women’s Aid CYP
Margot MacKenzie / Home Start Edinburgh WSW
Anna Chrystal / Stepping Stones North Edinburgh
Andrew Waldie / Dr Bell’s Family Centre
Sion Pickering / FOTA
Gary Dewar / Children 1st
Bev Read / Firsthand Lothian
Danny Holligan / Barnardo’s
Kerry Watson / Cyrenians
Mark Merrelll / EVOC
Bridie Ashrowan / Broomhouse Centre & Enterprise
Graham McCulloch / LAYC
Carol Targett / Pilton Community Health Project
Linda Alexander / Children’s Health Scotland
Katherine Anderson / EVOC
Ian Brooke / EVOC
1 / Network Meeting – apologies and introductions
Apologies received from Hawys Kilday, Barnardo’s, Karen Jenkinson, Sleep Scotland, Magali Redding, Eczema Outreach (Scotland), Susan Veitch, Positive Realities, Margaret Murphy, Edinburgh Young Carers, Carol Kelly, Positive Realities, Holly Thacker, EVOC, Tanya Anderson, Crossreach, Kevin Brown, The Ripple Project, Celine Sinclair, The Yard, and Rachel Mathers, The Yard.
2 / Minutes of Network Meeting Thursday 6th June 2017
The minutes were agreed with some changes to members of the Network who attended but were not included in the minutes.
3 / Matters Arising
- Access to Learnpro–The Network asked the following questions:
-What other modules can organisations access through Learn Pro?
-Does Learn Pro cover an organisation’s contractual agreements with CEC for child protection training?
KA to speak to Sean Byrne about the answer’s to the above questions.
- Child Protection Thematic Issues: decision to bring network members together who have noted thematic issues, and then to bring these to the Edinburgh Child Protection Committee (ECPC). Those who noted their interest in this at the meeting were Rhona Hunter, Louise Young and Anna Chrystal.Also, Anna C will raise this issue with Sean Byrne to ask for further details about how we raise thematic concerns with the ECPC.
- Pupil Equity Funding- Ian explained that he believes the CEC will continue to add organisations onto the procurement framework. EVOC to find out what headteacher’shave been toldin terms of buying in services from the framework.
5 / Network Development
- Child Protection Committee: new reps have been appointed to this committee including Anna O’Reilly from Children First and Andrew Murray from Safe Families for Children Scotland who has been appointed to the Learning and Development Sub-Committee.
- ICSMGs: these will be the driving force for children’s services delivery within the city. The Network asked EVOC to put together a flowchart of children’s services strategic groups within the city.
- Early Years Collaborative- Katherine to speak to Karen Grieves, NHS Lothian, about the Network becoming involved in the Children & Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC).
- The Big Lottery Early Action System Change fund- the Network agreed that EVOC could take the lead in putting together a bid for this fund. KA to share the link about the fund with the Network and also to arrange a meeting for those who would be interested in getting involved.
- Integrated Children’s Services Plan – the performance framework for this is currently being put together- Ian is the lead for the fifth strategic outcome. KA to speak to David Hoy about the contribution of the voluntary sector to the plan- to ask if the recent survey monkey from the grantscan be used as this included money brought in from additional sources.
- Choose Youth Work- KA explained that the funds from this will be locality-based and city-wide- there will be 5 PB processes. The evaluation from last year’s process is going to the Education, Children and Families Committee on 15th August. John Heywood, Strategic Lead for Youth Work, CEC, is going to come and speak to the Network on Thursday 7th September at 4pm.
6 / Voluntary Sector News
-CEDAR Project, Women’s Aid- this project is now looking for referrals from people who are in recovery from domestic abuse. The project also now has Polish speaking staff who can work with women who are referred to the project.
-Lobbying Regulator- Ian explainedthat if an agency is speaking to an MSP outside of their local area then they need to register with the lobbying regulator. KA to send around the link which details this information further.
-General Data Protection Regulations- New EU legislation which comes into force in May 2018. EVOC will be running some training into this.
-Social Security Consultation- the deadline for this consultation is on 23rd August- see Scottish Government website for further details. / KA
7 / Child Protection
-KA to ask Sean Byrne to come and speak to the Network in October (to waiver the bi-monthly inputs for a few months).
-The Network suggested November as a good date for the Training for Trainers course. KA to find out the expected commitment once they have completed the training- how many people does a trainer then need to go and train? / KA
8 / Partnership working - feedback
- CSMG Feedback. Danny Holligan provided feedback about the South West CSMG meeting:
- Circle- their annual lecture will be held on 12th October in the morning at the Botanic Gardens- lunch will be provided. Further information to follow. They will also be hosting a parliamentary reception for the Women’s Outreach Team on 30th November at 5.30pm. All are very welcome at both of these events.
- SLCCoare hosting an art therapy session for parents and carers on 19th August.
Date of Future Meetings at EVOC – please note time of 2-4pm
7 September, 5 October, 2 November, 7 December.