EDEE/ME 4330 Science in Grades EC-6 & 4-8

Fall 2017


Class Location: Matthews 111

Instructor: Dr. Kelly Feille

Time of Class: 001: Monday 8:00-10:50 Matt 111

004: Thursday 8:00-10:50 Matt 111

Office: Matthews Hall 204-I

Office Hours:Monday 11:00-3:30, Thursday 11:00-1:30 in Matt 204-I

Friday 8:00-12:00 by appointment only and/or at

Email:*Please put your section number in the subject of any email you send to me*

Course Description

Subject matter background and material organization for an integrated science program inprimary and elementary school. Students experience first-hand the scope and sequence of science education in a primary/elementary/middle school setting. Assignments, directed field experience and other class activities take place on site in an EC-6 school setting. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teacher education program, which includes participation in a field-based program, EDEE 3320, 3380, all courses in the reading/English/language arts part of the academic major. Required core and academic major science courses and DFEC classes.

Goals and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course activities students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the true nature of science (NOS).
  2. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of a major conceptual area in science.
  3. Demonstrate professional skills, knowledge, and attitudes as outlined in the Texas Teachers Proficiencies.
  4. Apply to science lessons the Scientific Principles of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) required by the state of Texas.
  5. Identify and use the Science Process Skills as an integral part of science lessons.
  6. Identify science materials and lessons to address the appropriate Science content contained in the TEKS.
  7. Plan, develop, and implement inquiry-learning activities that follow accepted practice of inquiry-based science in the 5E format.
  8. Select (and adapt) activities and lessons from various resources to an appropriate style and sequence based on science education research.
  9. Organize and manage a safe hands-on approach to science instruction.
  10. Make connections between teaching, learning, subject areas, and your own growth as an educator.

Science Generalist EC-6 Standards (TEKS)

  • The science teacher manages classroom, field, and laboratory activities to ensure the safety of all students and the ethical care and treatment of organisms and specimens.
  • The science teacher understands the correct use of tools, materials, equipment, and technologies.
  • The science teacher understands the process of scientific inquiry and its role in science instruction
  • The science teacher has theoretical and practical knowledge about teaching science and about how students learn science.
  • The science teacher knows the varied and appropriate assessments and assessment practices to monitor science learning.
  • The science teacher understands the history and nature of science.
  • The science teacher understands how science affects the daily lives of students and how science interacts with and influences personal and societal decisions.
  • The science teacher knows and understands the science content appropriate to teach the statewide curriculum (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills [TEKS]) in physical science.
  • The science teacher knows and understands the science content appropriate to teach the statewide curriculum (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills [TEKS]) in life science.
  • The science teacher knows and understands the science content appropriate to teach the statewide curriculum (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills [TEKS]) in Earth and space science.
  • The science teacher knows unifying concepts and processes that are common to all sciences.

Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility Standards (PPR)

  • Knows and understands the importance of the state content and performance standards as outlined in the TEKS.
  • Uses the TEKS to plan instruction.
  • Knows and understands the importance of designing instruction that reflects the TEKS through Grade 6.
  • Plans instructional activities that progress sequentially and support stated instructional goals based on the TEKS through Grade 6.
  • Knows the connection between the statewide Texas assessment program, the TEKS through Grade 6, and instruction.
  • Standard I: Domain I: Competency 001-004 Domain III: Competency 007-010: The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment.
  • Standard II: Domain II: Competency 005-006: The teacher creates a classroom environment of respect and rapport that fosters a positive climate for learning, equity and excellence.
  • Standard III: Domain III: Competency 007-010: The teacher promotes student learning by providing responsive instruction that makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process and timely and high-quality feedback.
  • Standard IV: Domain IV: Competency 011-013: The teacher fulfills professional roles and responsibilities and adheres to legal and ethical requirements of the profession.
  • Technology Applications Standard I: Domain III: Competency 007-010: All teachers use technology-related terms, concepts, data input strategies and ethical practices to make informed decisions about current technologies and their applications.
  • Technology Applications Standards II: Domain III: Competency 007-010: All teachers identify task requirements, apply search strategies and use current technology to efficiently acquire, analyze and evaluate a variety of electronic information.
  • Technology Applications Standard III: Domain III: Competency 007-010: All teachers use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions and evaluate results in a way that supports the work of individuals and groups in problem-solving situations.
  • Technology Applications Standard IV: Domain III: Competency 007-010: All teachers communicate information in different formats and for diverse audiences.
  • Technology Applications Standard V: Domain III: Competency 007-010: All teachers know how to plan, organize, deliver and evaluate instruction for all students that incorporates the effective use of current technology for teaching and integrating the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

Curriculum Topics

  • Code of Ethics per Chapter 247: Domain II, IV
  • TEKS organization, structure, and skills: Domain I, III
  • State assessment of students (STARR Responsibilities): Domain I, II, IV
  • Curriculum development and lesson planning: Domain I, II, III
  • Classroom assessment for instruction/diagnosing learning needs: Domain I, III
  • Instructional technology: Domain I,III
  • Pedagogy/Instructional strategies: Domain I, III, IV
  • Differentiated instruction: Domain I, II, III, IV
  • Classroom Management: Domain II, IV


The official manner of communication outside of class meetings and office hours will be by email to (NOT through Blackboard). When sending emails, please attend to the following:

  1. Put EDEE 4330 and your section # in the subject line of the email (It may not catch my attention otherwise).
  2. Clearly elaborate your question or concern
  3. Include your full name at the close of your message

Please note: Before you send an email, please make sure you have used due diligence to answer your question yourself. Refer first to assignment instructions, assignment rubrics provided, Blackboard announcements, and your syllabus.

Please allow 24 hours for a response to your email.

Tentative Schedule

M / Th / Topic / Reading Wiki Questions Due / Assignment Due
1/21/17 / 1/19 & 1/26/17 / Course Introduction and NOS / Chapter 1 (In class) /
Physical Science Lesson Plan Sign up
1/30/17 / 2/2/17 / Teachers as Scientists / Syllabus
Chapters 2 & 11 / Science Autobiography
Quiz 1
2/6/17 / 2/9/17 / Science Learning & Practice / Chapters 3-4 / Density Investigation C.E.R.
Physical Science Intro Material due
2/13/17 / 2/16/17 / Exploring Science / Chapters 5-6
(Ch 13 in class) / Quiz 2
2/20/17 / 2/23/17 / Investigations & Learning Progressions / Chapters 7-8 / Physical Science Lesson Plan - First Draft Due
2/27/17 / 3/2/17 / Pedagogy of Science / Chapters 9-10
(Ch 14 in class)
3/6/17 / 3/9/17 / Midterm / Midterm
Earth Science Intro Material due
3/13/17 / 3/16/17 / Spring Break
3/20/17 / 3/23/17 / Connections in Science / Chapter 12 / Quiz 3
Microteach Supply lists due
3/27/17 / 3/30/17 / Interdisciplinary Learning / Chapter 15 / Earth Science Draft Hard copy to class
4/3/17 / 4/6/17 / Microteaching / Earth Science Lesson Plan Due *
4/10/17 / 4/13/17 / Microteaching / Life Science Intro Material due
4/17/17 / 4/20/17 / Microteaching / (Alternative Assignment Due)
4/24/17 / 4/27/17 / Microteaching / Life Science Lesson Plan Due*
5/1/17 / 5/7/17 / Microteaching / (Earth Science Corrections Due)
FINAL / FINAL / Final Exam

*If your Microteach is scheduled this day, you have 3 additional days to turn in assignments due

** TK20 assignments are bolded. Optional assignments appear in parentheses.

Course Requirements

Assignment / Possible Points
Daily Class Grade (Work completed, attendance, and professionalism) / 15%
Homework(Chapter Wiki Questions and others as assigned) / 10%
Quizzes / 25%
Lesson Plans (Blackboard & TK20 submission) / 25%
Physical Science Lesson Plan Final Draft, Life Science Lesson Plan, Earth & Space Science Lesson Plan
Microteach / 10%
Physical Science Lesson Plan Draft (TK20) & Microteaching Self-Reflection
Exams / 15%
Midterm and Final (Cumulative)
Total Possible / 100%

A=90-100% B=80-89.9% C=70-79.9% D=60-69.9% F<60%

**All assignments must be completed to earn an A in the course. Your work will be graded on the quality of your work, not the amount of energy/time/money you invested in the assignment. You will be accountable for grammar, usage, mechanics, and structure. All assignments (except those created during class) must be word-processed. Late work is susceptible to a drop in letter grade on each late assignment.

Please see specific assignment instructions for formatting and submittal information.

  1. Participation and Professionalism are critical
  2. Absences and tardies will count toward final grade reduction. After two absences your grade will drop one grade level then another grade level for each subsequent absence. Four absences can result in an administrative drop from the course.
  3. Tardies: Please arrive within the first 5 minutes of class. Three tardies = one absence
  4. Complete your assigned readings before coming to class. We will be using the book regularly, plan on bringing it with you.
  5. Please answer questions and participate in class discussion
  6. Please avoid social or unrelated conversation, working on other assignments, using your cell phone/checking email/on internet/playing games during class time etc.
  7. Class Assignments
  8. Readings and other activities will be assigned weekly throughout the semester. You will be expected to keep up with these assignments.You may or may not hear me explicitly refer to readings during class. However, you have been asked to read what I feel is important and valuable for your development as a teacher. You should expect to see any and all content referred to on quizzes and exams.
  9. You will be asked to create questions over each chapter in our course Wiki. This lets me know what material you think is important and helps you learn by thinking of the course content from a different angle. I will select from your questions for quizzes and midterm exam. Questions are due to the Wiki before class begins.
  10. Quizzes will be over course reading materials and class activities and discussions. You should not expect a review for quizzes. Summary sheets, provided presentations, and your own course notes should provide your study guide.
  11. Daily grades will be awarded over work done in class (some of which may require finishing at home).
  12. Science 5E Lesson Plan Development (TK20 Assignments)
  13. Physical Science Lesson Plan (Draft and Final)
  14. Topic chosen from approved list provided by instructor
  15. Must include Concept Map
  16. Earth Science Lesson Plan
  17. Topic chosen in class exercise
  18. Must include Concept Map
  19. Life Science Lesson Plan with Technology, Literacy,or Fine Artsintegration
  20. Topic chosen by student from single grade level and supporting/readiness TEKS
  21. Must include Concept Map
  22. Science Lesson Presentation
  23. Content teaching in the methods classroom using the 5E model.
  24. You will have approximately 30 minutes to teach a portion of your Physical Science 5E lesson. Your lesson should focus on student-engagement, questioning, and include some method of assessment.
  25. Midterm & Final
  26. Cumulative Exams/experiences that will assess your science content and pedagogical understanding.

Materials(and others as assigned)

Textbook (Required)

Science Stories: Science Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers by Janice Koch 5th Edition ISBN: 978-1-111-83343-5 (pbk.)

It is also strongly encouraged that you become a pre-service member of NSTA. Membership costs $39 for one year. Registration information can be found at

This course requires an assignment that must be uploaded and graded in the UNT TK20 Assessment System. This will require a one-time purchase of TK20. Student subscriptions will be effective for seven years from the date of purchase. Key assessments must be uploaded into the TK20 system for instructors to assess. Please go to the following link for directions on how to purchase TK20: http//

Contact the TK20 Administrator with any TK20-related questions or problems.

Articles and Readings:

Available under “Readings” on Blackboard.

Internet Resources:

  1. STAAR, TEKS and Safety Information: Scroll down to Science and select Grades 5 and 8. (download and print copies as needed)
  1. University of Texas Dana Center. The Dana Center provides Texas education leaders with new knowledge about teaching and learning. We also support K–12 teachers and leaders working to implement high academic standards for all students.
  1. Science Toolkit. Provide resources to help teachers implement the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and strengthen mathematics and science education in Texas.
  1. NSTA Learning Center

Policy Statements

The Educator as Agent of Engaged Learning:

Improving the quality of education in Texas schools and elsewhere is the goal of programs for the education of educators at the University of North Texas. To achieve this goal, programs leading to teacher certification and advanced programs for educators at the University of North Texas 1) emphasize content, curricular, and pedagogical knowledge acquired through research and informed practice of the academic disciplines, 2) incorporate the Texas Teacher Proficiencies for learner centered education, 3) feature collaboration across the university and with schools and other agencies in the design and delivery of programs, and 4) respond to the rapid demographic, social, and technological change in the United States and the world.

The educator as agent of engaged learning summarizes the conceptual framework for UNT's basic and advanced programs. This phrase reflects the directed action that arises from simultaneous commitment to academic knowledge bases and to learner centered practice. "Engaged learning" signifies the deep interaction with worthwhile and appropriate content that occurs for each student in the classrooms of caring and competent educators. "Engaged learning" features the on-going interchange between teacher and student about knowledge and between school and community about what is worth knowing. This conceptual framework recognizes the relationship between UNT and the larger community in promoting the commitment of a diverse citizenry to life-long learning. In our work of developing educators as agents of engaged learning, we value the contributions of professional development schools and other partners and seek collaborations which advance active, meaningful, and continuous learning.

Seeing the engaged learner at the heart of a community that includes educators in various roles, we have chosen to describe each program of educator preparation at UNT with reference to the following key concepts, which are briefly defined below.

  1. Content and curricular knowledge refer to the grounding of the educator in content knowledge and knowledge construction and in making meaningful to learners the content of the PreK-16 curriculum.
  2. Knowledge of teaching and assessment refers to the ability of the educator to plan, implement, and assess instruction in ways that consistently engage learners or, in advanced programs, to provide leadership for development of programs that promote engagement of learners.
  3. Promotion of equity for all learners refers to the skills and attitudes that enable the educator to advocate for all students within the framework of the school program.
  4. Encouragement of diversity refers to the ability of the educator to appreciate and affirm formally and informally the various cultural heritages, unique endowments, learning styles, interests, and needs of learners.
  5. Professional communication refers to effective interpersonal and professional oral and written communication that includes appropriate applications of information technology.
  6. Engaged professional learning refers to the educator's commitment to ethical practice and to continued learning and professional development.

Through the experiences required in each UNT program of study, we expect that basic and advanced students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions appropriate to the educational role for which they are preparing or in which they are developing expertise.

A broad community stands behind and accepts responsibility for every engaged learner. UNT supports the work of PreK-16 communities through basic and advanced programs for professional educators and by promoting public understanding of issues in education.

Ethical Behavior and Code of Ethics: The Teacher Education & Administration Department expects that its students will abide by the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators (Chapter 247 of the Texas Administrative Code and as outlined in Domain IV: Fulfilling Professional Roles and Responsibilities of the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES); and as also addressed in codes of ethics adopted by professionals in the education field such as the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Submitting Work: All assignments will be submitted via Blackboard Learn. Assignments posted after the deadline will be considered late and points will be deducted from the final grade. The amount of points may vary depending on the assignment. Late exam submissions will lose one point per minute late. Late assignments may lose up to 10 points per day.

Grading and Grade Reporting: Grading rubrics for all assignments can be found on the course Blackboard Learn website with the assignment. Students are encouraged to review the grading rubrics to guide them in successfully completing all assignments.