Junior Goat Show

Friday, September 9, 2016

Show Location: East Carolina Agriculture & Education Center

1175 Kingsboro Road,Rocky Mount, NC 27801

Phone: 252-641-7821, Fax: 252-641-7831

Judge: TBA (To Be Announced at a later date)


6:00 PM

Weigh In: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Entry Deadline:Thursday, September 1, 2016

$20 entry fee per Exhibitor

Payable to: Edgecombe Mutual Livestock Association or “EMLA”

Return form and Payment to:ATTN: Livestock Program

Edgecombe County Extension

PO Box 129

Tarboro, NC 27886

Exhibitor Information:

Name: / Age*: ______
*as of 1/1/2016 / Date of Birth:
Address: / **E-mail:
City: / State, Zipcode: / Participant T-shirt size:
County: / Phone #: / Cell #:
I have read the attached rules and regulations and agree to comply with these regulations as set forth by the Edgecombe Mutual Livestock Show. The Sponsors and Show Committee Members are not responsible for damages or loss of property incurred in connection with the show. All animals exhibited must meet North Carolina health requirements.
*Age as of January 1, 2016
Parent/Guardian Signature:

Animal Information:

No. of Meat Goats (Maximum of 3) ______Tag #’s ______,______,______

**Please include an e-mail of the most regularly checked - (parent and/or exhibitor) – only used for show updates, registration confirmations as needed or adverse weather related issues.


Junior Goat Show

Friday, September 9, 2016

6:00 pm

Entry Fee:$20.00 per childJudge: TBADeadline for Entry: Sept. 1, 2016

Rules and Regulations

  1. Exhibitors must be under 19 years of age as of January 1, 2016.
  2. The Carolina Meat Goat Circuit will follow the rules of each local show.
  3. All entry forms and fees must be filed with the show management no later than

September 1, 2016. Entry forms must be completely filled out. (Neither animals nor exhibitors are entered until entry fees are received).

  1. All horn tips must be dulled and/or blunt.
  2. In showmanship classes, exhibitors must show their own animals for points.
  3. All goats must have an ear tag or tattoo number. In addition, all animals must have a scrapie tag.
  4. All decisions made by the Show Committee are final.
  5. All decision made by the Judge will be final.
  6. Meat goats must have all baby teeth the day of the show.
  7. Animals must be does or wethers; no buck will be allowed to show.
  8. Entries will be divided into classes at the discretion of the show committee.
  9. All animals will be released following completion of the entire show.
  10. Goats will be weighed in from 3:30pm to 5:00pm on Friday, September 9, 2016.
  11. All animals exhibited must meet NC health requirements.
  12. Exhibitors found cheating, misrepresenting or participation in fraud or deception or acting in an un-sportsmanship like manner, shall be disqualified and possibly barred from future competitions.
  13. The superintendent reserves the right to exclude from competition any entry, which is late entering the show ring.
  14. Any disputes or questions are to be directed to the show superintendent.
  15. Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their animals while at the show
  16. Any questions not covered by these rules will be ruled upon by the show committee.
  17. Animals used in Showmanship Competition must be entered in the Edgecombe Mutual Livestock Show in the name of the Showmanship Exhibitor.

Prizes:1) Grand Champion - $100 and Award 2) Reserve Champion -$50 and Award

Minimum Premium for Novice Division will be:



Minimum for Premium for Junior & Senior Division will be:



The Edgecombe Mutual Livestock Showis a proud sponsor of the Eastern Carolina Showmanship Circuit.